Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Current realization of the project activities University of East Sarajevo, Monitoring visit, 09.11.2018. Project number: 561874-EPP-1-2015-1-BE-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP "This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein"
Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education
Specific Partners Role Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Project Month Real date of realization WP Project activity Outcomes/ Specific Partners Role Progress Status M2 7-10.03. 2016. Banja Luka, BIH WP1 1.1. Analysis of current situation about int’l and recognition mechanisms Clear and transparent situation presented by all public universities, ministries and agencies as well as EU partners related to internationalization and recognition mechanisms. This activity was prerequisite for the realization of other activities in the WP1. Analysis available on the project web page under link below as well as agenda, photos, report and evaluation report: WP1 report is on the project web page (UES). OK
Specific Partners Role Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Project Month Real date of realization WP Project activity Outcomes/ Specific Partners Role Progress Status M3 1 February – 12 May 2016. WP1 1.2. Creation questionnaire for self-assessment of all B&H partners 3 developed questionnaires: 1 for students Int’l and Manual, 1 for management of the University and faculties – Int’l, 1 for secretaries – RQual. All project partners were actively involved in the realization of this activity. This activity was prerequisite for the implementation of the self-assessment at the University. OK
Specific Partners Role Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Some indicators of 1.3. Number of students’ responses in BH: 2822, Number of BH university management responses: 161, Number of secretaries responses: 95, Number of reports by ministries: 4, Number of reports by agencies: 3. Automatic generated reports All these were basis for SWOT analysis and development of strategy for int’l and indicators. Project Month Real date of realization WP Project activity Outcomes/ Specific Partners Role Progress Status M4 12 May – 31 October 2016 WP1 1.3. Implementation of self-assessment in B&H Filled electronic questionnaires for students (Int’l), for managements (Int’l) and for secretaries (RQual). Conditions are provided for further analysis. Filled reports by 2 ministries about int’l and RQual and 3 agencies about int’l and RQual . All surveys are lasted until the end of October 2016 for all type of surveys at all project partner universities. OK
Specific Partners Role Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Project Month Real date of realization WP Project activity Outcomes/ Specific Partners Role Progress Status M5, M6 1 September – 15 November 2016. WP1 1.4. SWOT analysis for all partners about internationalization and recognition mechanisms In total, 25 SWOTs and 7 reports are done. All SWOT analyses and reports by all B&H partners are collected and published. OK
Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education
Specific Partners Role Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Project Month Real date of realization WP Project activity Outcomes/ Specific Partners Role Progress Status M7 05-08.09. 2016. Bihac, BIH WP2 2.1. Workshop for developing recognition model, int’l strategy and indicators Progress analysis of the project. Trained personnel about starting with development model of recognition of qualification, with the creation of strategy for internationalization and key performance indicators. Shared experiences about Int’l and RQual. This workshop was the input for the realization activities from WP2. Presentations are available on the project web page under link below as well as agenda, photos, report and evaluation report: OK
Specific Partners Role Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Project Month Real date of realization WP Project activity Outcomes/ Specific Partners Role Progress Status M8-M10 Before 30th June WP2 2.2. Development of recognition model Recognition model. Glossary for Recognition of Qualification. All B&H partners participated in the creation of this model under leadership of CIP. 1st draft will be presented at the Consortium meeting in High Wycombe. All B&H partners organized additional workshops for all their faculties. 1st draft was presented at the consortium meeting in High Wycombe. Glossary RQual Recognition models on 4 languages available on the project web page. Mark on the project web page these models with number 2.2 (UES). CIP and MOERS finished with the organization of seminars at all public universities + 2 at the private universities. Dissemination report In progress
Specific Partners Role Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Project Month Real date of realization WP Project activity Outcomes/ Specific Partners Role Progress Status M11, M12 until 25th September WP2 2.3. Development of int’l strategy at all partner universities 2.4. Development of internationalization measures/ indicators at all partner universities 8 internationalization strategies for 8 public universities (for now 5 strategies adopted) Glossary for Internationalization All BH universities should send their strategies and indicators to the project coordinator and sub-coordinator in order to be published on the project web page (SUM, UBL, UNBI, UNMO, UES, UNSA, UNTZ, and UNZE). All strategies and indicators should have STINT logo, project number and Erasmus+ logo and should be published under activity number on the project web page. Decision on adoption of strategies and indicators should be also submitted. Key elements of the strategy should be translated in English. In progress
