Influence of pollution on human health
Factories I) Air pollution Polluting factory in Paris Polluting factory in China
Means of transport I) Air pollution Moscou, the most congested town in the world The growth of tourism in 2013 A container ship
I) Air pollution Production of energy A coalplant in Germany
Diseases : Asthma & Cancers I) Air pollution Diseases : Asthma & Cancers Micro-particles caused by Diesel motors Proportion of asthmatic people in the world (%) Pollution in mexico
Causes of Water Pollution II) Water pollution Causes of Water Pollution Waste water of a chinese factory Intensive agriculture Drugs Chemical Fertilizer
Consequences on health II) Water pollution Consequences on health Consequences on fishes The action of endoctrine disruptors
Solutions ? Conclusion An example of micro-particles filter An electric car A worldwide environmental statement