Child Care and Development Fund Program (CCDF) California Rural Indian Health Board, Inc.
CCDF Program Background Nexus: A child care subsidy program. Target: Tribal families and children. Purpose: Equitable access to affordable and reliable child care. Outcome: Tribal families returning to work/school to become self sufficient while assuring proper child care for their children. CCDF is a social service program.
CCDF Program Background Funded by Child Care Bureau, not Head Start Bureau. Created to assist tribal families in the form of child care subsidies. To qualify person must have/or be: Tribal membership Income eligible Parent must work or attend school and Child must be under 13 years of age
CCDF Program Background (cont’d) Tribal applicant must be a member of the following tribes: Big Lagoon Rancheria; Big Valley Rancheria; Cold Springs Rancheria; Elk Valley Rancheria; Fort Bidwell Reservation; Federated Indians of Graton; Greenville Rancheria; Ione Band of Miwok Indians; Kashia Band of Pomo Indians of Stewarts Point; Manchester Band of Pomo Indians Rancheria; Shingle Springs Rancheria; Resighini Rancheria; Tejon Tribe; Tule River Reservation; and Wilton Rancheria
CCDF Program Updates Program received additional funds in 2018. Increased program by - $1 million Total new funding for program: $2.4 million added: Support for child care providers – professional development, and health and safety equipment purchased for them. Increased hourly reimbursement rate for child care providers.
CCDF Program Updates (cont’d) Stimulus funding – Report completed. Rec’d $191,000.00 Created new job in order to provide better customer services to CCDF families. Must spend by Sept. 20, 2011. 2007 – 2009 Funding Year Funds 95% spent, as required by Sept. 30, 2009 Assisted approximately: 148 families 228 children Increased number of families and children by 48% approximately from the prior year.
CCDF Program Update (cont’d) Quality Improvement Activities: Monitoring of both center-based child care and home child care by CCDF program coordinator; Health and Safety Trainings; Purchased backpacks with health and safety information and products for children. Purchased backpacks for children with educational curriculum for grandparents to work with the child. Collaborative work with: Family and Community Department and Dental Program. These are a few of the activities that CCDF provided for families.
CCDF Working Projects: Continue working with California Department of Education. Creation of the first Tribal Child Care of California Association; Continue working with Tribal TANF programs across the state. Training workshops with Head Start program. Increase monitoring of child care centers Increase child care payments for providers. Creation of Tribally designed CCDF education curriculum for in-home, family care. Continue collaboration with other CRIHB departments to bring health, safety and educational trainings to Child Care providers, CCDF parents and children. Continue providing Quality Improvement activities for CCDF participants.
Facilitating Access to CCDF CCDF application, and program forms online at Postings regarding trainings, conferences and new updates. Public input section will be created.
Contacting CCDF CRIHB – 916-929-9761 CCDF Director: AnnLouise Bonnitto, JD CCDF Program Specialist: Shelley Whitebear CCDF Program Assistant: Kristian Zavala Administrative Assistant: Valerie Contreras;;