I. Lab Notebooks.


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Presentation transcript:

I. Lab Notebooks

A. General Structure 1. Should be kept in a permanently bound notebook. a. Composition notebooks or journals are the best choices. b. Never in books with perforated pages and never tear anything out.

2. Write in black or blue ink only. a. Mistakes are corrected with a single line through. 1. Mark with date of error and initials. b. No white out, no erasing and no scribbles.

B. Procedures 1. General procedures and materials should be hand written prior to lab. 2. Should be paraphrased, not copied word for word. 3. Diagrams may be drawn or can be cut out and affixed with clear tape.

C. Results 1. Always include dates as well as general conditions. a. Record possible sources of error as you progress. 2. Tables should be hand drawn 3. Graphs may be drawn or cut out and affixed with clear tape.