Process Semi-Centralized Promotions


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Presentation transcript:

Process Semi-Centralized Promotions SHOW SLIDE #1-Process Semi-Centralized Promotions ADMINISTRATIVE DATA: Academic Hours/Methods 0 hr/15 mins Introduction 8 hrs/25 mins Conference / Discussion/Drill and Practice/Simulation 4hrs/25mins Practical Exercises/Practical Exercise Review 0hrs/20mins Test Review 1 hr/30mins Test 15 hrs Total Hours INTRODUCTION: Method of Instructions: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:28 Time of Instruction: 5 mins Media: Group Instruction INSTRUCTIONAL GUIDANCE. NOTE: Before presenting this lesson, instructors must thoroughly prepare by studying this lesson and identified reference materials. Throughout this lesson, solicit from students the challenges they experienced in the current Operational Environment (OE) and what they did to resolve them. Encourage the students to apply at least 1 of the eight critical variables: Political, Military, Economic, Social, Information, Infrastructure, Physical Environment, and Time. MOTIVATOR: Selection for promotion to an NCO rank is based on a Soldier’s potential to serve at increasing levels of responsibility, and this potential stems from a leader’s assessment of a Soldier in his or her current rank. NCOs lead, train, and educate, care for Soldiers and equipment and maintain and enforce standards. These four roles establish the foundation for NCO development and serve as a measurement of success throughout an NCO’s career. June 2019

TLO 2.0 – Promotions ELO 2.9 – Process Semi-Centralized Promotions LESSON OUTCOME: Student will gain a basic knowledge of Select-Train-Educate-Promote (STEP), semi-centralized enlisted promotion policies and how to determine eligibility for promotion. Students will gain a basic understanding of the purpose, content, format, preparation, and processing of the Unit Enlisted Promotions Report (AAA-294). Students will demonstrate the ability to produce a Promotion Point Worksheet and update a Soldier’s promotion data using eMILPO. Students will gain a basic knowledge of semi-centralized promotion boards and their responsibilities as a HR Specialist for post-board processing. GLO/ALA: METHODS OF INSTRUCTION: Structured overview Demonstration Drill and Practice Simulation Practical Exercises INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGY: Direct / Collaborative / Interactive Instruction ENABLING LEARNING OBJECTIVE ACTION: Process Semi-Centralized Promotions CONDITIONS: In a classroom environment, given AR 600-8-19 (Enlisted Promotions and Reductions), PRLI to SGT & SSG Administrative Instructions SHO, Unit Enlisted Promotion Report (AAA- 294), Enlisted Record Briefs (ERBs), Promotion Point Worksheet (PPW) SHO, access to the eMILPO Training Database and awareness of Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. STANDARD: Perform the following enlisted promotion actions with a minimum of 70% accuracy: Determine a Soldier's Eligibility for Promotion. Process the Enlisted Promotion Report (AAA-294). Review the Promotion Point Worksheet (PPW). Update a Soldier's Promotion Data using eMILPO. Conduct Promotion Boards and process board proceedings. ACADEMIC HOURS: 15.0 LEARNING ACTIVITIES Lesson introduction Interpret the Unit Enlisted Promotions Report (AAA-294) Update promotion board information for Soldiers (eMILPO) Determine promotion eligibility Promotion Point Worksheet Promotion board proceedings ASSESSMENT Practical exercises. Students are required to complete a knowledge-based assessment delivered via the Blackboard Academic Suite and obtain a passing score of 70% or higher. SHOW SLIDE #2- Terminal Learning Objective INTRODUCTION Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio is: 1:28 Time of Instruction: 15 mins Media: Group Instruction SAFETY REQUIREMENTS: In a training environment, leaders must perform a risk assessment in accordance with DA PAM 385-30, Risk Management. Leaders will complete a DD Form 2977 DELIBERATE RISK ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET during the planning and completion of each task and sub-task by assessing mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available-time available and civil considerations, (METT-TC). Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW TRADOC Regulation 350-29. No food or drink is allowed near or around electrical equipment (CPU, file servers, printers, projectors, etc.) due to possible electrical shock or damage to equipment.  Exercise care in personal movement in and through such areas.  Avoid all electrical cords and associated wiring.  In event of electrical storm, you will be instructed to power down equipment. Everyone is responsible for safety.   RISK ASSESSMENT LEVEL: Low. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS: Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Refer to ATP 3-34.5 Environmental Considerations and GTA 05-08-002 Environmental-Related Risk Assessment. EVALUATION: Practical Exercise/Test INSTRUCTIONAL LEAD-IN: Leaders continually assess how Soldiers perform in their current rank and, when successful, identify those who show the capacity and potential, with training, to perform at high levels of responsibility. Soldiers should be considered for promotion to the next higher grade when they achieve competency in their current rank and exhibit the potential to serve successfully at the next higher rank.

