Week 4 IT 8 One or more? Game 2
Week 4 IT 8 ‘One or more?’ This teacher led activity aims to highlight that the addition of ‘s’ is made to the main noun and not to the words that describe them, e.g. not 5 gels but 5 gel pens One form of the noun (singular/plural) is always given; the child is sometimes asked for the singular and sometimes the plural. The next 2 slides are the answer sheets for each child to complete as they watch the IT presentation. These should be printed and distributed to the children before you start. A pencil appears on some slides. This is the cue for the children to write their answers. A prompt of ‘Why?’ appears. This is the cue for discussion about the correct and incorrect answers. They then receive feedback on the screen.
Complete these sentences. Answer sheet for IT 8 Page 1 Week 4 IT8 One or more? Name……………………… Date ……………………… Complete these sentences. 5 ……...…………… 4 …………………… 2 …………………… 1 …………………… 1 …………………… 5 …………………… Lots of …………………… 6 …………………… 1 …………………… 6 …………………… 3 …………………… 3 ……………………
Complete these sentences. Answer sheet for IT 8 Page 2 Week 4 IT8 One or more? Name……………………… Date ……………………… Complete these sentences. 3 ……...…………… 4 …………………… 3 …………………… 1 …………………… 2 …………………… 3 ……………………
Are you ready for the show? One or more? Game 2 Are you ready for the show? (To be viewed as slide show)
1 gel pen 5 gel pens 5 ?
1 funny leg Why? 2 ? 2 funny legs
8 flying mats Why? 1 flying mat 1 ?
1 blue square Lots of blue squares Lots of ?
9 soup spoons 9 ? Why? 1 ? 1 soup spoon
1 skilled footballer 3 skilled footballers 3 ?
1 soft bed 4 soft beds 4 ?
Lots of baseball caps Why? 1 baseball cap 1 ?
1 toy boat 5 toy boats 5 ?
1 steam iron 6 steam irons 6 ?
1 ice-cream cone 6 ice-cream cones 6 ?
5 palm trees Why? 1 palm tree 1 ?
1 huge whale 3 ? 3 huge whales
1 leather bag 4 leather bags 4 ?
1 kind teacher Why? 3 kind teachers 3 ?
4 disco dancers 1 ? 1 disco dancer
1 skilled electrician 2 skilled electricians 2 ?
Why? 1 research scientist 3 ? 3 research scientists
The end