Back to School Night (2018) Mr. David Irie Economics (First Semester) and AP Government (Second Semester) - Period 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5
Economics Economics is a state required course for graduation. It is a survey course designed to help give your son / daughter an overview of some basic economic principles.
Current Events are a key component of the course. Every period begins with a student current event presentation. Each student is assigned a day to do a presentation. Each student will present at least once during the quarter. The presentation should last 3 - 5 minutes and relate to the world of business.
Lessons Lectures. Games. Simulations. Use of Chromebooks Econo Game Market of Wheat Game Simulations. Stock Simulation
Grading 1. Point Scale (Approximately 1000 per semester. 2. Tests are the most heavily weighed part of the course. Homework assignments and handouts are posted school web site. Limited extra credit available. Make up policy (one day for every day that is missed.) Citizenship (Tardies, tardies, tardies…)
Economics Curriculum Basic Living Skills (Personal Investing) Introduction to Economics Microeconomics Macroeconomics International Trade Basic Living Skills (Personal Finance)
Standards and Student Learner Outcomes (formerly ESLR’s) All state standards are addressed in the course. Schoolwide Learner Outcomes, which have been determined by the school, will be be addressed. A list of these can be found on the school website under my homework assignments.
Economics Major Assignments Entrepreneur Project (Due on Sept 12) Stock Simulation (Due on Nov. 9): Editorials on Anti-trust and protectionism.
AP Government begins in the second semester. AP Government curriculum is driven by the College Board. The class is designed to prepare your son / daughter for the AP exam in May.
Some Logistics Grades are posted regularly on powerschool. Most assignments are posted on the school web site.
Contacting Me Email: or you can call the school to make an appointment 626-299-7020 Conference time is at lunch (12:20 - 1:00 pm) or sixth period (2:00 - 3:00 pm).