ACTION: Process Semi-Centralized Promotions LEARNING OBJECTIVE ACTION: Process Semi-Centralized Promotions CONDITIONS: In a classroom environment, given AR 600-8-19 (Enlisted Promotions and Reductions), PRLI to SGT & SSG Administrative Instructions SHO, Unit Enlisted Promotion Report (AAA- 294), Enlisted Record Briefs (ERBs), Promotion Point Worksheet (PPW) SHO, access to the eMILPO Training Database and awareness of Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. STANDARD: Perform the following enlisted promotion actions with a minimum of 70% accuracy: Determine a Soldier's Eligibility for Promotion. Process the Enlisted Promotion Report (AAA-294). Review the Promotion Point Worksheet (PPW). Update a Soldier's Promotion Data using eMILPO. Conduct Promotion Boards and process board proceedings.

Select-Train-Educate-Promote (STEP) Applicable to Title 10 Soldiers (AC and USAR) Selection for promotion based on individual performance & potential demonstrated over time. The culmination of Training & Education resulting in certification / validation that a Soldier is fully qualified in their MOS / grade. Promotion eligible to next rank upon completing Professional Military Education. DESIRED END STATE Appropriate training, education, and experience is completed before promotion in order to best prepare our NCOs to fight and win in a complex world as adaptive and agile leaders and trusted professionals for Force 2025. Soldier qualified for Selection: ü APFT/ Ht & Wt ü Weapons Qual ü MOS Qualified ü SSD Complete ü Demonstrated Character . Soldier participates in Training: Individual; collective; unit MOS specific Warrior Tasks and Battle Drills Leader Tasks Civilian Ed Soldier attend Professional Military Education: BLC ALC SLC MLC SMC Promotion once Soldier is eligible to pin on (cut-off scores / sequence #). SHOW SLIDE #4- Select-Train-Educate-Promote (STEP) Learning Step / Activity TLO – LSA 1. Determine a Soldier's Eligibility for Promotion Method of Instruction: DSL – Discussion (Large or Small Group) Mode of Delivery: Resident Instruction Instr Type (I:S Ratio;Qty) Qualified Instructor (1:28) Time of Instruction: 1hr 15 mins Media Type PowerPoint Presentation Security Classification: This course/lesson will present information that has a Security Classification of: U- Unclassified NOTE: Reference: AR 600-8-19, paragraph 1-5. INSTRUCTIONAL LEAD-IN. The Army’s Enlisted Promotions System provides for career progression and rank that are in line with potential and for recognition of the best qualified Soldier, which will attract and retain the highest caliber Soldier for a career in the Army. Additionally, the system precludes promoting the Soldier who is not productive or not the best qualified, thus providing an equitable system for all Soldiers. The Army’s enlisted promotion system will support a Select-Train-Educate-Promote (STEP) concept to ensure appropriate training, education, and experience is complete before promotion to NCO ranks in order to best prepare them to fight and win in a complex world as adaptive and agile leaders and trusted professionals. SELECT. Selection for promotion to a NCO rank is based on a Soldier’s potential to serve at increasing levels of responsibility, stemming from a leader’s (or promotion board’s) assessment of a Soldier in his or her current rank. Soldiers are eligible to appear in front of a unit promotion board based on the recommendation of their chain of command. The chain of command takes into account the Soldier’s mastery of their knowledge, skills, and attributes for their current grade. The description of an NCO as a leader is based on the core roles derived from the duties, responsibilities, and authorities of the NCO Corps. Our NCOs: (1) Lead (2) Train and educate (3) Care for Soldiers and equipment (4) Maintain and enforce standards. These four roles establish the foundation for NCO development and serve as measurements of success throughout an NCO’s career. Leaders must continually assess how Soldiers perform in their current rank and, when successful, identify those who show the capacity and potential, with training and education, to perform at higher levels of responsibility. TRAIN AND EDUCATE. The training and education of NCOs is vital to the readiness of our Army; producing adaptive leaders who thrive in a chaotic world by providing leaders with skills and knowledge needed to fight and win in a complex security environment. NCO development is a continuous and progressive process, spanning an entire career. Development comprises training, education, and experience gained in schools, while assigned to organizations, and through the individual’s own program of self-development. The NCO’s career timeline provides a foundation for accumulating the necessary training, education, and experiences needed to attain competency at each grade. The culmination of prescribed training and education (unit training, institutional training and education), and Structured Self-Development (SSD), combined with experiences (over time), result in validation that a Soldier is fully qualified in their MOS/grade and possess the knowledge, skills, and attributes required to perform at a higher level of responsibility. (1) TRAINING. Through training, NCOs achieve the tactical and technical competence that builds confidence and adaptability. They train daily on individual, leader, and collective tasks under challenging and realistic conditions allowing them to develop the ability to exercise mature judgment and initiative under stress. Training continues in deployed units to sustain skills and adapt to changes in operational environments. Training includes directed / mandatory training, common individual and leader tasks, warrior battle drills, unit mission essential task list-based collective tasks, and MOS skills. (2) EDUCATION. Consisting of SSD and the NCOPME, and linking it with promotion, education better prepares NCOs for the complexities of today‘s operational environment while reinforcing the benefits of a deliberate, continuous, sequential, and progressive professional development strategy. PROMOTE. Once Soldiers are fully trained and educated, meet all prerequisites for promotion pin-on and are established as promotable to the next rank, they are promoted in support of satisfying Army requirements. These Soldiers display a progression of competencies and attributes in the following general learning outcomes: (1) The Army Profession. (2) Professional Competence. (3) Team Building. (4) Adaptability. (5) Lifelong Learning. (6) Comprehensive Fitness. EXPERIENCE

