Types of Heroes Which will YOU be?
The Classic Hero (Like an epic hero) Most common Incredible courage Remarkable feats Come from a good family Need to overcome one major flaw to “win” Happily ever after
The Tragic Hero ‘Fatal flaw’ Come from a high position or family The flaw that brings about the downfall of the hero Come from a high position or family Often make a few poor decisions Punishment may be too harsh for their shortcomings
The Unwilling Hero Not looking to be the hero Resistant to accepting what needs to be done Major flaw of self-doubt Often relies on encouragement/help from others to “win”
The Anti-Hero Questionable morals Rebellious nature Oftentimes when faced with right vs. wrong, chooses wrong at first Sometimes require compensation for their good choices
What’s the difference between an anti-hero and an antagonist? An anti-hero is able to learn from his mistakes He may choose the wrong path first, but then chooses the right thing to do An antagonist tries to create conflict in the story He continues to choose the wrong thing and feels no remorse for it
For each character pictured, choose if they are Mini Quiz! For each character pictured, choose if they are - A Classic Hero - A Tragic Hero - An Unwilling Hero - An Anti-Hero