Portville Central School District 2019-2020 Budget Hearing Presentation
The Overall Numbers for 2019-2020: The Budget increase is $446,823 or 2.45% Stat Aid increased $311,806 or 2.58% Property Tax increase is 2.5% The District’s allowable Tax Cap calculated increase is 3.06% Tax Levy increases for the last three years: 2018-19 2.00% 2017-18 2.00% 2016-17 1.67%
The Overall View Between 2015-16 & 2019-20 The Portville Budget has increased 8.73% That is an average of 1.75% per year The Tax Levy has increased 8.42% That is an average of 1.68% per year
Spending & Revenue breakdown
Expense Highlights Wages – increase of $387,977 or 4.67% (minimum wage increased from $11.10 to $11.80 a 6.37% increase) Benefit items changes – decrease of $6,510 (details on next slide) Utilities – decrease of $62,000 (due to Energy Performance Project)
Benefit Expenses Highlights TRS rate decreased 1.76% to 8.86% ERS rate decreased 0.30% to 14.60% Health insurance increased 2.00%
Revenue Highlights Property Tax Levy – increase of $115,910 or 2.50% State Aid – increase of $311,806 or 2.58% Foundation Aid – increase of $288,581 Expense driven Aids – increase of $55,065 Building Aid – decrease of $31,840
The effect of the 2.5% Tax Levy Increase Basic STAR exemption is $30,000 and Enhanced STAR exemption is $68,700
Changes to the Star Program by the State Star Exemption vs Star Credit The Star Exemption is a reduction to your tax bill The income limit is $250,000, if your income is more than this you have to switch to the Star Credit to receive the Star benefit Closed to new Applicants Will not increase The Star Credit is a check received, you pay the full tax bill The income limit is $500,000 Only method for the Star benefit for new applicants Can increase as much as 2% a year
How to change to Star Credit from the Star Exemption To switch to the STAR credit: Notify your assessor to withdraw from the STAR exemption. Follow the directions to register below. https://www.tax.ny.gov/pit/property/star/default.htm Look for the Register button
Five Year Trends 2015-16 to 2019-20 Expenses: Revenue: Total Portville Budget 8.73% or 1.75% per year Total Budget w/Olean Transportation 9.58% or 1.92% per year All expense associated with Olean Transportation are paid to Portville by Olean and are listed as a Revenue line item in the Budget Revenue: Total Tax Levy 8.42% or 1.68% per year Total State Aid 11.07% or 2.21% per year
Other Updates Capital Outlay in 2019-20 Budget $2M Capital Reserve Capital Project
Capital Outlay The 2019-20 budget contains a Capital Outlay Project of $100,000 for Elementary classroom renovations and abatement.
$2M Capital Reserve School Districts may establish Capital Reserve funds to set-aside funds to use to pay the cost of construction of improvements, additions and reconstruction or equipment. Reserves are established with a maximum funding amount and specific term or life Portville’s plan is to use this $2M to cover the Local share of future Capital Projects Portville previously established a $1M reserve, that voters approved in May 2016 The $1M reserve is scheduled to cover the local share of the proposed $13.8M project to be voted on May 21, 2019
$13.8M Capital Project Main focus Elementary Building Renovation Middle-High School Labs Auditorium Pool Renovations Roof Renovations
Elementary Building Renovation Opened 1957 The Focus of the Project is Elementary building renovation, which opened in 1957 Very little renovation has been done since it opened Asbestos abatement is needed in key areas Utilities need updated-including lines for heat, water, data network, phones, security, PA system Classrooms are to be modernized Bathrooms will be made handicap accessible Technical systems to be enhanced
Middle – High School Labs Science Labs Most of the labs have original demonstration desks from 1953 Proposing to create better spaces by increasing size and consolidation of lecture spaces Home & Careers The Kitchen lab is original to 1953 construction Update with the latest Equipment & Technology
Auditorium The Seating, Lightning & Riggings are mostly original 1953 installation Upgrade sound, lighting, stage, rigging, seating & curtains Seating upgrades include increasing the size of the seats Add Handicap seating To obtain these & not lose seating capacity a Balcony will be added State of the art sound booth to control Technical upgrades The roof was installed in 1988 and needs replaced
Pool Renovations No significant repairs since 1973 construction The Pool is use during the school day for Phy Ed & Lessons Necessary repair needed for cracks, filtration & circulation, tile issues that are creating holes effecting stability of compacted base the pool sits on Lessen the depth of the shallow end for youngest students Change the gutter system to stainless steel Install a ramp for easier handicap entrance Update lighting & air handling for current requirements
Roof Renovations Auditorium Roof (as was mentioned before) 1988 construction North Gym Roof 1990 construction High School Library Roof 1990 construction
Voting Ballot 2019-20 Budget $18,666,044 Two Board of Education vacancies Bus Purchase Proposition $255,393 $2M Capital Reserve Establishment $13.8M Capital Project Local share covered by previously established $1M Capital Reserve
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