EXCLUSION OF STUDENTS WHO ARE DIFFERENT WHAT’S THE PROBLEM? EXCLUSION OF STUDENTS WHO ARE DIFFERENT Unfortunately, consciously or unconsciously many students and even teachers exclude students who are excluded. Sometimes as they are poor, sometimes as they talk different, sometimes as they have different traditions, as they are unseccesful… 30.08.2019
HOW THEY ARE EXCLUDED? They are Refused Teased Humiliated Excluded in group works or games Restricted to express themselves 30.08.2019
In our school there are students who come from 68 different backgrounds. So we decided to make a project to eliminate exclusion. We aimed to teach school members we are different but our differences are our richness. 30.08.2019
Because we think Each life style is a fruit. You cannot compare apple and grape. Each has different taste and colour and pattern but all of them are delicious. We do not want fix students. On the contrarary we want them to be different but learn from and respect “others” to see that they can achieve together. 30.08.2019
A COMENIUS PROJECT “Intercultural Education and Inclusion of Students With Socio-Economic Disadvantages” 30.08.2019
With the project we tried to Mostly underline the importance of communication skills as it is the most important key. Students, parents and teachers were given seminars on communication skills to understand “others” and to make sure them they are also “others” for people whom they call “others”. 30.08.2019
Give opportunities to take responsibilities We organized clubs for teachers and students to work on a problem that students want to eliminate at the school. All school members were responsible for organizing the Study Visit of the project in Turkey. They made a film of the school. 30.08.2019
They prepared films on their traditions and shared. They made an online dictionary in 4 languages They took roles as if they were travel agencies to travel abroad together They had an opportunity to see there are more “others” than they think 30.08.2019
What can we do more and better? We think that each call year, according to the topic of the year, project makers can be given an education programme which was prepared professionally to be used in seminars at the schools. 30.08.2019
What we have achieved? Briefly, at our school there are less “others” than we had before the project. They saw one of them is an apple and the other one is a banana but all of them are fruits. They finished the project successfully. Poor, rich, succesful, unsuccesful, short, tall, talented, untalented all worked around the same table. 30.08.2019
Also, more budget means better projects Also, more budget means better projects. If we had had more money, we would have had more participants in study visits. Moreover, an exchange programme for teachers and students can be added in addition to other project activities. 30.08.2019
THANK YOU 30.08.2019