New Administrators: Utilizing the ACCA #67Celebrate90
Who is the ACCA? Formed in 1929 to serve as an educational, technical, legal, legislative, and public policy resource for Alabama’s 67 counties. #67Celebrate90
Policy Represent the interest of county government before the legislature The counties decide what goes in the County Platform #67Celebrate90
Legal Legal Advice Legislative Advice Updates in the Law #67Celebrate90
Education Opportunities for continuous education: County Government Education Institute Provides employees with basic skills and knowledge to provide the best services at the local level #67Celebrate90
Education Certification Opportunities Certificate in County Administration Certified County Administrator #67Celebrate90
Benefits Self- Funded Insurance Programs Workers’ Compensation Self-Insurers’ Fund Liability Self-Insurance Fund #67Celebrate90
Conferences and Meetings Annual Convention- August Administrators Conference- May Regional Meetings- Throughout #67Celebrate90
Leadership Many opportunities to become a leader: Insurance Fund Boards ACAA Board of Directors Appointments Steering Committees #67Celebrate90
Publications County Commission Magazine Studies and Research Press Releases Directories Legislative Overviews #67Celebrate90
Wrap Up Don’t get left behind! #67Celebrate90