Español 2 lunes el 25 de septiembre Daily warm up (pick up sheet) Check in on HW log: Irregulars pg. 18-19 Video: Irregular Verb Review Tarea: Irregulars #2 pg. 21 & #5 pg. 22 Check in on HW log when complete. Tarea/HW: -Work on reviewing your verb forms/conjugations both regular & irregular. **There will be a post test on our verb review unit in the near future**
Español 2 Daily Warm Up lunes el 25 de septiembre Verbs with Irregular Yo forms. Give the Spanish form of each verb listed. Include the subject and verb. I give I make I see I want I say/tell
Español 1 lunes el 25 de septiembre Daily Warm-Up (pick up sheet) Conversation Pairs (Q & A) Notes: Subjects & Verbs pg. 12 & 14 Put in Cuaderno Tarea/HW: -Finish book work if not done by end of hour. Grab a book Por favor.
Español 1 Daily Warm Up lunes el 25 de septiembre Ex 10 pg. 11:Listen to each person and match their name with the place they are from. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Estoy (bien, regular, más o menos, mal) Soy de… Questions Answers ¿cómo te llamas? ¿Cómo estás?/¿Qué tal? ¿De dónde eres? Me llamo…/Soy… Estoy (bien, regular, más o menos, mal) Soy de…
Español 2 martes el 26 de septiembre Daily Warm Up Common Verb Review Study Guide I will collect this on the day of the Post Test. White Board Practice (verb review) Finish up and check in yesterday’s work pg. 21 & 22 Tarea/HW: -Work on reviewing your verb forms/conjugations both regular & irregular. **Unit Post Test end of the week (Thu. Or Fri.)**
Español 2 Daily Warm Up martes el 25 de septiembre Translate the following sentences to Spanish. *ALL verb are irregular in some way. I do my homework. Mario wants Taco Bell. We go to the mall. You eat lunch.
Español 1 martes el 26 de septiembre Daily Warm Up Add Notes to Cuaderno & label table of contents Subjects & verbs in sentences notes from yesterday Subject Pronouns worksheet Check in on HW Log when completed Tarea/HW: -Memorize your Spanish subject pronouns!! Grab a highlighter, por favor.
Español 1 Daily Warm Up martes el 26 de septiembre Using your notes or pg. 14 in the book, translate the following singular pronouns to Spanish. **Include the question & answer. I You (informal) She He You (formal)
Español 2 miércoles el 27 de septiembre Daily Warm Up Finish White Board practice (1st hour only) Common Verbs Review Game Begin Capítulo 7 (textbook) Vocab 7.1 Definitions packet Tarea/HW: -Work on reviewing your verb forms/conjugations both regular & irregular. **Verbs Unit Post Test end of the week Fri.9/29**
Español 2 Daily Warm Up miércoles el 27 de septiembre Stem Change Verb Practice: Give the correct form of each verb AND tell what it means. Yo/almorzar Ella/poder Tú/tener Nosotros/querer Ustedes/decir
Español 1 miércoles el 27 de septiembre Daily Warm Up Pronouns Video Check Selecting Pronouns worksheet (from Tuesday) Subject Pronouns-Worksheet 1 Tarea/HW: -Memorize your Spanish subject pronouns!!
Español 1 Daily Warm Up miércoles el 27 de septiembre What pronoun would you use? Write out each statement and answer with the correct Spanish pronoun. When talking to one person. _____ When talking about 2 girls. _____ When talking about yourself & a friend. _____
Español 2 jueves el 28 de septiembre Daily Warm Up Vocab 7.1 Go over and check in with me. Vocab Picture Cards Cut, label, practice Tarea/HW: **Study for tomorrow’s Common Verbs Post Test!! Post Test Tomorrow: -subject pronouns -common verb definitions -verb conjugations reg. verbs stem changers irreg. Yo verbs *Review your booklet & study guide
Español 2 Daily Warm Up jueves el 28 de septiembre Using your vocab 7.1 list, define the following terms. Include both the Spanish & English terms on your warm up. Despertarse- Levantarse- Ducharse- Vestirse- Cepillarse los dientes-
Español 1 jueves el 28 de septiembre Grab a book (libro), por favor. Daily Warm Up White Board Practice: Subject Pronouns Quick Notes Recap: Subjects & Verbs in Sentences Ex. 13 pg. 12 Tarea/HW: -Study your notes and know your pronouns and how to find subjects & verbs in sentences. *Grammar Test 1.1 next week Tuesday 10/3.*
Español 1 Daily Warm Up jueves el 28 de septiembre Ex. 16 pg. 14 (in textbook) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Español 2 viernes el 29 de septiembre Daily Warm Up (turn in) Post Test: Common Verbs Vocab 7.1 Practice Finish & Check in vocab for grade (at computer) Tarea/HW: -Begin to work on memorizing vocab (start with body parts).
Español 2 Daily Warm Up viernes el 29 de septiembre No Warm Up Common Verbs Post Test Turn in your Test Study Guide page. Turn in warm up sheet for this week.
EXAMEN AHORA=TEST NOW! 9/29/17 Shhh…..No talking during the testing period for any reason. When you finish: (grab book if needed) Silently finish or study (if done) your new 7.1 vocabulary packet or picture cards. Work on other work if you are done with vocab.
Español 1 viernes el 29 de septiembre Daily Warm Up (turn in) Correct Subject Pronoun worksheet 1 Recap: Subject & Verb sentence rules Practice: Subjects & Verbs in Sentences worksheet(gramática 1) Tarea/HW: -Review your notes on Subject Pronouns & Subjects & Verbs in sentences. *Test is next week Tuesday 10/3*
Español 1 Daily Warm Up viernes el 29 de septiembre Write down each pronoun below & then give its Spanish meaning. She- 6. They (males)- He- 7. They(females)- You (formal)- 8. We (all females)- I- 9. You (all)- You (informal)- 10. You (all)- *Spain form*