Ing. Viera Petrášová, CSc. Forest Research Institute Zvolen Gender & Forestry Ing. Viera Petrášová, CSc. Ing. Mária Poljovková Forest Research Institute Zvolen
Forest Research Institute Zvolen Gender & Forestry Women represents: - 51,6 % of population - 45 % of unemployed Forest Research Institute Zvolen
Forest Research Institute Zvolen Gender & Forestry -1997 – National Action Plan – declares equal position of women, removing of economic handicap and support to improve the labour market for rural women Forest Research Institute Zvolen
Forest Research Institute Zvolen Gender & Forestry Questionable themes: - small enterprising - employment - social supporting systems - education of women Forestry Forest Research Institute Zvolen
Forest Research Institute Zvolen Gender & Forestry Social status of women: job position – not adequate wage – 30 % difference - homework – „unpaid work“ Forest Research Institute Zvolen
Forest Research Institute Zvolen Gender & Forestry Study in forestry 1947 – forestry education on University level - from the 60th to 80th – restricted study for women - after 1980 restrictions were cancelled what caused 10 % increase of women graduates (Pic. 1) Forest Research Institute Zvolen
Forest Research Institute Zvolen Gender & Forestry Forest Research Institute Zvolen
Forest Research Institute Zvolen Gender & Forestry From academic year 1999/2000 it is possible to study at these fields at University: Forestry Management and enterprising in forestry (MEF) Forest ecology - Applied zoology and game hunting (AZaGH) Forest Research Institute Zvolen
Forest Research Institute Zvolen Gender & Forestry Tab. 2 Summary of the graduates from the Faculty of Forestry at Technical University Zvolen since academic year 1999/2000 Forest Research Institute Zvolen
Forest Research Institute Zvolen Gender & Forestry Structure of work classification of women foresters - At present we have data of national forest enterprise Lesy SR š. p. Banská Bystrica and its affiliated forest enterprises. - The focus of employing women foresters lies at the level of affiliated forest enterprise (see Tab. 3 and 4) Forest Research Institute Zvolen
Forest Research Institute Zvolen Gender & Forestry Tab. 3 Work classification according to sex Lesy SR, š. p. Banská Bystrica – HeadQuarters Work classification Departments Total HQ 100 200 300 400 500 Chief engineer Men 3 4 6 7 5 29 Women - 2 1 Engineer 26 18 13 11 76 9 Other 17 Ženy 21 Forest Research Institute Zvolen
Forest Research Institute Zvolen Gender & Forestry Tab. 4 Work classification according to sex Lesy SR, š. p. Banská Bystrica – Affiliated forest enterprises (AFE) Work classification AFE Director Men 26 Women 2 Deputy manager 49 9 Chief fellow officer 330 109 Chief of the centre 1 Others 25 87 Forest Research Institute Zvolen