Hamilton-Jefferson Counties Regional Office of Education #25 Dr. P. E. Cross, Regional Superintendent Dropout Report Training Enter
Dropout Report Training This training will take approximately 5-10 minutes. You will need to know your school/districts username and password in order to access this site. You will be guided through the training by little prompts that say next. Click on them to move to the next screen or section. NEXT!
Dropout Report Training NEXT! You can access the Dropout Report program through the website. Just click on the ROE Programs & Reports link in the left hand column. Follow the links to the Dropout Reports website. Note: The first page of the Dropout Reports website contains important information including recent additions/revisions/news about the Reporting Program. You wont be using this program very often, so please take a moment to be sure you have the most up to date information.
You may be prompted by a security screen to accept a certificate. The pop-up window(s) that appears may look something like this: Dropout Report Training NEXT! Click OK.
Using your school/districts username and password, login to the Reporter website. Dropout Report Training NEXT!
At the first screen you are prompted to select which quarter you are reporting. If this is your schools first time visiting the site you will see the window on the left. During follow on visits you will see the screen on the right. Using your mouse, click on the circle (radio button) that matches the quarter you are reporting, then left click on CONTINUE Dropout Report Training NEXT!
If you have no students to report: Click No and then logout. Youre done! If you have students to report: Click Yes Dropout Report Training The next screen you see will include these choices: NEXT!
If you clicked Yes then you are taken to the Dropout Reporter Panel. Its simple. Just fill in the blanks. When you reach the bottom click on the Add new Pupil Record to submit the individuals name. The name and information will appear in the list of records on the right hand side of the screen. You can continue adding more individuals, as needed, on the left hand side. Please note: The columns on the right hand side of the screen can be sorted by any of the headings that appear. For example: You can sort by last name, from A-Z, or from Z-A simply by clicking on the Last Name heading. When you are finished entering names, simply click on the Login/Logout button near the top. Be sure to fill in all blanks. Remember, a student under the age of 17 MAY NOT be listed as Withdrew. Dropout Report Training NEXT!
Once you click the Login/Logout screen at the top of the page, you will be taken to the following screen: Dropout Report Training IMPORTANT: Be Sure to click the Logout button to exit the Reporter Program. Thats it. Youre done! This presentation was created by the Hamilton-Jefferson Counties Regional Office of Education; Dr. P. E. Cross, Regional Superintendent; in cooperation with the Bond-Fayette-Effingham Counties Regional Office of Education; Mark Drone, Regional Superintendent. The Dropout Reporter Program was created by Mark Drone. Illinois Regional Offices of Education are free to adapt & edit this training presentation for educational purposes only.