Create In Me Tommy Walker.


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Presentation transcript:

Create In Me Tommy Walker

Create in me a pure heart, a new heart, oh God Renew in me a spirit right, that longs for You alone

Cast me not away from You And lead me to Your presence Come restore salvation’s joy Uphold me with Your love

And I will worship, I will worship, I will worship You alone

Create in me a pure heart, a new heart, oh God A heart that finds its place of rest In knowing You love me

Free me now from holding dear My pride and selfish scheming May all I want and hope to be Be found in only Thee

And I will worship, I will worship, I will worship You alone

Create, (create) renew, (renew) restore (restore) my heart to You

Refresh, (refresh) rebuild, (rebuild) restore (restore) my heart to You

And I will worship, I will worship, I will worship You alone

And I will worship, I will worship, I will worship You alone (end)