Blogging in Education Danielle Fazio Kiara Marshall Chelsey Bloomfield
What is a blog? A blog is a text entry website created by anyone that allows quick publishing of information for anyone on the web to see It gives a posting date and allows a place for comments if the author wants
Blogging Statistics 23,000 new blogs are created every day that's about one every three seconds. 11% of Internet users report visiting blogs written by others. Between 2% and 7% of adult Internet users in the United States keep their own blogs. Of those, only about 10% update them daily, the majority doing so only once a week or less often. 61% of the blog readers (of those surveyed) are over the age of 30, and 75% make more than $45,000 a year. 400,000 blog posts are created every day in the blogosphere, which averages out to about 4.6 posts per second, or over 16,000 posts per hour. 92% of bloggers are under 30. There are only about 5,000 corporate bloggers. ging-stats
Languages Used in Blogging
Blogging in Education - CNN
Ways to Use a Blog in a Classroom 1.Classroom Management 2.Collaboration 3.Discussions 4.Student Portfolios
Classroom Management Inform students of classroom policies Include handouts or assignments to download or print Provide a calendar or agenda for absent students or parents Q&A between students and teachers about assignments
Collaboration Students can post their essays and receive feedback and peer reviews Mentoring from older students to help younger students develop confidence in writing Cooperative projects to share research and information between a group
Discussions Students can share opinions on topics in their own space Can react to others opinions online instead of face to face Teachers can assign questions for students to answer
Student Portfolio Students present and organize their projects online Growth in areas such as writing can be easily accessed by archives Motivation of students to produce better work because it will be published Parents can access students work and see how well theyre doing on assignments
Blogging in Education Experts Senior Researcher with E-Learning Research Group Works for the National Research Council of Canada where he has served as a Senior Researcher since Specializes in the fields of online learning, new media, pedagogy and philosophy. Affiliated with the Learning and Collaborative Technologies Group, Institute for Information Technology. Worked as a education and new media design specialist for Assiniboine Community College in Brandon, Manitoba. Stephen Downes
Blogging in Education Experts Author of Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts and Other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms Does presentations on these technologies and to teach and train educators how to use them effectively in the classroom. Learner in Chief at Connective Learning of Connective Learning, LLC (est. January 1, 2006) National advisory board member for the George Lucas Education Foundation Educator and Blogging in Education Advocate Will Richardson
Edublogs Description: This website is a great tool for teachers and students alike. Edublogs is free and easy, along with allowing teachers to set up their very own blog, share and view videos and podcasts as well as manage student blogs. Edublogs opens the world of technology to both students and teachers, with this website stress of assignments and lesson plans are made to ease ones mind. The website gives the ins and outs of how a blog works and how to set it one up as well as allowing students and teachers to personalize their blog according to their liking. Edublogs is just a great site that allows teachers and students to blog with ease and in a "no brainer" sort of way.
TeachersCount Blog Description: This site is actually a blog for teachers from all over the United States to come and share their experiences, thoughts about education and teaching life. TeachersCount Blog, is an excellent tool for future teachers and present teachers alike, it allows future teachers to gain insight into the world that they are to be involved in and one can see if that world is really what they would like to be apart of. As for present teachers, they are able to see what peers and other teachers have done in their classroom; what has worked and not worked and they are able to bounce ideas off of each other. TeachersCount Blog is a great tool for first time teachers because it can act as their mentor and guidebook. This site is also free and open to everyone, not only teachers or those who are involved in education.
Educational Blogging (EDUCAUSE Review) | EDUCAUSE wMagazineVolume39/EducationalBlogging/157920http:// wMagazineVolume39/EducationalBlogging/ Description: This is a article is by one of our experts Stephen Downes. He gives us a real life account on how using blogging in the classroom has impacted 5th and 6th grade classes at Institute St. Joseph in Quebec City. Then he goes onto to talk about his own blogging journey, and the influence that blogging has had on his life. He then talks about the different things that teachers can use blogs for. He goes on to talk about the practicality of blogs because they are easy to use and can also be absolutely free.
Educational Blogging Description: This website focuses primarily on the use of blogging as an educational tool that teachers introduce to their students, then use as a means of promoting learning. One of the great educational benefits of the read/write web, and blogging particularly, is the opportunity for the student to become a "teacher" by presenting material to an audience. When we teach, we learn. This website say that blogging promotes teacher communication, dialogue generation, and explains why student blogs and teacher blogs are different and equally important. This link Links to School Blogs is a tab on this website that has a list of fellow school bloggers and their blogs.
Blogging and RSS The "What's It?" and "How To" of Powerful New Web Tools for Educators Description: This website is an excellent tool. It is a column article that goes a bit into the history on the boom of the blogging world. It also talks about the transformation in how blogs are now being used for the classroom. This gives the teacher the opportunity to communicate with students and parents and archive and publish student work for their classroom. It talks about how you can use blogs as a form of collaboration. It also gives examples of classroom blogs that are already in existence that teachers can look at for examples of what they can implement in their own classrooms. Then at the bottom of the page it gives you instructions on how to start your own blog.
Why Blog? Students Answer.