Eligibility Criteria for Recommendation FACTOR CRITERIA MOS Must be recommended in their Career Progression MOS (CPMOS) and fully qualified in recommended MOS (DA PAM 611-21). Civilian Education Must have high school diploma or general education development (GED). Military Education To SGT - Must have completed Structured Self-Development (SSD)/Distributed Leader Course (DLC) Level 1 before board appearance to SGT. To SSG - Must have completed Structured Self-Development (SSD)/Distributed Leader Course (DLC) Level 2 before board appearance to SSG. Reenlistment Eligibility Must not be ineligible to reenlistment. Physical Qualification Soldier remains eligible until determined by the Disability Evaluation System (DES) process (refer to para 1-21). APFT Must possess a current passing APFT score in accordance with applicable regulations and field manuals (FMs). Weight Control Must in compliance with Army Body Composition Program (AR 600-9). Alcohol and Substance Abuse Program (ASAP) Must not be command-referred (waiver may be granted for Self-referral to ASAP). Disciplinary Cannot be under Suspension of Favorable Personnel Actions (FLAG) IAW AR 600-8-2. SHOW SLIDE #5- Eligibility Criteria for Recommendation NOTE: Refer students to AR 600-8-19, Table 3-1 and Table 3-3, as needed. • Explain that Table 3-1 is eligibility criteria for recommendation for promotion. • Explain the difference between the criteria for recommendation (Table 3-1) and the criteria for promotion pin-on (Table 3-3). • Remind the students not to confuse the two while preparing recommendations for promotions. 1. Determine a Soldier's Eligibility for Promotion. a. Review eligibility criteria for promotion. (1) Must be fully qualified in Career progression Military Occupational Specialty (CPMOS). (2) Must have minimum required Civilian education. (a) High school diploma. (b) General Education Development (GED) completion. (3) Must complete Military education requirements for recommended grade. (a) Completed Structured Self-Development (SSD) Level 1 for promotion to SGT. (b) Completed Structured Self-Development (SSD) Level 2 for promotion to SSG. (4) Eligible to reenlist. (5) Considered physically qualified. (6) Must possess a current passing Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) score in accordance with applicable regulations and field manuals. (7) Must be in compliance with Army Body Composition Program (AR 600-9). (8) Cannot be enrolled in Army Alcohol and Substance Abuse Program (ASAP). Note: Waiver may be granted for Self-Referral to ASAP. (9) Cannot be under Suspension of Favorable Personnel Actions (FLAG). Table 3-1, AR 600-8-19

Mandatory List Integration Command List Integration. Command List Integration is rescinded for RA and USAR (AGR) Soldiers only and replaced with Mandatory List Integration. Soldiers for increased levels of responsibility prior to the Soldier’s primary zone eligibility. Rules for integration in the promotion recommended list are applicable to RA and USAR Active Guard Reserve(AGR) only. Secondary Zone. Unit commanders will consider eligible Soldiers who are in the secondary zone for integration into the SGT/SSG recommended list on a monthly basis. Primary Zone. Appearance before a local promotion board is mandatory for all Soldiers upon reaching primary zone eligibility. Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1 will impose HQDA bar to continued service against any Soldier (RA and USAR (AGR) only) who fails to qualify for mandatory board appearance while obtaining primary zone eligibility or fail to complete Self-Structured Development (SSD) courses. Bars and SSD completion will be reviewed every quarter and after the fourth review separation proceedings will follow IAW AR 635-200. SHOW SLIDE #6- Mandatory List Integration NOTE: FYI, Command List Integration is being replaced with Mandatory List Integration. Soldiers and leaders must ensure that Soldiers are trained, developed, and meet educational requirements for promotion to SGT and SSG starting 1 May 2018.

