Perfect Information Conference Bath, England 18 May 2017 Year at a glance Perfect Information Conference Bath, England 18 May 2017 Robin Neidorf, Director of Research
When last we met... Highlights of PIC2016 Big data: cheaper infrastructure, improved data processing, new insights; barriers to getting data and processing it have gone down; barrier to the brainwork is still there Cybersecurity: Human element of failure; breaches in health, local government, general business, education, sent to wrong target, loss/theft; operator error, rogue BYOD, contractors as principle internal threats; criminals, politics, espionage and cloud as external threats Understanding today's digital products and specialization for different audiences Tech in our lives Getting out of the shadows - what's our value and how do we express our expertise? How do we make the case? Visibility Comms skills, meeting skills
Plus some other things happened...
Since May 2016 By May 2018 Strategy Department Staff/team Business development Professional development Personal
MAN vs MACHINE - comrade or threat? Keynotes: Big ideas, focused on the future Workshops and think tanks: Examine at a practical level What are you here for?: Tell your peers how they can help