U.S. Department of Justice Career Information Fair Thursday, July 11, 2019, in the Great Hall from 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. Robert F. Kennedy Main Justice Building, 950 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Mark your calendars for registration date and Career Fair date. RSVP Instructions: RSVP will be accepted starting at 12:00 PM (Eastern Standard Time) on June 19 and will close June 21, or when filled, whichever occurs first. RSVP to OARMevents@usdoj.gov (RSVPs will not be accepted prior to 19 June, 12:00 PM (EST) Please use email subject line: DOJ Career Fair RSVP In the email state your 1) name, 2) law school, 3) email address, and 4) internship location, if applicable. Washington, D.C. area legal interns are invited to meet DOJ attorneys and recruitment professionals to learn more about DOJ employment and volunteer opportunities, including the Attorney General’s Honors Program and Summer Law Intern Program. Please note: SPACE IS LIMITED to no more than 10 students from any one law school and 100 total spaces are available, so this event fills very quickly. The Office of Attorney Recruitment and Management will confirm reservations after RSVP closes, and provide additional instructions on security requirements and building access.