Eligibility Criteria for Recommendation Time in Service (TIS) – Time-in-Grade (TIG) Time Requirement for Board Appearance as of the first day of the board month. To SSG Secondary Zone (SZ) 47 months TIS 6 months TIG Primary Zone (PZ) 71 months TIS 17 months TIG Mandatory List Integration 83 months TIS 23 months TIG To SGT 17 months TIS 5 months TIG 35 months TIS 11 months TIG SHOW SLIDE #6- Eligibility Criteria for Recommendation (cont.) NOTE: Ensure Soldiers are familiar with the terminology and difference between: “Primary Zone and “Secondary Zone” “Fully Eligible” and “Eligible with Waiver.” NOTE: Refer students to AR 600-8-19, Table 3-1 as needed. b. Verify Time-in-Service (TIS) and Time-in-Grade (TIG) requirements for board appearance. (1) For promotion to SSG (a) Secondary zone - 47 months TIS / 6 months TIG (b) Primary zone - 71 months TIS / 9 months TIG (c) Mandatory List Integration - 71 months TIS / 9 months TIG (2) For promotion to SGT (a) Secondary zone - 17 months TIS / 5 months TIG (b) Primary zone - 35 months TIS / 7 months TIG (c) Mandatory List Integration - 35 months TIS / 7 months TIG Table 3-1, AR 600-8-19

Eligibility Criteria for Promotion Pin-on Time in Service (TIS) – Time-in-Grade (TIG) Minimum time requirement for promotion pin-on as of the 1st day of the board month. To SSG Secondary Zone (SZ) 48 months TIS 7 months TIG Primary Zone (PZ) 72 months TIS 18 months TIG Mandatory List Integration 84 months TIS 24 months TIG Service Remaining Requirement None To SGT 18 months TIS 6 months TIG 36 months TIS 12 months TIG SHOW SLIDE #7- Eligibility Criteria for Promotion Pin-on NOTE: Refer students to AR 600-8-19, Table 3-3, and MILPER Message Number 17-187 as needed. c. Verify Time-in-Service (TIS) and Time-in-Grade (TIG) eligibility criteria for promotion pin-on. (1) For promotion to SSG. (a) Secondary zone - 48 months TIS / 7 months TIG (b) Primary zone - 72 months TIS / 10 months TIG (c) Mandatory List Integration - 72 months TIS / 10 months TIG (d) Service Remaining Requirement: None (2) For promotion to SGT (a) Secondary zone - 18 months TIS / 6 months TIG (b) Primary zone - 36 months TIS / 8 months TIG (c) Mandatory List Integration - 36 months TIS / 8 months TIG (d) Service Remaining Requirement : None Table 3-3, AR 600-8-19

Check on Learning Q: What military education self-development / distributive learning course must be completed prior to promotion board appearance to SSG? A: Structured Self-Development / Distributive Learning Course Level 2 (SSD/DLC 2) AR 600-8-19, Table 3-1 Q: What are the minimum Civilian Education requirements to be eligible for promotion recommendation to SGT? A: Must have high school diploma or general education development (GED). AR 600-8-19, Table 3-1 What are the ranks that Mandatory List Integration (MLI) apply to? A: SPC, CPL, SGT AR 600-8-19, Table 3-1 & Para 1-9c(5) Q: Which components are impacted by MLI? A: Regular Army and USAR AGR AR 600-8-19, Para 3-1c(3) SHOW SLIDE #8- Check On Learning NOTE: Conduct a check on learning and summarize the learning activity. What military education self-development course must be completed prior to promotion board appearance to SSG? A: Structured Self-Development Level 2 (SSD 2) AR 600-9-10, Table 3-1 Q: What are the minimum Civilian Education requirements to be eligible for promotion recommendation to SGT? A: Must have high school diploma or general education development (GED). AR 600-8-10, Table 3-1 Q: What are the ranks that Mandatory List Integration (MLI) apply to? A: SPC, CPL, SGT Reference Army Directive 2017-28, Para 3 (Soldiers who are eligible for promotions to SGT and SSG)



