Web-based Educational Projects Overview Guest: Al Rogers, Global Schoolnet <www.gsn.org> The dynamics of web-based educational projects Dynamic support for web-based educational projects
Al Rogers Executive Director & Co-Founder Global SchoolNet Foundation Father of FrEdMail Creater of FrEdWriter Fifth grader teacher, Tiffany Elementary, Chula Vista Elementary School District
Break time! Meet back here in 15 minutes:
Other FTP clients: Beyond Fetch WS_FTP for Windows “publish” in Netscape
Guidelines for Network-based Projects Levin, Waugh, & Smith: 6 steps Harris: 8 steps Riel: 5 steps Rogers, Andres, Jacks, & Clauset CCT TERC
The Dynamics of Network Projects Stages Proposal Refinement Organization Pursuit Wrap-up Publication
Dynamic support for network projects Subject header contextualizer Network-based Project Proposal prompter Collaborative Spaces: web project sites, MOOs (i.e. TAPPED IN), etc.
Next class meeting Tuesday, same time, same place Office hour: 4-5pm (right before class, in the computer lab)
Before the next class: Create a web page for the web-based project you might want to participate in, and submit the URL to TEbase Read the entries on the ASCD forum on Technology (and if you have something constructive to add, post an entry) Submit to TEbase one or more questions to ask Barbara Miller about the institutional integration of technology
Reading for next class Read the "interactive paper" by Nick Burbules "Technology in Education: Who, Where, When, What, & Why?" at http://lrsdb.ed.uiuc.edu:591/ipp/fivews.html and respond to at least one of the paragraphs