Marine Reporting Obligations


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Presentation transcript:

Marine Reporting Obligations at union level Dr. Jochen Krause, Mirko Hauswirth, Kathrin Heinicke, Axel Kreutle German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, Marine Protected Areas, Management & Monitoring Division Joint meeting on biodiversity assessment and reporting under MSFD and HBD 23.03.2018

Marine Biodiversity EU Reporting Obligations Responsible administrative body in Germany Nature · Biological Diversity · Species Protection Birds Directive Habitats Water Management, Resource Conservation WSFD MSFD „terrestrial backround“ „aquatic backround“ Dr. Jochen Krause (BfN, FG II 5.2 "Marine Protected Areas, Management & Monitoring Division")

German North and Baltic Sea Dr. Jochen Krause (BfN, FG II 5.2 "Marine Protected Areas, Management & Monitoring Division")

Competent Authorities in German North Seas and Baltic Seas Waters Dr. Jochen Krause (BfN, FG II 5.2 "Marine Protected Areas, Management & Monitoring Division")

Natura 2000 Birds Directive and Habitats Directive Birds Directive (BD) since 1978 Reporting delivery Art. 12 Deadline 31.07.2019 Habitats Directive (HD) since 1992 Reporting delivery Art. 17 Deadline 30.04.2019 Specific protection of individual species and habitats, marine and terrestrial  2 stand-alone directives!!! Dr. Jochen Krause (BfN, FG II 5.2 "Marine Protected Areas, Management & Monitoring Division")

MSFD Marine Strategy Framework Directive Since 2008 Current Status report to be delivered 15.10.2018 Before HD and BD reports Goal: Good Environmental Status of european seas Eco-system approach All (marine) species and habitats? -> Synergies to other EU-Directives: Habitats directive, Birds directive, WFD, …? alle Arten und Lebensräume? Zumindest alle Organismengruppen sowie alle Biotoptypen Dr. Jochen Krause (BfN, FG II 5.2 "Marine Protected Areas, Management & Monitoring Division")

Different Reference Areas „Terrestrial“ Habitats Directive: Biogeographic regions Differentiation between North- and Baltic Sea Birds Directive: National borders No Differentiation between North- and Baltic Sea Dr. Jochen Krause (BfN, FG II 5.2 "Marine Protected Areas, Management & Monitoring Division")

MSFD Marine Strategy Framework Directive MSFD: different marine regions Nationaler Bewertungsworkshop Dr. Jochen Krause (BfN, FG II 5.2 "Marine Protected Areas, Management & Monitoring Division")

Birds Directive (BD) vs. MSFD Birds Directive is used only descriptive in German MSFD Art. 8-10 report Difficulties: Scale National borders (BD) vs. North and Baltic Sea (MSFD) Threshold values Trends (BD) vs. threshold values Reporting deadline 2019 vs. 2018 Reporting period -> Lack between assessment period and reporting period Dr. Jochen Krause (BfN, FG II 5.2 "Marine Protected Areas, Management & Monitoring Division")

Habitats Directive (HD) vs. MSFD HD-assessment used for marine mammals, migrating fish and some theatened and declining maine habitats in German MSFD Art. 8-10 report No difficulties with scales or threshold values! Difficulties: Reporting deadline 2019 vs. 2018 Reporting period -> Lack between assessment period and reporting period Dr. Jochen Krause (BfN, FG II 5.2 "Marine Protected Areas, Management & Monitoring Division")

Marine Reporting Obligations   Submission of the Reports to the EU Cut-off-date (only Habitats- and Birds-Directive) Reports OSPAR IA 2017 und HELCOM HOLAS II (only MSFD) Public consultation (national, only MSFD) and WFD)   Länder biogeographical expert meetings (national, only Habitats-D) / National voting (only Birds-D) Last year of assessment period Lack between assessment and reporting / management period Dr. Jochen Krause (BfN, FG II 5.2 "Marine Protected Areas, Management & Monitoring Division")

Summary Marine Reporting obligations increased in the last decade Time periods for reporting obligation are not harmonised That leads to several problems: Communication: Never stopping discussions on the status Unexplainable data collection timeframes behind the status Resources Consultation processes Capacities Dr. Jochen Krause (BfN, FG II 5.2 "Marine Protected Areas, Management & Monitoring Division")

Recommendations According of the horizontal reporting fitness check (point 5 EGR meeting) Harmonisation of reporting delivery dates: current HDB reporting results to be integrated in MFSD reporting. Harmonisation Monitoring timeframes and assessment schedules between HBD and MSFD. As a result, HBD-results should be provided directly for MSFD assessment. Next possible time slot: after 2019 HBD reports Dr. Jochen Krause (BfN, FG II 5.2 "Marine Protected Areas, Management & Monitoring Division")