Atlanta Public Schools FY15 Budget Commission Meeting Charles A. Burbridge, Chief Financial Officer March 14, 2014
FY15 Budgets by Chief Millions FY15 Budget Instruction 369.7 Operations 81.9 Finance 7.8 Human Resources 9.2 Organizational Advancement 1.9 Superintendent 5.0 Legal 4.9 Technology 33.1 District Wide 144.1 Total 657.6 Millions
FY15 Budget Changes Millions Charter Schools 29.0 Employee Pay Raises (3 %) 15.0 Instruction 7.0 Eliminate Furlough Days 4.5 Vacancy Management (2.5%) 3.2 Unfunded Pension 1.0 Increased IT Support to CTAE and Title 1.7 Virtual Schools 0.8 Microsoft Enterprises Licenses Bandwidth School Budgets 0.5 Media Paraprofessionals -1.0 FY15 Changes 63.3 Millions
FY2015 Revenue Projection Millions
Budget Summary FY15 Projected Revenue FY15 Budget Request Fund Balance $633 FY15 Budget Request 658 Fund Balance ($25) Note: Projected starting fund balance for FY15 equals $83 million Millions
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