Director of Strategy Prison Education Unlocking Potential: Three Years On Chris Emmett Director of Strategy Prison Education
The most disadvantaged and marginalised in society need the best education to enable them to reach their potential and contribute positively to society. A whole prison culture with “education at the heart of the prison system” is evident in some prisons, led by enlightened and committed governors who have instilled this vision in staff in all roles, ensured it is successfully implemented and achieving positive impact.
The management transfer of OLASS 4 from the SFA to NOMS saw positive changes to funding methodology supporting a more flexible, bespoke curriculum. Not all prison Governors actively engage with and influence the education provision – this responsibility may be delegated to other managers. Not all decision makers in the prisons fully understand education delivery and post holders may be inexperienced and transient. The most effective prison / provider partnerships develop from clear, rational and shared vision, mutual respect and appreciation of expertise.
PEF Contracts and Unlocking Potential The Challenges! Time from appointment to “go live” for new Lot providers. Some similar readiness issues for MoJ / HMPPS / Curious. 1st year contract “teething problems” take time to resolve. Curriculum specifications were produced in isolation and used for planning and funding, but many are now being changed at short notice as they are proving unsuitable. DPS is ongoing but some third sector organisations have expressed concerns regarding their service sustainability. Information, Advice and Guidance variable at present. Transferable Personal Learning Plans still in development.
PEF Contracts and Unlocking Potential The Positives! Vision, energy and determination to make change evident from Ian Bickers the new MoJ Deputy Director – Education, Employment and Accommodation. The New Futures Network will provide vital industry and employer engagement and points of contact. Key workers will be integral in supporting rehabilitation. Commitment and funding from all to upgrade and increase access / utilisation of IT plus Digital Innovation Group. L3 - L5 teacher training / utilisation of prisoners is good use of talent and well-received by individuals, peers and Ofsted.
Ofsted Education Inspection Framework Ofsted Education Inspection Framework to commence in September 2019 across all education services. Inspected and graded as HMIP Purposeful Activity covering all education, training and employment provision – PEF, DPS, prison industries and work areas. (no provider grade) Ofsted grading Overall Effectiveness = Leadership and Management; Quality of Education (includes all outcomes); Behaviour and Attitudes; and Personal Development. A detailed focus on curriculum design and impact – meeting the needs of and supporting all (at all levels).
Holistic Education – Work in Progress Need to ensure a wide range of opportunities at all levels including open / distance learning and higher education. Specific and embedded development and of English, maths and ICT contextualised for life and work. Vocational training and qualifications sought by industry (including move towards T Levels) and the development of transferable and specific employability skills (including entrepreneurship and self-employment). Personal and Social Development (PSD) courses and community activities encouraging behaviour and attitudes to support resettlement and family / society reintegration. Promotion of positive mental health, emotional and physical well-being including self-awareness, self-confidence, aspiration, coping mechanisms and empathy. Creative arts for pleasure and purpose. Assessment and support for LDD with transferable records.