Enlisted Promotion Report (AAA-294) RSN for Removal Column Reasons Removed from Promotion Recommended List SFPA (Suspension of Favorable Personnel Action) Soldier received a flag. APFT (Army Physical Fitness Test) APFT GREATER THAN 1 YR, APFT BLANK, APFT FAILURE Soldier’s APFT expired, becomes blank or is marked as failed. IMREPR (Immediate Reenlistment Prohibition) Soldier received an IMREPR code. MEL/MES (Military Education Level and Military Education Status) Soldier’s MEL/MES does not meet the minimum NCOES requirement. TIS (Time-in-Service) Soldier’s BASD (Basic Active Service Date) was adjusted and they are no longer eligible. TIG (Time-in-Grade) Soldier’s DOR (Date of Rank) was adjusted and they are no longer eligible. *HRCTRN (HRC 4285 Delete Transaction) eMILPO received a delete promotion point transaction from TAPDB (Total Army Personnel Data Base) to remove MLI (Mandatory List Integration) promotion points. These are removal transactions from HRC (Human Resources Command), Junior Enlisted Promotions for requests submitted by the field, IAW AR 600-8-19, para 3-28, Removal from Recommended List. *Additional note: This can occur if eMILPO has both MLI and board promotion points for the same Soldier. SHOW SLIDE #12- Enlisted Promotion Report (AAA-294) – RSN for Removal Column   NOTE: Review reasons for removal from the Promotion Recommended List. SFPA (Suspension of Favorable Personnel Action) Soldier received a flag. APFT (Army Physical Fitness Test) Soldier’s APFT expired, becomes blank or is marked as failed. APFT GREATER THAN 1 YR, APFT BLANK, APFT FAILURE IMREPR (Immediate Reenlistment Prohibition) Soldier received an IMREPR code. MEL/MES (Military Education Level and Military Education Status) Soldier’s MEL/MES does not meet the minimum NCOES requirement. TIS (Time-in-Service) Soldier’s BASD (Basic Active Service Date) was adjusted and they are no longer eligible. TIG (Time-in-Grade) Soldier’s DOR (Date of Rank) was adjusted and they are no longer eligible *HRCTRN (HRC 4285 Delete Transaction) eMILPO received a delete promotion point transaction from TAPDB (Total Army Personnel Data Base) to remove MLI (Mandatory List Integration) promotion points. These are removal transactions from HRC (Human Resources Command), Junior Enlisted Promotions for requests submitted by the field, IAW AR 600-8-19, para 3-27, Removal from Recommended List. *Additional note: This can occur if eMILPO has both MLI and board promotion points for the same Soldier.

Enlisted Promotion Report (AAA-294) Remarks Column Not Eligible Categories in Order of Precedence ADVERSE ACTION Indicates Soldier is currently flagged. ARMY BODY COMPOSITION PROGRAM Adverse Action flag. IMMEDIATE REENLISTMENT PROHIBITION REASONS (IMREPR CD) Ineligible to reenlist. APFT GREATER THAN 1 YR Shows there is expired APFT data in eMILPO. APFT BLANK eMILPO APFT data blank only. NO APFT DATA All physical fitness data in eMILPO blank. APFT FAILURE Failed APFT and no flag was submitted. DOES NOT MEET MEL/MES REQUIREMENTS Soldier does not meet the NCOES eligibility requirement for recommendation (SPC/CPL – Not SSD/DLC 1 / SGT – Not SSD/DLC 2). DENIED AUTOMATIC INTEGRATION Commander circled “No” for Mandatory List Integration (MLI). NO REMARKS Soldier has not met the minimum TIS/TIG requirement. ETS LESS THAN 90 DAYS Soldier has less than 90 days on active duty remaining. MLI Soldiers on the AAA-294 report under section “SPC/CPL or SGT Eligible for Mandatory List Integration” are eligible for board appearance. ARMY PHYSICAL FITNESS TEST FAILURE Soldier scores less than 180 on APFT. ADVERSE ACTION, INVOLUNTARY SEPARATION/DISCHARGE-FIELD INITIATED Soldier is flagged and has an IMREPR code. SHOW SLIDE #13- Enlisted Promotion Report (AAA-294) – Remarks Column   NOTE: Review Not Eligible Categories and Remarks. ADVERSE ACTION Indicates Soldier is currently flagged. ARMY BODY COMPOSITION PROGRAM Adverse Action flag. IMMEDIATE REENLISTMENT PROHIBITION REASONS (IMREPR CD) Ineligible to reenlist (see MILPER 15-108). APFT GREATER THAN 1 YEAR Shows there is expired APFT data in eMILPO APFT BLANK eMILPO APFT data blank only. NO APFT DATA All physical fitness data in eMILPO blank. APFT FAILURE Failed APFT and no flag was submitted. DOES NOT MET MEL/MES REQUIREMENTS Soldier does not meet the NCOES eligibility requirement for recommendation (SPC/CPL – Not SSD 1 / SGT – Not SSD 2). DENIED AUTOMATIC INTEGRATION Commander circled “No” for Mandatory List Integration (MLI). NO REMARKS Soldier has not met the minimum TIS/TIG requirement ETS LESS THAN 90 DAYS Soldier has less than 90 days on active duty remaining. MLI Soldiers on the AAA-294 report under section “SPC/CPL or SGT Eligible for Mandatory List Integration” are eligible for board Appearance. ARMY PHYSICAL FITNESS TEST FAILURE Soldier scores less than 180 on APFT. ADVERSE ACTION, INVOLUNTARY SEPARATION Soldier is flagged and has an IMREPR code. DISCHARGE-FIELD INITIATED

