Glycolysis, (Link) and Krebs Building a large summary of the stages of Respiration so far ....... Key Terms: Glycolysis, (Link Reaction), Krebs Cycle, Mitochondrion.
Putting it all together … Your task is to link all these stages together to show how the first 3 stages of Respiration generate products that pass into the 4th stage – Electron Transport Chain. Build a large outline of a Mitochondrion in cytoplasm. Add Glycolysis, Link Reaction & Kreb’s cycle in full detail to the correct sections of your outline. Use different coloured paper to represent different molecules e.g. CO2, NAD, FAD, ATP, ADP & Pi etc… Include the correct numbers of each molecule. Include the names of enzymes that catalyse the stages. Show which molecules pass into the next stage and into Electron Transport Chain.
Peer Assessment Assessment Criteria:- Aesthetics – Visual quality of model (5) Accuracy and Clarity – Is everything present and correct? (10) Ability to explain the model (5) Total (20)