Kinnelon School District Department of Special Services


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Presentation transcript:

Kinnelon School District Department of Special Services Best Practices Kinnelon School District Department of Special Services

Task The purpose of this audit was to examine the quality, efficiency, and overall effectiveness of available programs and services for students with disabilities currently operating in the Kinnelon Public School district.

Areas of Study NJ State Code Compliance   Referral Process, De-classification and Patterns Special Education Eligibility Curriculum and Program Effectiveness

  Parent Satisfaction Staff Satisfaction Related Service Recommendations and Delivery Staffing  

Sources of Information Comprehensive review of special education files   Paper review of special education programs Observation of representative special education programs Review of state test scores Review of district classification percentage Staffing numbers and ratios

Completion of Staff Surveys for the following personnel: Administrators General Education Teachers Special Education Teachers Related Service Providers Child Study Team Review of Special Education Processes and Implementation 

Completion of Parent Survey  Open Group Special Education Parent Night Interviews of staff

Commendations The Kinnelon Superintendent and Board of Education had the foresight to examine themselves through this review Kinnelon has an experienced and dedicated staff that takes pride in their role Kinnelon ranks favorably when compared with similar districts in most categories Kinnelon demonstrates a strong commitment to provide special education services in the least restrictive environment and within district


Special Education Programs The school district offers in district programs for special needs students from ages 3 to 21  Programming is available for mild to severely disabled students Each building has support services within the general education programs

Resource Room programs provide pull out replacement instruction at each level, as well in- class support Classes dedicated to the needs of students with Autism or Language/ Learning Disabilities are available throughout the district.   The district has committed itself to providing for the needs of all students in the Least Restrictive Environment

A willingness to provide very low student/staff ratios   Students requiring reading intervention have access to the Fundations program in general education and Edmark Reading and Wilson instruction within special education. Related services (OT, PT and speech) are available within each building. A district Behaviorist and Teacher of the Deaf are available

Child Study Team services are appropriate within each building Child Study Team services are appropriate within each building. Each building has a Learning Consultant and Psychologist. A district Social Worker is available as needed   The District Social Worker also functions as a Transition Coordinator developing simulated work experiences within the High School. Students may receive vocational assessments through a private agency.

District Comparisons The district’s classification rate is somewhat higher than the state mean as well as the average for comparable districts. The district compares favorably in its cost per pupil Most cost comparisons place Kinnelon in the average range when compared to similar districts

Parent and Staff Opinions Commitment to student success Strong desire for inclusive education High expectations Desire for increased accountability Need for more staff development

Open Parent Meeting Sixteen parents attended the meeting. They were articulate, respectful, and openly shared their experiences They described the past environment as adversarial in nature and litigious in response to parent requests Procedural violations in respect to consideration of private assessments; transportation; IEP participants; timelines; and access to assistive technology General dissatisfaction with Wilson Reading Access to Board Certified Behavioral Analysts (BCBA) Do not feel that all students must participate in Driver’s Ed

Student Record Review

Over 20% Student Records Reviewed Selected student records were reviewed utilizing a compliance checklist in accordance with   the requirements of N.J.A.C. 6A:14 and evidence based research practices Records were selected on a random basis and represented multiple ages, classifications, school placements, and case managers. The sample also ensured representation across gender, disability, and ethnicity.

IEP Indicators The following IEP indicators were reviewed for compliance and to identify trends.   • Identification & Referral • Initial Evaluation & Eligibility • Required Components • Miscellaneous

Special Education Highly Regulated Special education is one of the most highly regulated areas in education Difficult if not impossible to achieve 100% percent compliance. Best practice indicates that noncompliance should be less than 3%.

Areas Identified As Non-Compliant Referral information inconsistent or incorrect Excusal process for Required members at IEP meetings incorrect Procedural errors throughout process Paperwork missing or incomplete in files

Goals do not relate to the Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) Non-measurable goals and objectives Missing components of transition planning Progress reports missing form the files Missing access log for files

Commendations Of all the records reviewed, all students had IEPs that are current Developing a confidentiality policy governing the contents of counseling sessions within the schools in accordance with professional code of ethics

Impressions and Recommendations The fact that some areas reviewed have been flagged as areas of concern suggests a need for a comprehensive school district plan to provide training and monitoring focused on identified procedural issues, IEP development and implementation.


Professional Development There is a strong desire and need for increased professional development for all staff members Child study team members and related service providers require staff development to assure the utilzation of correct procedures for referral, eligibility, development of IEPs, placement determinations and monitoring implementation of programs

General and Special education teachers require increased professional development in the areas of instructional strategies and student assessment All staff require professional development in the areas of Intervention and Referral Services, RTI, and Student learning styles/differences Parent Information Nights should be conducted to better inform parents of district procedures and options

Procedures and Accountability A district Special Education Procedural Manual should be developed establishing and outlining correct procedures for referral, eligibility, placement and monitoring and IEP development Building and District level administrators should work with the Child Study Teams in establishing an accountability system that monitors student progress and NJ Special Education Code compliance

Establish an accountability system among building, supervisory and district staff that embraces joint ownership of special education programs and services; monitors student growth and assures compliance with code requirements

Personnel Strengthen building based ownership, management and oversight of special education programs and services Closely review and monitor staff ratios in the areas of non-instructional services Consider employing or assigning responsibility to a Transition Coordinator

The department and district should be commended for their dedication to maintaining students with disabilities in district within the Least Restrictive Environment.   This requires a commitment to continue low student/staff ratios; and providing staff with access to current training on addressing the educational needs of our most challenging students.

Renewed training in the various models for implementing In-class support programs. This training is best provided through ongoing coaching of each pair of In-class support teachers.   Life Skills instruction at the High School needs to be more enriched in supplies, space and transition opportunities. Job development within the community is necessary

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