Specific Partners Role Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Project Month Real date of realization WP Project activity Type of outcomes Outcomes/ Specific Partners Role Progress Status M5 13-16 June 2017. in Mostar 2 2.5. Comparative analysis of developed key documents Event, report Comparison of SWOT analyses of all BH partners. Comparison of progress of strategies and indicators at all BH universities. Comparison of different opinions about implementation of pilot activities. EU partners presented SWOT analyses of BH partners from EU perspective. Comparison between all universities was done. All strategies and Indicators are presented by all universities. Realization of WP4 was agreed (pilot activities). Presented stated on conducted questionnaires. OK
Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education
Specific Partners Role Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Project Month Real date of realization WP Project activity Type of outcomes Outcomes/ Specific Partners Role Progress Status M8 Until 1st June 2018 3 3.1. Procurement of IT equipment for international and students’ offices for B&H universities Report, Service/ Product Procured equipment and books. - Joint tender is closed. 7 universities are/ will be equipped, UNBI failed. UNBI repeated the procedure alone. - Translation of documentation for joint tender in English will be finished soon. Translation of LOT1 also. - For equipment is needed to send to the project coordinator: invoice with STINT reference, VAT exemption, bank proof, inventory numbers and - For books is needed: invoice, registration as university goods, bank proof and explanation why we need these procured books!!! - Send one report to the project coordinator how procured equipment will be used at each university!!! - Additional equipment for the rest of money will be procured, but firstly is needed that each university sends to the project coordinator specification with explanation why you need this equipment and how? – EACEA approval. In progress
Specific Partners Role Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Project Month Real date of realization WP Project activity Type of outcomes Outcomes/ Specific Partners Role Progress Status M7 Until 1st June 2018 3 3.2. Development rulebook/ guide for university internationalization Service/ Product Developed and published rulebooks and guides for internationalization for BH universities. 8 rulebooks and 8 guides. All developed rulebooks and guides should be sent for publishing on the project web page under number 3.2. Decision on adoption of rulebooks per universities should be submitted. In progress
Specific Partners Role Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Project Month Real date of realization WP Project activity Type of outcomes Outcomes/ Specific Partners Role Progress Status M8 – M10 13-16 March. Gent 02-06 April 2017. Porto 17-21 October 2017. London Uxbridge Campus of Bucks 3 3.3. Practical workshop at EU partner (P1) 3.4. Practical workshop at EU partner (P2) 3.5. Practical workshop at EU partner (P3) Event, Report Educated staff and students prepared for dissemination of internationalization at home institution. Themes: Mobility, Int’l of curriculum, networking, different models of internationalization, internationalization ethics and values, international projects, funds, ICT BH staff is educated about internationalization process and recognition mechanisms by staff from KU Leuven, IPP and Bucks. All presentations and report are published at the project web page. Agenda, presentations, photos, report and evaluation report are available on: OK
Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education
Specific Partners Role Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Project Month Real date of realization WP Project activity Type of outcomes Outcomes/ Specific Partners Role Progress Status M10 From June 2017 – November 2017 4 4.1. Selection of pilot activities and selection of mentor for each university Report, Service/ Product Selected activities for piloting 4 activities are selected by all universities. Mostar meeting – nominated mentors for the realization of pilot activities. OK
Specific Partners Role Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Project Month Real date of realization WP Project activity Type of outcomes Outcomes/ Specific Partners Role Progress Status M11 From June 2017 – November 2017 4 4.2. Creation of template for implementation of selected pilot activities Service/ Product Created template for pilot activities Each selected activity will be placed in the unique template which should be developed. OK
Specific Partners Role Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Project Month Real date of realization WP Project activity Type of outcomes Outcomes/ Specific Partners Role Progress Status M12 Until 15th September 2018 4 4.3. Implementation of pilot activities at partner universities Report, Service/ Product Implemented and sustainable pilot activities for the future - We are waiting on realization of 7 of 32 pilot activities. - Report on implementation of pilot activities should be sent to the project coordinator and to sub-coordinator per each university! In progress
