Strategic Communications plan V.4 Neighbourhood Partnerships – Strategic Approach To Communications Update
The vision Imagine a city where every citizen is able to see and influence transformation in their neighbourhood through a range of communication methods.
The approach Use a variety of methods to increase the understanding and awareness of: How to get involved Benefits and achievements of participation Neighbourhood Partnerships and their scope of influence
Approach themes Promotion Branding Web-based
Promotion - NP Newsletter Four editions released 1,200 contacts reached Promotes activity and how to get involved Highlights innovation (e.g. participatory budgeting)
Branding New branding adopted across the city Toolkit created to support promotional activity Will be used on all NP communication going forward.
Web-based - Tweets send to date – 1,667 Followers across city – 8,449 Peak level of ‘reach’ – 11,800 - Increase in followers to – 350 NP activities pinned - 100 - Customer focused re-design Improved visual and usability In built e-Engagement tool
Ongoing action Annual promotional plan Training programme
Strategic Communications plan V.4 Questions / Comments