Presentation Mobile Public Water Systems; A New Answer to an Old Problem Presented by: Alan Pyle – Founder and CEO
Setting the Table Public Water System Definition: Transient Non-Community A public water system that regularly supplies water to at least 25 of the same people at least six months per year. Below this criteria, no regulatory oversight exists Above this criteria, the options are: Water Hauling using the potable water hauling rules Registered potable water hauling tank Storage on site, distribution meeting PWS standard Apply for PWS registration Source approval (Surface, GUI, Ground Water) Treatment Process approval Oversight and management
Who Does this Affect? Locations where a municipal approved source is not available: Churches RV parks Summer camps Recreational parks Eco lodge/resorts Man Camps Estimated total population in O&G man camps in Texas: >7,000 across 484 sites
The O&G Man Camp Dilemma Technically does not meet the 25/60 rule Therefore unregulated/No regulatory oversight unless complaint Move frequencies prevent infrastructure application Temporary set ups are the standard Hauling is the chosen solution (in and out)
The Problem Water Hauling introduces contamination Water Storage does NOT meet potable water standards “NON POTABLE WATER” stickers in houses—says it all Safety showers connected to non-potable water Expensive bottled water and ice must be delivered Raw sewage stored in tanks on site, next to water tanks Daily truck traffic on site for water deliver/sewage pickup
Typical O&G Site Set Up (Oilfield way)
The Water Rig Solution A Self-Contained Proprietary Water Processing System Multi Step Treatment, Including reverse Osmosis Complete elimination of bacteria, viruses and spores A Complete Package Pressurization to the entire camp via NSF approved piping Ice Production delivered right at the system Drinking Water fill station Easy to Use We use your well or hauled in water supply We use the same electrical connection points as the housing We fully operate and maintain the system We provide you simple flat rate tickets
WaterFleet Monitoring – 24-7-365 Fully Automated Control System Reliable UL Certified Control System Allows for Autonomous Operation Self Monitoring Remote Monitoring and Control VPN private connection through site Wi Fi or Hot Spot Full control and connection via monitoring locations Automated emails from units to monitoring for alarms or shut downs Data Logging and Reporting Delivered water quality recorded hourly Total gallons delivered and recycled recorded Monthly reports provided to HSE 3rd party bacti lab testing performed and provided
WaterFleet Statistics Over 2,000 samples taken and tested per year for raw water and product water 14 WF staff dedicated to maintaining compliance WF processes about 300,000 gallons per day across 125 O&G sites Equivalent truck trips would be more than 50 per day From our inception in January 2014, WF has provided approximately 130 million gallons of safe drinking water on drilling sites.
The Water Rig; a PWS? Day 1 decision, behave like a PWS; engage TCEQ. Testing in line with EPA MCL’s and SCL’s Modeling to determine capability Data logging and monitoring Chlorine residuals Maintain system and distribution network according to best practices Year 2 decision, inform TCEQ about pad drilling. More than 25 people On site longer than 60 days Non-approved sources Request and work with TCEQ for a Guidance Document
TCEQ–MWTS PWS Approval Process WF Corrosivity Study. 2018 Opened dialogue w/ TCEQ Spring 2013 1st Meeting w/ TCEQ staff Fall 2014 WF Subm.PWS App. May 2017 Full TCEQ Apprv’l. Summer 2019? Met contact April 2014 Exceptions Process Deployed Prototype Unit Nov 2013 TCEQ - Guidance Doc. Fall 2015 TCEQ Cond. Apprv’l. Oct. 2017 Guidance Document (1st ever related to MWTS or non-approved source) Exceptions process gauntlet Exceptions process with conditions 600 page submittal Modeling Predicted to actual Engineering design dwgs Engineering dissertation
WaterFleet’s Risk Management Approach
Abundance of Caution The TCEQ Way 5 Systems approved, but: 60 day operating limit Ground water only Corrosivity study Current Status Corrosivity study submitted Wait 90-120 days for further approval Expectation to begin approving additional units Future GUI and surface water approval Extensions
The Future (is now) MWTS Solutions Drinking water for large crowd gatherings Construction Concerts/Events Emergencies Examples Drinking stations for 100’s or 1,000’s of workers Emergency man camp - Harvey Medical Facility – Harvey, storm affected MMU deployment Interim water production on new well