CS161 – Design and Architecture of Computer Systems


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CS161 – Design and Architecture of Computer Systems Spring 2019 Hodjat Asghari Esfeden, Ph.D. Candidate Department of Computer Science and Engineering, hodjat.asghariesfeden@email.ucr.edu, WCH 459


About me Born and raised in Iran UC Riverside, CA PhD Computer Science ’15--present MSc Computer Science ’17 Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran BSc Computer Engineering ’15

About TA Marcus Chow UC Riverside, CA UC Merced, CA PhD Computer Science ’16--present MSc Computer Science ’18 UC Merced, CA BSc Computer Science ’16

Your turn Who you are? Homework 0 (absolutely required) Your opportunity to tell us about yourself Due this Thursday, April 4th (midnight) It’s online on the class website (hodjat.me/teaching/cs161-s19) Sign up & submit via Piazza (https://piazza.com/ucr/winter2019/cs161) All grading predicated on receipt of Homework 0

What is Computer Architecture? Hardware organization of computers how to build computers Layered view of computer systems Role of the computer architect: To make design trade-offs across the hw/sw interface to meet functional, performance and cost requirements

So, I hope you are here for: “C” as a model of computation Software Programmer’s view of how a computer system works How does an assembly program end up executing as digital logic? What happens in-between? How is a computer designed using logic gates and wires to satisfy specific goals? Architect/microarchitect’s view: How to design a computer that meets system design goals. Choices critically affect both the SW programmer and the HW designer HW designer’s view of how a computer system works Hardware Digital logic as a model of computation


Why Computer Architecture? Again, Computer architecture is the science and art of designing, selecting, and interconnecting hardware components and designing the hardware/software interface to create a computing system that meets functional, performance, energy consumption, cost, and other specific goals.

Why Computer Architecture? Computer Architecture is the glue that binds software and hardware Enable better systems: make computers faster, cheaper, smaller, more reliable, … By exploiting advances and changes in underlying technology/circuits Enable better solutions to problems Software innovation is built into trends and changes in computer architecture Understand why computers work the way they do

CS161 Goal Teach/enable/empower you to: Understand how a computing platform (processor + memory + interconnect) works Familiarity with processor components (pipeline, caches, registers, etc. ) Understand how decisions made in hardware affect the software/programmer as well as hardware designer

CS161 Goal (cont’d) Teach/enable/empower you to: Think critically (in solving problems) Understand how to analyze and make tradeoffs in design Provide foundation for further comp arch courses CS162 – Computer Architecture CS203 – Advanced Computer Architecture EE147 – GPU Programming CS/EE 217 – GPU Architecture

Topics Covered Prerequisite: CS/EE 120A Background Quantifying Performance, Technology Trends, … Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) CPU Design Single cycle, Multi cycle Processor Pipelining 5-stage pipeline Memory hierarchy Memory, Cache, Virtual Memory

Logistics Course Website www.hodjat.me/teaching/cs161-s19/ Check often for announcements Assignments/Projects Course website & iLearn (iLearn.ucr.edu) Discussion/Help Piazza(https://piazza.com/ucr/spring2019/cs161/home) Don’t be afraid of asking questions, I will appreciate your curiosity “S/He who asks a question remains a fool for five minutes. S/He who does not ask remains a fool forever”  There is a <15 minutes guarantee for the response time

Proof? Spring 2018

Proof? Winter 2019

Lecture and discussion location, times Lectures: MWF 8:10-9:00am @ Sproul Hall 1340 Some days, we may have recitation sessions Discussion sessions: Tuesday 2:10-3:00pm @ Pierce Hall 3374 Thursday 4:10-5:00am @ Life Sciences 2418 Goals: to enhance your understanding of the lecture material and help you with the homeworks and exams

Tentative course schedule Tentative schedule is posted in the class website But don’t believe the “static” schedule Systems that perform best are usually dynamically scheduled Static vs. Dynamic scheduling

A note on HW vs. SW This course is classified under “Computer Hardware” However, you will be much more capable if you master both hardware and software (and the interface between them) Can develop better software if you understand the underlying hardware Can design better hardware if you understand what software it will execute Can design a better computing system if you understand both This course covers the HW/SW interface and microarchitecture We will focus on tradeoffs and how they affect software

A Note on Books None required But, I expect you to be resourceful in finding and doing the assignments… (Optional) Computer Organization and Design, 5th Edition By Patterson and Hennessy

Attendance/Grading Attendance Grade Breakdown You are expected to attend all lectures and discussion. Some slides only make sense in lecture.  Grade Breakdown Homework: 20% Quizzes: 10% Midterm: 35% Final: 35% Participation: 5%

Assignment Policies 10% penalty per late day If it’s one minute late, it’s still late No extensions will be given Assignments: hardcopy of your assignment should be turned in in the class

Contact Instructor: Hodjat Asghari Esfeden TA: Marcus Chow Email: hodjat.asghariesfeden@email.ucr.edu Homepage: http://hodjat.me Office: WCH 459 Office Hours: TBD or by appointment TA: Marcus Chow Email: mchow009@ucr.edu Homepage: https://www.cs.ucr.edu/~mchow009/