Promotion Board Recommendations Unit commander’s may recommend: Eligible Regular Army (RA) and United States Army Reserve (USAR) (Active Guard Reserve (AGR)) Soldiers for board consideration as early as the 20th day of the month preceding the board. Eligible USAR (Troop Program Unit (TPU), Army Reserve Element (ARE), multi-component commands or units) Soldiers for promotion consideration up to 60 days prior to the convene date of the board. SHOW SLIDE #14- Promotion Board Recommendations Learning Step / Activity TLO – LSA 2. Process the Enlisted Promotion Report (AAA-294) Method of Instruction: DSL – Discussion (Large or Small Group) Mode of Delivery: Resident Instruction Instr Type (I:S Ratio;Qty) Qualified Instructor (1:28) Time of Instruction: 2 hrs 00 mins Media Type PowerPoint Presentation Security Classification: This course/lesson will present information that has a Security Classification of: U- Unclassified NOTE: Refer students to AR 600-8-19, para 3-11 (Identifying and Processing Recommendations for promotion to SGT and SSG) 1. On a monthly (RA and/or USAR AGR) or minimum of quarterly (USAR TPU, Army Reserve Element (ARE), and multicomponent units) basis, unit CDRs must consider all eligible Soldiers for promotion recommendation using the unit enlisted promotion report (AAA-294) when the Soldiers are otherwise eligible as indicated in tables 3–1 and 3–2, AR 600-8-19. 2. Unit Commander’s may recommend: a. Eligible RA and USAR AGR Soldiers for board consideration as early as the 20th day of the month preceding the board month. b. Eligible USAR (TPU, ARE, multi-component commands or units) Soldiers for promotion consideration up to 60 days prior to the convene date of the board. AR 600-8-19, para 3-12b(3)(b)

Unit Responsibilities Units are responsible for the following promotion-related actions: Recommend eligible and deserving Soldiers. Conduct promotion boards. Approve and recommend Soldiers for promotion list integration. Integrate Soldiers onto the recommended list using eMILPO (RA) or AGRMIS (USAR AGR) no later than the 8th calendar day of each board month Once integrated, promotion points are effective on the 1st calendar day of the following month Field grade CDRs (LTC or higher) serve as the promotion authority to the rank of SGT and SSG for Soldiers assigned or attached to their command (AR 600-8-19, Para 3-1) Example: A Soldier integrated by February 8th will compete for promotion against the 1 March cutoff scores. SHOW SLIDE #15-Unit Responsibilities   Key unit promotion responsibilities include: Recommending eligible and deserving Soldiers. Conducting board appearances. Approving and recommending Soldiers for promotion list integration. Integrate Soldiers onto the recommended list using eMILPO (RA) or AGRMIS (AGR) no later than the 8th calendar day of each board month (Figure 3–3, AR 600-8-19). Once integrated, promotion points are effective on the 1st calendar day of the following month Example: A Soldier integrated by February 8th, will compete for promotion against the 1 March cutoff scores. AR 600-8-19, para 3-11b

Monthly Promotion Cycle SHOW SLIDE #16- Monthly Promotion Cycle   NOTE: Refer to AR 600-8-19, Figure 3-3, as needed. The graphic on the slide is slightly different than Figure 3-3; however, contains the same information and also additional information highlighting key dates for promotion-related actions. Highlight and emphasize key dates and responsibilities for the HR Specialist during the monthly promotion cycle. Because the Army uses an automated promotion point calculation process, all monthly eMILPO transactions must be submitted by the HR specialist and reflect on the PPW no later than the 8th calendar day of the board month. Commanders and S-1s must ensure this strict requirement is met to ensure individual Soldiers are not otherwise ineligible for promotion due to untimely data submission. Strict adherence to this timeline is enforced by Human Resources Command (HRC). Failure to process semi-centralized promotions actions according to the monthly promotion cycle could result in an eligible and deserving Soldier not being promoted on time.

