Innovative approaches to deliver affordable housing options in Asia Gopalganj Municipality 9/5/2019
Innovative approaches to deliver affordable housing options in Asia RANGAMATI POURASHAVA 9/5/2019 CITIES
Location of the Municipality 9/5/2019 CITIES
Site seeing Gopalganj Municipality 9/5/2019 CITIES
1.A Characteristics of the city City profile 1.A Characteristics of the city Location: Between 22º50' and 23º01' north latitudes and between 89º40' and 90º02' east longitudes. Name of the Municipality : Gopalganj Municipality Population :128705 (projection based on 2011 census) Area: 13.82 sq kilometer Demographic density : 1774 persons/ sq kilometer Household size 4.55 Urban population growth rate: 3.50% -HDI -GDP of the city -GDP per capita 9/5/2019 CITIES
Housing Status 9/5/2019
1.B Characteristics of the city: City profile 1.B Characteristics of the city: Gopalganj municipality does not have an industrial base economy and it relies on cash crops such as rice, sugarcane, seasonal vegetables, jute, and fisheries. Historically, Gopalganj served as a regional growth pole, and though it still attracts rural migrants, it currently lacks the propulsive industries that are critical to economic development. Main occupations: Agriculture 53.27%, nonagricultural laborer 2.49%, industry 0.47%, commerce 14.42%, transport and communication 4.33%, service 14.33%, construction 1.81%, religious service 0.40%, rent and remittance 1.27% and others 7.21%.. 9/5/2019 CITIES
Lack of available financing City profile 2. City’s issues/needs (What are the key problems/issues that city is facing in term of housing situation?) Lack of Master plan Lack of available financing 9/5/2019 CITIES
Institutional structure of the city 3. Description of city’s governance structures for Housing sector Gopalganj municipality is the administrative authority for development control inside the city. Each and every new housing needs permission from the local authority. Local authority follows ‘building construction act -1996’ and “Bangladesh national building code 2003” to approve any kind of housing inside the city. Public works department under the ministry of housing and public works are responsible for government housing development. 9/5/2019 CITIES
Municipality initiatives 4.A Specific actions: Problem : unauthorized Slums build upon more than 25 years at Molavipara area and approximately 2000 people lived in that slum. Due to local and National interest 9/5/2019 CITIES
Municipality initiatives 4.B Specific action (continued): (Achievements and results; with photos, illustrations and diagrams that can illustrate better the achievements.) South Molavi Para slum area with 346 households was located in Gopalganj municipal area and had developed slowly more than 35 years. The problem was occurred when expansion of sports facilities had took place beside the Molavi para slum area and claim their land for local and national interest. The slum was demolished and households were evicted different locations in the municipality on 21st October 2009 with a short notice. It is a common practice for slum eviction in our country. Due to lack of land ownership people of Molavi Para people had no right to fight with the authorities while evacuating them from their resident. But, they had good ally, that the community people were enlisted in the project named Urban Partnership for Poverty Reduction (UPPR) at Gopalganj Pourashava (Municipality). The UPPR project was funded by United Nations Development Program (UNDP). Under UPPR project Molavi Para community people had developed a committee for community development which was knows community development committee (CDC). The CDC committee went to the local and national authorities and political leaders for their housing rights. Beside the CDC committee local political leaders and municipal authority acknowledged their problem and apple to government and land ministry for land allocation to resettle this uprooted inhabitants. Government and non government organizations were very active to help those urban poor’s who were evicted from Molavipara slum. After appealing to ministry of land, Bangladesh by the affected people through Gopalganj Pourashava, ministry of land allocated 4.16 acre land in june 2010 at Mandartola area Gopalganj to rehabilate uprooted people and handed over the land to Gopalganj pourashava. Though the land was barren and not classified for homestead land, ministry of environment, Bangladesh and local pourashava had taken necessary steps to develop the land as homestead land. UNDP funded a good amount of money to develop the barren land to homestead land and for the development of housing in it. Gopalganj pourashava had provided technical and official support to develop housing in Mandartola area. In the mean time CDC had developed a fund named Community Housing Development Fund (CHDF) jointly with municipal authority. An advisory committee was assembled to oversee and monitor the activities of CHDF where deputy commissioner of Gopalganj district and other technical resource persons were involved. 9/5/2019 CITIES
Municipality initiatives 5. Involved stakeholders: (Brief description of the main public, private, community and civil society actors that work and dialogue in processes involves affordable and sustainable housing) Deputy commissioner of Gopalganj Mayor, Gopalganj municipality, Local government engineering department Other GO and NGOs 9/5/2019 CITIES
Municipality initiatives 6. Policy framework: (Brief description of major urban policies and strategies that drive the city to achieve the SDG11) National Housing policy-2017 National urban sector policy Urban and regional planning Act 2017 (draft) 2017 9/5/2019 CITIES
Municipality initiatives 7. Opportunities (What are the opportunities for improving affordability and sustainability of housing sector the city that you can identify? What are the positive experience on innovative tools/approaches you can share with other cities/countries?) Developing stage Government and private funding 9/5/2019 CITIES
Thank you! [E-mail: Telephone:+8801552445095 Name: Suvarna Chakma Position: Town Planner Organization: Rangamati Municipalty 9/5/2019