Exam conditions *SILENCE* 07 September 2019 Starter Task: Test – Exam conditions *SILENCE* Easy answers (state) ......... will be made of flour, butter, eggs and milk. Clever answers (apply) ..... could be made of flour, butter, eggs and milk because flour is a cheap commodity… and easy to work with. Genius answers (justify) .......could be made of flour, butter, eggs and milk because they are locally sourced ingredients minimising air miles…, therefore ......
Menu planning There are 4 basic questions to ask before planning: Identify the main factors Discuss solutions Lesson Objectives There are 4 basic questions to ask before planning: Who is going to eat the meal (age, gender, occupation, dietary needs)? When will it be consumed (year, time of day)? Where will it be consumed (venue, space, facilities)? What will be eaten (menu time, sit down, buffet)?
Nutritional needs All the main nutrients need to be considered for all target groups especially in a residential establishment (prison, hospital, care home) Young children – small attractive portions, emphasis on protein and avoid sugary fatty foods Teenagers – protein, 5 fruit and veg daily, low sugar and fat, good supply of iron for girls, sensible eating habits Pensioners – protein, calcium and vit D for healthy bones, more fat in the winter, fruit and veg, soft foods for ease of chewing Special diets – Rich in vit C in hospitals to aid healing, small colourful portions
Other factors Vegetarian dishes – popular, colourful and cost effective Religious and ethnic diets – Jews and Muslims no pork, Hindus no beef, by law all restaurants must offer a vegetarian dish, Time of year – preferably hot in the cold and cold in the hot climate, seasonal produce for cost and transportation and traditional dishes (turkey at Christmas) Type of customer – varied and for various reasons all with different needs Time available – shorter to cook, smaller the menu (fast food – queue, collect, consume, clear away), longer more relaxed ‘meal experience’ approach Price – fair price for a fir portion, golden arches vs hotel prices, profit is key residential establishment = small budget, commercial establishment = large profit (overheads)
Other factors Portion control – must be established for food production, good portion control = : Costs down Minimal losses Satisfying portion Profit A range of ideas to help include: Marking food out into portions Scoops, ladles Glasses Individual pie dishes Ramekins – mousses/pates Moulds – jellies Coupes – ice cream Soup plates/bowls Serving spoons
Other factors Ability of chef – highly trained or reheating products (cook/chill menus) Equipment availability – complicated menu = many equipment to aid preparation and cooking Methods – varied (boil, bake, fry, grill, poach, roast, stew), poor planning = fish and chips and apple fritters = all fried Ability of serving staff – silver service vs ready plated, styled behind the door Balance – varied ingredients (avoid repetition), colour(bright), flavour (varied), texture (interest – croutons/wafers), shape (interest)
Other factors Presentation: Task: Consistency Texture Flavour Seasoning Accompaniments Decoration (sweet) Garnish (savoury) Task: Plan a meal for a wedding anniversary Design a meal for a Halloween party Plan a finger buffet for an 18th birthday
Planning a range of menus Table d’hote – fixed price 2 or 3 courses A la carte – individually priced and cooked to order Party/function – varied Ethnic – fixed or a la carte Fast food – priced separately Rotating – fixed pattern over a number of days Task: find examples of each of the above Homework: Complete revision material/revise for test