Check On Learning Q: What is the primary document used to determine promotion eligibility of Soldiers in the ranks SPC/CPL – SGT? A: AAA-294, Unit Enlisted Promotion Report. AR 600-8-19, paragraph 3-11(b)(1) Q: What three responsibilities does the HR Specialist have regarding the AAA-294, Unit Enlisted Promotion Report? A: 1) Produce the AAA-294 report using eMILPO. 2) Review the report for accuracy. 3) Forward the report to the appropriate unit commander. PRLI to SGT & SSG SHO, para 3-11 (unit level responsibilities) Q: When must the commander take action to deny automatic Mandatory List Integration? A: No later than the 19th (calendar day) of the month. AR 600-8-19, paragraph 3-32b Q: T/F Commanders are authorized to deny integration onto the promotion recommended list when the Soldier is fully qualified. A: False, AR 600-8-19 Paragraph 3-24.  SHOW SLIDE #18: Check On Learning NOTE: Conduct a Check on Learning, summarize the learning activity, and poll students for any questions. Q: What is the primary document used to determine promotion eligibility of Soldiers in the ranks SPC/CPL – SGT? A: AAA-294, Unit Enlisted Promotion Report. AR 600-8-19, paragraph 3-11a Q: What three responsibilities does the HR Specialist have regarding the AAA-294, Unit Enlisted Promotion Report? A: 1) Produce the AAA-294 report using eMILPO. 2) Review the report for accuracy. 3) Forward the report to the appropriate unit commander. AR 600-8-19, paragraph 3-1c(1)e(1) Q: When must the commander take action to deny any automatic Mandatory List Integration? A: No later than the 19th (calendar day) of the month. AR 600-8-19, paragraph 3-32b

Promotion Board Preparation HR Specialist (S-1) assists recommended Soldiers with: Enlisted Record Brief (ERB) updates Promotion Point Worksheet (PPW) review Recommended Soldiers must provide any promotion- related source documents that are missing in order to update their personnel or training records. The PPW uses the Soldier’s personnel record in eMILPO and the Army Training Requirements and Resources System (ATRRS) to calculate the amount of Promotion Points earned. HR Specialist (S-1) provides PPW, ERB, commander’s recommendation, and any other documentation that may be required to the Promotion Board Recorder. SHOW SLIDE #18- Promotion Board Preparation   The HR Specialist plays a critical role in assisting Soldiers prepare their records for a promotion board. The HR Specialist normally schedules one-on-one appointments for Soldiers who are appearing before the promotion board (prior to the promotion board month) to review and/or update their personnel records. Remind recommended Soldiers to bring all promotion-related source documents with them if their records need updating. Some common examples are an award a Soldier may have recently received or a recently completed military school or course that is not on their records and not reflected on their Enlisted Record Brief (ERB).

