Welcome to Liberty Physical Education
Introduction of your Teachers
Mrs. Cornelison Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts in Education from The University of North Alabama
Coach Fuell Bachelor of Science in Education from The University of North Alabama
Coach Harper Bachelor of Science in Education from Jacksonville State University
Objectives/Goals All activities are based upon The AL Course of Study for Physical Education Participate in P.E. daily Enhance your overall health Develop and improve your skills Provide social opportunities Have fun!
Expectations Libertys School-Wide Expectations. BE RESPECTFUL BE RESPONSIBLE BE SAFE
Gym Expectations Be Respectful Display good sportsmanship at all times Use appropriate language Be respectful of teachers and classmates Be tolerant of the differences of others
Gym Expectations Be Responsible Arrive on time and go to assigned roll call Be prepared for class: P.E. Uniform Athletic Shoes PlannerLock
Gym Expectations Be Responsible cont. Enter locker room and go to your assigned locker Change into P.E. uniform and athletic shoes Lock all belongings in locker Re-enter gym promptly and return to roll call Report bullying
Gym Expectations Be Safe Listen and follow instructions Keep hands and feet to self Stay on task No bullying
Locker Room Expectations Be Respectful Respect the privacy of others Respect personal space & belongings Follow all locker room rules Use appropriate language Follow adult directions
Locker Room Expectations Be Responsible Keep area neat and orderly Clean up after yourself Be prompt exiting Report Bullying
Use only for designated purposes Keep hands and feet to self No bullying Locker Room Expectations Be Safe
If something is not working for you please notify us so we can find a solution and ensure everyone has a successful year.