DOE Status Meeting of the LCLS Project LCLS Cost and Schedule Status Mark Reichanadter LCLS/SLAC
Project Performance (TEC) m/e June 2006 EV data LCLS showing steady progress 32% TEC comp 29% TPC comp SPI = 0.91 CPI = 0.96 $ burn rate ~$5-6M per/mo Labor burn rate ~$2.5M/mo At SLAC ~165 FTE’s ~350 heads on LCLS
LCLS June 06 Performance Injector 96% complete in Jan07. PM and IN ETC’s are complete. LN, XT and XE ETC’s approved. In next month’s business.
Contingency Allocation CD-2b - Present To date, project has been able to find offsets for CF increases in other parts of the project while maintaining functionality.
Contingency Performance (TEC) July Projection ~$18M BCR, CF-54 approved in July. Projected draw down on Cont/ETC ~20% after Group #1 bids are rolled into baseline.
Major Schedule Variances Linac System: SPI = 0.72, CPI = 1.09 Linac (and Injector) controls hardware behind schedule but recovering. Effort is focused on hardware for current installation and commissioning schedule. Linac controls, RF waveguides and vacuum hardware for 2007 installation deferred to support immediate needs. Undulator System: SPI = 0.85, CPI = 0.92 ANL’s Single Undulator Test (SUT) delayed due to a larger test plan than anticipated. SUT is nearing completion. SLAC’s Magnetic Measurement Facility (MMF) not yet prepared for undulator segment tuning. Undulator alignment monitoring (HLS) also showing some delays. Closely monitoring this work to recover schedule. XES Controls System: SPI = 0.72, CPI = 1.07 XES Controls Systems delayed to focus on preparations for the upcoming Injector installation and commissioning period.
Schedule Status Project critical path (CP) - CLOC B.O. 111d float to CD-4. Commissioning controlling path (CCP) - Und B.O. – install – FEL commission. Total float 213d to CD-4. Received updated Turner schedule. Current BO milestones ~firm. “Co-occupancy” Target dates allow LCLS to install ahead of BO. Near CCP – Undulator vacuum system, Undulator testing, Near-term L3 milestone performance 6/2/06 – 1st Article Undulator 1 Rcvd @ SLAC. Done – 6/12/06 7/10/06 – Award CF subcontracts Done, Group #1 packages out, NTP to Turner on Aug 1 7/28/06 – MMF Qualified & Ready to Measure Prod Undulators ~Aug 28. Benches are installed and measuring the first magnets. 8/21/06 – FY06 Shutdown: HW Reqd for Installation Aug 16 Conducted Installation Readiness Review 11/15/06 – Start Drive Laser Commissioning. On schedule
Integration Status August shutdown underway Schedule shifted and lengthened (Aug 21st - Jan 5th) All LCLS activities integrated into SLAC shutdown activities. Hardware readiness review on August 16 ~OK (some items tight). Fabrication BOA’s helping with last minute items Expediter and facilitation process in place Controls readiness review next week Late delivery of controls hardware may require workarounds (ROD’s). Global Installation / Integration Planning Formulating integration team under direction of RM Boyce CF-Technical interface and leads identified during construction Installation readiness & planning conducted weekly APD Engineer to facilitate inter-lab integration
LCLS Issues Overall Project Budget (see John’s Talk) CF Bid Group #1 & #2 significantly over estimates. CF Bid Group #3 & #4 (2-floor CLOC) out for bid. Due Sep28/Oct5 Turner working to improve bidder turnout ETC updates needed for Controls, Undulator and CF ~$2M FY06 BA shifted to undulators Tight FY08 & FY09 obligations (depending on CLOC bids/schedule) Civil Construction Management Team Strengthened LCLS CF Team APD Civil Constr, Turner Exec, Jacobs T3 CA, LCLS Procurement Phase 2 NTP issued to Turner, mobilize mid-Sep Controls cost and schedule performance ETC is showing cost growth (scrubbing back in box) Controls (cabling) is CP or near-CP in many areas.
Obligation and Cost Projections (Assumes 50% over budget on CLOC) Projected Obl profile with CF cost growth FY06, advanced ~$2M budget for undulators FY08 is tight. Delay CLOC schedule can free up contingency if needed.
LCLS OPC Profile Prior to Oct06 Lehman review, LCLS will update pre-ops planning to provide a smooth segue into SLAC Ops and LUSI. 45 FTE’s 44 FTE’s 46 FTE’s Annualized
Summary LCLS Construction Near-Term Timeline FFTB soil removal underway ~complete Award 8/9 Group #1 Packages (~$69M) Notice to Proceed with Construction to TCCo, August 1 Conducted Review of Emergency Mgmt Procedures CF Process Review planned, Early September Negotiate/award Bid Group #2, Sep 15 Turner subcontractors mobilize at SLAC, Sep 15 Safety is a pre-condition Receive/evaluate Bid Group #3 & #4 (2-f CLOC), Oct 15 With firm pricing on 2f CLOC, determine affordability, and award, or pursue D-B option, Dec 15.
Summary-2 LCLS Technical Scope Near-Term Timeline Execute Aug06 shutdown, Aug21 Begin Laser commissioning, Jan07 Finalize integration team/procedures, Sep 15 Identify Integration POC’s LCLS Management Near-Term Timeline Select and hire APD-Engineering, Sep 15 Finalize ETC (EVM CAP), Sep30 Update LCLS OPC, Oct 15 Prepare for DOE Lehman Review, Oct 24-26