Me, Myself, And I: Working as a solo repository manager Michael Pujals | Dominican University of California | December 13, 2017 licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
OR… Am I? Michael Pujals | Dominican University of California | December 13, 2017
Dominican University of California FTE ~1900 Mostly Undergraduate with 8 Masters Programs Full-time Faculty ~ 112 Lots of adjuncts FTE ~ 1900 ~ 112 full-time faculty, and many more adjuncts 6 librarians (including myself) 3 support staff (circulation) 15 student workers (circulation) It’s a small university, but the librarians encounter the same problems as at larger institutions
My Job(s) Repository manager Electronic resources Library website admin Liaison (4 programs) Plus university committees and side projects that I get roped into. I look at Scholarly Comminutions Librarian as my main job; that’s my job description but I don’t have the time to do everything that I would like to do. I spend about ¾ time on the repository The other jobs I do are in maintenance mode; I make sure that everything is working and I’ll make updates when I need a break from the repository. These jobs can be done so much better but I have to prioritize.
58 SelectedWorks profiles 3 years old 2,132 items 275,000+ downloads 58 SelectedWorks profiles This includes one active journal one journal archive, Several book galleries a few image galleries, ~58 SelectedWorks pages several events including an ongoing student conference.
Students deposit their own work I deposit faculty work Work Flow Students deposit their own work I deposit faculty work I do this where I can for student work (senior and masters theses, research posters, senior art exhibition, etc.) I don’t do this for faculty, I need to make sure that copyright permissions are covered; I don’t trust the faculty to do that. Starting to train others to deposit their own materials, especially for large bulk items.
And I do everything else Work Flow Gathering and depositing faculty work Marketing the IR Help formatting papers And I do everything else Developing policy Class visits about the IR Copyright permissions & questions
Build Relationships & Ask Questions Get to know IT and your web content manager Fans of the Library Get out of the office Listen Conferences (if you can) ListServes Get to know the IT department. Who is the University’s web content manager? Who do you know in the Marketing department or the media office? Read the campus newsletters. Who are the library’s power users among the faculty? Talk with them about faculty concerns and scholarship and about putting student work online? What are their thoughts and opinions? Why do they think that way? Get out for a walk – drop in people’s offices and say “hello”, run into people around campus and find out what they’re working on? Is there someway the you or the repository could help them out? Invite yourself to department meetings or retreats. Chat with the deans. Listen at meetings, in the lunch room, look for opportunities ListServes and Conf. helped me when I was a beginner
Set parameters of what you will and won’t do for people Borrow shamelessly Forms Policies LibGuides Tools Canned Emails Lots Calendar Reminders External tools like Evernote and Google Keep Other people doing what we do tend to be passionate about the work and often times are wiling to help Ask to borrow and repurpose Look for CC licenses
You’re not alone Librarians like to share I’ve found that people who do this work are very passionate about it and they want to help Image removed
It takes time… Be Patient Be Persistent Honestly, it takes time, especially at the beginning… you can put as much or as little as you want into it I enjoy and believe in the work so I put more time into it. Other job duties are still there but some of them are in maintenance mode, others I need to spend more time on.
Michael Pujals Dominican Scholar Dominican University of California Dominican Scholar