Specific Partners Role Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Project Month Real date of realization WP Project activity Type of outcomes Outcomes/ Specific Partners Role Progress Status M1, M2 KU – 19-23/03/2018 IPP – 19-23/03/2018 4 4.4. Visits of mentors Event, Report Mentors’ visitation. Done reports for all universities. IPP visited SVEMO, UNMO, UBL and UNBI. KU visited UNSA, UES, UNZE and UNTZ. OK
Specific Partners Role Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Project Month Real date of realization WP Project activity Type of outcomes Outcomes/ Specific Partners Role Progress Status M3 16-19th April 2018. Tuzla 4 4.5. Seminar of benchmarking implemented pilot activities - Tuzla Event, Report, Service/ Product Selected the best pilot activities from the point of view of mentors. Benchmarking report should be done! Agenda, presentations, photos, report and evaluation report are available on the link In progress
Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education
Specific Partners Role Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Project Month Real date of realization WP Project activity Type of outcomes Outcomes/ Specific Partners Role Progress Status M4 16-19th April 2018. Tuzla 5 5.1. Benchmarking different criteria across Europe about assessing of internationalisation and B&H overview Event, Report Presented criteria for Int’l around Europe. Presented Int’l criteria from existing criteria for accreditation. Presented opinions of all partners about criteria for accreditation of B&H about int’l. Realization of this activity will be entrance in the story about improving criteria for accreditation about Int’l. Presentations about benchmarking different criteria are presented in Tuzla meeting on 1st day available on the link OK
Specific Partners Role Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Project Month Real date of realization WP Project activity Type of outcomes Outcomes/ Specific Partners Role Progress Status M5 – M7 September 2018. 5 5.2. Developing of criteria for assessing internationalisation of University and study programs Report, Service/ Product Developed criteria for assessing int’l at the university and study program level November 2016 – new criteria in B&H for accreditation with int’l elements. Identified no need for new criteria for int’l. Comparison between ECA and our criteria! OK
Specific Partners Role Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Project Month Real date of realization WP Project activity Type of outcomes Outcomes/ Specific Partners Role Progress Status M8 – M10 November 2018. 5 5.3. Developing guide for assessing quality in internationalisation Report, Service/ Product Developed guide as a support to criteria for assessing int’l at the university and study program level HEA created Guide for assessing int’l with confirmation and a lot suggestions of all partners. Additional activity!!!! Self evaluation report for minimum 2 criteria for testing!! OK
Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Signing Quality Policy Statement
Specific Partners Role Specific Partners Role Specific Partners Role Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Project Month Real date of realization WP Project activity Type of outcomes Outcomes/ Specific Partners Role Progress Status M11 6 6.1. Internal quality control and monitoring Report 1st year internal reports 2nd year internal reports 3rd year internal reports need to be submitted until the end of 2018. OK In progress Project Month Real date of realization WP Project activity Type of outcomes Outcomes/ Specific Partners Role Progress Status M12 6 6.2. External quality control and monitoring Events, Report Visited all institutions and done external report.s for 1st and 2nd project year. OK In progress Project Month Real date of realization WP Project activity Type of outcomes Outcomes/ Specific Partners Role Progress Status M1 – M12 6 6.3. Evaluation form for quality control of the different meetings and activities Reports Evaluated questionnaire about satisfaction with held meetings. Each event has its evaluation report In progress
Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education
Specific Partners Role Specific Partners Role Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Project Month Real date of realization WP Project activity Outcomes/ Specific Partners Role Progress Status M1 and M10 January 2016 and October 2016. WP7 7.1. Development of dissemination and sustainability plan during project lifetime 27 pages of Dissemination and sustainability plan, 7 tables These types of plans were prepared, reviewed and accepted at the kick off meeting by all participants. 2 work-papers published OK Project Month Real date of realization WP Project activity Outcomes/ Specific Partners Role Progress Status M1-M12 During all months WP7 7.2. Public dissemination through design and maintenance of the project website 2017 (English version) Number of visits: 47.925 Pages: 94.665 Hits: 196.584 2017 (BHS version) Number of visits: 527 Pages: 2.484 Hits: 5.574 (English version) and (BHS version) OK
