A program to secure that children love to come to their school
Objective To provide/upgrade the infrastructural facilities in State funded schools. To make schools secure, attractive and happy learning places for students and teachers.
WHAT ARE THE NINE RILM SUGGESTED COMPONENTS OF HAPPY SCHOOL? 1. Painted, well maintained and secure school building 2. Adequate and functional separate toilets for boys and girls 3. Hand washing stations 4. Clean and adequate drinking water for both students and teachers
WHAT ARE THE NINE RILM SUGGESTED COMPONENTS OF HAPPY SCHOOL? 5. Library 6. Play material, games and sports equipment 7. Benches, desks for students 8. Well maintained space for teaching staff To declare a school as Happy School, all above 9 components should be there in the school. 9. Shoes and school bags for students
HOW can a club IMPLEMENT HAPPY SCHOOL WITHOUT GRANT? Decide the location and the number of schools. Conduct School survey in 5 schools (using form R1.1). Finalize the facilities to be provided in the School. Arrange for funding and undertake execution of the project Upload project details on website as in format of HS 2.1 along with good quality pictures. IMPORTANT NOTE: If the school lacks 6 items, the Club is expected to provide for all 6. If the Club is not able / willing to take up all 6 items and wants to take up just 5, then it has to ensure that the school itself has either planned to or will soon provide for the remaining item in its School Development Plan. Thus Clubs are advised to coordinate with School Management Committee throughout the process.
How can A CLUB do a grant-linked project? Once a Project Offer (announced through TEACH App and website), confirm your commitment online. Collect information as required in grant application for the specific Project Offer. Select schools using the Comprehensive School Survey Form (Form No R1.1) Fill the relevant details as per terms of the Project Offer Grant Application Form to receive in principal approval from RILM Office. IMPORTANT NOTE: If the school lacks 6 items, the Club is expected to provide for all 6. If the Club is not able / willing to take up all 6 items and wants to take up just 5, then it has to ensure that the school itself has either planned to or will soon provide for the remaining item in its School Development Plan. Thus Clubs are advised to coordinate with School Management Committee throughout the process.
How can A CLUB do a grant-linked project? District and /or Club signs MoU with RILM Donate the contribution to RILM, if any after the grant is approved. Upon receiving in-principal approval, undertake execution according to the timelines pertaining to the Project Offer. Upload project details on website IMPORTANT NOTE: If the school lacks 6 items, the Club is expected to provide for all 6. If the Club is not able / willing to take up all 6 items and wants to take up just 5, then it has to ensure that the school itself has either planned to or will soon provide for the remaining item in its School Development Plan. Thus Clubs are advised to coordinate with School Management Committee throughout the process.
How can you monitor the HAPPY SCHOOL PROGRAM? Ensure quarterly monitoring visits (Form No: HS 3.1.) Student Feedback about the facility they are using in schools. Parents’ & teachers feedback. For libraries, ensure quarterly monitoring visits (Form No: HS 5.1). It is suggested to provide an introductory brief to the students, teachers and parents in the local language about the necessity of giving feedback in the Feedback Section of “Monitoring Visit Form for Happy School”, that is, to share the experience of the students in the “Happy School”.
RECOGNITION CRITERIA- ROTARY CLUB & DISTRICT For RILM certificate recognition, for a Club/District, intervention for minimum 5 components is must. In case less than 5 components are done, the record of the individual component/s will be maintained separately, but not be counted/recognised under Happy School. Club District Level Criteria Star Club 1 schools Star District 25 schools Super Star Club 3 schools Super Star District 50 schools Mega Star Club 5 schools Mega Star District 100 schools Supreme Star Club 10 schools Supreme Star District 200 schools
RECOGNITION CRITERIA- INNER WHEEL CLUB & DISTRICT For RILM certificate recognition, for a Club/District, intervention for minimum 5 components is must. In case less than 5 components are done, the record of the individual component/s will be maintained separately, but not be counted/recognised under Happy School. Club District Level Criteria Star Club 1 schools Star District 15 schools Super Star Club 3 schools Super Star District 30 schools Mega Star Club 5 schools Mega Star District 60 schools Supreme Star Club 10 schools Supreme Star District 125 schools
Before & After : Toilet Block constructed for children in a Happy School in RID 3052 Before & After : Playing Area revamped in a Happy School in RID 3052
CASE STUDY: HAPPY SCHOOL Infrastructure Boost In Government Schools Raise Happiness Index ONE YEAR, ONE CLUB CREATES ONE HUNDRED AND SIX HAPPY SCHOOLS Rotary Club of Bangalore, Rotary International District 3190, established in 1934, has 255 members. In a remarkable history of 83 years, the club has constructed 40 rural primary schools , established the Rotary Bangalore Vidyalaya, Rotary TTK blood Bank , A Dialysis Centre , free hospital in Channasandra Bangalore, toilet blocks , Solar based energy solutions to villages and many more socially relevant projects . In the 100th year of The Rotary Foundation, it set to itself the target to engage in an impactful project in the field of education and literacy.
CASE STUDY: HAPPY SCHOOL While the then incoming 16-17 Board was convinced that literacy is the way ahead, and contemplating a few happy schools in our objectives for the year, our good friend Past Rotary District Governor VVS Ravi came in with the idea and encouraged us to 'Dare to Dream'. In the installation on 3rd July, 2016 he implored us to accept a challenge of 100 schools. The entire audience was in a spell and what’s more, the board accepted the proposal in a daze. “We have consulted with the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan of the Govt. of Karnataka and have had their complete cooperation. We have short listed 100 schools in the north, south and rural of Bangalore, to provide any of the 5-6 of the above needs of the school”, remarked Ranga Rao. On an average it is estimated that each school could cost around Rs.3,50,000/- (depending on discounted material and services). Rotary Bangalore is proud to have created 106 happy schools in this Rotary year itself. This was a gigantic task of logistics, planning, execution and fund raising ...yet we are more than sure that it has all been worth it for the phenomenal impact that it has created in the education of our own children in Karnataka. The club calls it 'HAPPY 100 '!!
CASE STUDY: HAPPY SCHOOL A bit of statistics… The project has impacted: 106 schools 300 villages 16,000 children 50,000 beneficiaries all in one year It took 9,500 Rotarian hours and 61,000 contractor man hours Other clubs that are executing happy schools each year would be in a position to plan for a far larger impact and execute many more happy schools. “Dare to Dream” and Positive Change will be possible!
PROCESS GUIDELINE: SCHOOL LIBRARY Maintain 2 registers- one for stock of books, one for issuing of the books. Collect books from book donors or Clubs from publishers. Divide books into fiction and non-fiction. Select type of books and number of books to be given.
PROCESS GUIDELINE: SCHOOL LIBRARY Upload project details on website as in format of HS 4.1 along with good quality pictures. Library in charge should supervise the process. Develop a monitoring/maintenance method for Students. Put books in Book Rack. Arrange books by subject.
PROCESS GUIDELINE: CLASSROOM LIBRARY Classroom Library enables the students to have the facilities of a library in their classroom. Sort books as per age and class using the GROWBY format Put the segregated books in book-jackets for each class.
PROCESS GUIDELINE: BOOK DONATION Identify book donors, either corporate or individual Book Collection Drive at a specific location and sort it per subject and class. Once done the classes can be kept together as per level, Primary or Secondary Arrange book distribution through Clubs who identify Schools and beneficiaries and provide books collected from the location
CASE STUDY: LIBRARY CREATION 2.7 Lakh Books donated by Orient Black Swan Collection done in 5 Centers across India Books to be distributed to 21 districts