Teaching Gifted Kids in Today’s Classroom Capacity Building Institute July 31, 2019
Introduction Introduce the book Teaching Gifted Kids in Today’s Classroom by Susan Winebrenner. Book is designed to be used for a Professional Learning Community (PLC) Can be used with teachers of the gifted or a combination of regular educators and the teachers of the gifted. Video Mastery of content
Strategy – Name Card Method Gifted students often share a characteristic of blurting out answers and attempt to dominate conversations. Other gifted students are shy and reluctant to share their ideas. Create a name card for each student in the class (can use popsicle sticks, or other objects) Only call on students using the cards. Keeps students from hiding or not participating Ultimately will reduce blurting out or the competition to be selected from those with hands raised highest.
Strategy – Compacting One Lesson Most Difficult First When providing an assignment to the class identify the most difficult questions or tasks. Students may choose to complete the most difficult portion first. If completed successfully the student can choose to work on an alternative activity of their choice on the same topic or standard. There is an option to use students as checkers. To use this strategy students will need to follow a few essential rules for independent work
Essential Rules for Independent Work 1. Do your work without bothering anyone 2. Work on your extension activity without calling attention to yourself; please don’t talk while the teacher is teaching. 3. Refrain from asking the teacher questions while her or she is working with other students. 4. Do the extension activity you have agreed to complete. If you finish it before the class is finished working, choose another extension activity. 5. Keep records of the tasks you are working on in the way your teacher has explained.
Strategy – Compacting a weekly lesson – Pretest Provide volunteers the opportunity to take a pre-test. This works well with spelling exams. Test will only be graded if student demonstrates mastery Suggested mastery level is 90%. Students with mastery can work on alternate extension work
Strategy – Compacting a unit – Learning Contract Students determine the grade they will work toward Rubrics available for each activity.
Other Strategies Study Guide Reading Strategies
Formative Assessment Formative Assessments Strategies: One-Pager Show Me Ticket out the door Journaling
Technology Technology Use in the Classroom Cybersafety Evaluating reliability of a website The following are Websites that have been recommended by other Teachers of the Gifted: http://walla.me/ https://www.zooniverse.org https://sdgsinaction.com/ https://www.thinglink.com/ https://storyspheres.com/ https://jig.space/ https://curiosity.com/
Additional Websites https://newsela.com/ https://edsitement.neh.gov/ http://images.google.com/hosted/life https://www.docsteach.org/ https://www.docsteach.org/documents https://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/worksheets https://flipgrid.com/ https://www.goosechase.com/ Also see a list of recommended sites on pages 210.
Contact Information Terry Riley – Coordinator Office of Special Education Division of Teaching and Learning tjriley@k12.wv.us 304-558-2696 ext 53223 WVDE Medicaid Website: https://wvde.us/special- education/resources-sp-page/gifted/