Specific Partners Role Specific Partners Role Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Project Month Real date of realization WP Project activity Outcomes/ Specific Partners Role Progress Status M3, M6, M9, M12 May, July, October 2016 WP7 7.3. Dissemination through design and maintenance newsletter 3 newsletters (1st – 10 pp, 2nd – 5 pp, 3rd – 7 pp, 4th – 4 pp) WP leader – UES in cooperation with project partners did 4 issues of newsletters. For now there are 9 issues of newsletters in the registry of Publications – Newsletter. OK Project Month Real date of realization WP Project activity Outcomes/ Specific Partners Role Progress Status M1-M3 Until March 2018. WP7 7.4. Dissemination through design and distribution of promotional materials Color pencils 1000, Leaflets 800, Roll up baner 8, Notes A5 750, Folder with rubber 300, USB 153, Notes 12x12 400 1000 color pencils, 800 leaflets, 8 roll up banners, 750 notes A5, 300 folders with rubber, 153 USB, 400 notes 12x12 We are waiting finishing printing strategies, guides, rulebooks and other specified brochures that is approved by EACEA. OK
Specific Partners Role Specific Partners Role Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Project Month Real date of realization WP Project activity Outcomes/ Specific Partners Role Progress Status M1, M6, M11 March, October 2016 WP7 7.5. Dissemination through media activities and publication in local newspapers All partners have freedom to organize media conference or to publish some texts in the newspaper. Publication in press 7 6 video/ TV presentations Facebook network with 217 members Videos available on the home page at the right side. OK Project Month Real date of realization WP Project activity Outcomes/ Specific Partners Role Progress Status M12 April 2019. 7 7.6. Dissemination conference Will be held at the University of East Sarajevo in April of 2019. Presented all realized activities by all partners. Presented future challenges. Working days of the conference will be 3rd and 4th April of 2019. - Brcko Not started yet
Specific Partners Role Specific Partners Role Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Project Month Real date of realization WP Project activity Outcomes/ Specific Partners Role Progress Status M10 – M11 June – July 2018. 7 7.7. Setting up network between EU and B&H partners Established channels of further communication. Established online network (Facebook, twitter etc.). Enabled communication after the project lifetime. Agreed in Porto and will be presented at the dissemination conference. Will be discussed about 1. Future sustainability of Facebook network, 2. EU partners official declaration that they will stay as mentors after the project lifetime, 3. Present all KA1 agreements realized with KU, IPP and Bucks from 15 October 2015 until 15 April 2019 as well as new agreements with these institutions, 4. New project application STINT@H, 5. IRO officers’ meetings on yearly basis In progress Project Month Real date of realization WP Project activity Outcomes/ Specific Partners Role Progress Status M11 Next rectors’ conference 20 04 2018 7 7.8. Development of integrated statement policy about internationalisation for each partner Developed integrated statement policy of each project partner to the process of internationalization and to recognition of qualifications. All rectors from B&H signed internationalization policy statement. OK
Specific Partners Role Specific Partners Role Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Project Month Real date of realization WP Project activity Outcomes/ Specific Partners Role Progress Status M10 Consortium meeting it will be presented by all partners 7 7.9. Creation of dissemination and sustainability plans after project lifetime Developed sustainability plan of each partner for internationalization and recognition of qualifications. Draft of the plan form is presented in the last consortium meeting and agreed for now. In next meeting will be presented working form and in dissemination conference final plans. In progress Project Month Real date of realization WP Project activity Outcomes/ Specific Partners Role Progress Status M1 – M2 September – November 2017. 7 7.10. Internal university workshop dissemination Each public university will have to educate minimum 100 persons at home institution related to int’l and recognition of qualifications. Signed participant lists, published news. Over 900 staff and students are educated at home institutions (public universities) about internationalization, STINT project and disseminated information and experiences gained during workshops at EU partners. Collection of participant lists as well as photos is in progress. CIP and MPKRS should keep two additional trainings, one for private HEI in Republika Srpska, and other one for private HEIs in Federation of B&H. Terms – until 31st December. In progress
Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education
Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education WP 8 8.1. Kick off meeting 8.2. Consortium meetings Making key decisions necessary for the whole project success, especially for the each project year. Revision of all minutes, decisions. Zenica High Wycombe Porto 8.3. Financial and administrative management of all project activities During all months all partners are working on different administrative and financial issues of the project.
Thank you for your attention! Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Thank you for your attention!