Review of the Commonwealth Electoral Network Kate Sullivan June 2016
The review Examination of CEN documents and materials Interviews with selected EMB leaders Interviews with and information from Commonwealth Secretariat staff Interviews with international organisations and other networks Survey of CEN members
Cen vision and purpose Still relevant and comprehensive Could be adjusted to reflect deeper CEN role in the identification and documentation of good practice
activities Conference is appreciated but not well assessed as to relevance in terms of vision and purpose: need to reflect on this for 2016 Working Groups are innovative and useful: see results this week in the later sessions Online workspace (hosted on Huddle) has potential but requires both attention from the Secretariat and more engagement from members Professional development should be expanded from JEP to include other ‘classes’ of electoral professionals
Governance Found a lack of clarity on ownership and direction of CEN activities between the Steering Committee and Commonwealth Secretariat Recommended a series of changes to the governance structure to reflect the reality of resources and management Found strong need for more core resource to maintain the network between conferences Not recommend membership fees at this stage