Promotion Point Worksheet Assessment and Access (PPW) HR Specialists must first pass an HRC PPW Assessment with a score of 80% or higher before being granted access. A CSM, SGM, CW3, or CPT must certify the PPW Assessment before sending to HRC. Unit security manager must also verify security clearance. The promotion authority LTC or higher must digitally sign the PPW access request prior to submission. Access will not be granted until the PPW assessment is passed and all requirements are met. Promotion Point Worksheet Section A Military Training Section B Awards and Decorations Section C Military Education Section D Civilian Education Section E Total Points SHOW SLIDE #19 - Promotion Point Worksheet Assessment and Access (PPW) Learning Step / Activity TLO – LSA 3. Review the Promotion Point Worksheet (PPW) Method of Instruction: DSL – Discussion (Large or Small Group) Time of Instruction: 1hrs 00 mins Instr Type (I:S Ratio;Qty) Qualified Instructor (1:28) Mode of Delivery: Resident Instruction Security Classification: This course/lesson will present information that has a Security Classification of: U- Unclassified Media Type PowerPoint Presentation NOTE: Important links to the HRC Enlisted Promotions Websites. HRC Enlisted Promotions Main Page S-1 Link to PPW Logon Soldier Link to PPW Logon Overview. The Promotion Point Worksheet (PPW) is the Army’s upgrade to an automated system that supports a paperless promotion point computation. The PPW uses the Soldier’s personnel record in the Electronic Military Personnel Office (eMILPO) and the Army Training Requirements and Resources System (ATRRS) to calculate the amount of Promotion Points earned. Under this promotion system, it is imperative that Soldiers ensure that their Enlisted Records Brief (ERB) is accurate. a. All Soldiers requiring access must first pass an Assessment (multiple-choice test) and score 80% or higher.   2. Obtaining Access. Human Resource Command (HRC) Junior Enlisted Promotions has established the following procedures for granting access to the PPW: b. The PPW Assessment must be certified by a CSM, SGM, CW3, or CPT. c. Security clearance must be verified by unit Security Manager. d. The promotion authority LTC or higher must digitally sign the PPW access request prior to submission to HRC. e. Access will not be granted until the PPW assessment is passed and all requirements are met. 3. Accessing the PPW. There are four ways to access the PPW. a. Soldiers and brigade/battalion S-1 and MPD personnel can login by using the PPW link found on the HRC Enlisted Promotions webpage: b. Soldiers and brigade/battalion S-1 and MPD personnel can login by using the PPW link found on the HRC Tools and Applications Directory webpage: (select “Self-Service) (select “Promotion Point Worksheet) c. Soldiers can login by using the “Enlisted Promotions” link found on the AKO website: (located under Army Links) d. Brigade / Battalion S-1 and MPD personnel can login by using the “Promotion Worksheet” link on the eMILPO website: 4. PPW User Manual Version 5 (17 May 2016). The PPW User Manual contains the following sections: a. Section A – Soldier’s View b. Section B - Brigade / Battalion S1/MPD View c. Section C - Integrate a Soldier onto the Department of the Army (DA) Promotion Recommended List (PRL) d. Section D - Remove a Soldier from the PRL e. Section E - Promotion Points Notification Email f. Section F – S1 Report by Unit Identification Code Link: IMPORTANT NOTE: PPW users (HR Specialists) will not integrate or remove themselves or Soldiers outside their lines of authority from the Promotion Recommended List (PRL). PPW access is a revocable privilege, submit to monitoring and performance testing. Users will be held responsible for integrating and removing Soldiers from the PRL IAW 600-8-19. If violation of PPW access is determined to be deliberate, willful, or malicious, it can result in immediate revocation of PPW access. Higher command will be notified of user violations for further appropriate action. Ensure you routinely check the HRC Website and S-1 Net for updates.

Maximum Distribution of Promotion Points Categories To SGT To SSG Reference Military Training Weapons Qualification 160 (max) 110 (max) Para 3-16a&b Army Physical Fitness Test 180 (max) 145 (max) Maximum Points 340 255 Awards, Decorations, and Achievements (Permanent Awards) 125 165 Para 3-17 Military Education 200 220 Para 3-18 Civilian Education 135 160 Para 3-19 Total Points 800 SHOW SLIDE #20 - Maximum Distribution of Promotion Points NOTE: Refer students to AR 600-8-19, para 3-15 (Computation of Promotion Points), as needed. 1. Computation of Promotion Points. A Soldier’s promotion point score is determined based on the rank the Soldiers is recommended for using a dual-point promotion process incorporating separate and distinct computations for each rank (SGT or SSG). 2. Soldiers earn promotion points based on data contained in their personnel (eMILPO) and training records (ATRRS). HR Specialists must execute proper attention-to-detail, diligence, and technical expertise to ensure accurate personnel information is captured for every Soldier’s record. Although every individual Soldier must take responsibility for the content of their own personnel/training files, as an HR Specialist you will become a trusted advisor to Soldiers in your unit on PPW updates and corrections. 3. Later in the lesson, we will conduct hands-on training using eMILPO and learn how to update key data elements on the ERB that are used to populate the PPW point totals. Currently, automatic calculation of promotion points is only available for RA and USAR (AGR) Soldiers. 4. Now let’s take a closer look at the various categories in which Soldiers can earn promotion points. a. Military Training (AR 600-8-19, paragraph 3-16) (1) Weapons Qualification (2) Army Physical Fitness Test b. Awards and Decorations (AR 600-8-19, paragraph 3-17) (1) Awards and Decorations (2) Badges (3) Tabs (See Military Education for points). (4) DA Form 2442 (Certificates of Achievement) (5) Airborne Advantage (NOTE: Discussed in detail on a subsequent slide). c. Military Education (AR 600-8-19, paragraph 3-18) (1) Professional Military Education (NCOPME) (a) Structured Self-Development (SSD) (b) Basic Leader Course (BLC) (c) Advance Leader Course (ALC) (2) Resident Military Training (a) ATRRS Courses (b) NCOPME Courses (c) Ranger, Special Forces, and Sapper Qualification Courses (3) Computer Based Training d. Civilian Education (AR 600-8-19, paragraph 3-19) (1) Civilian education (credits and transcripts) (2) Foreign transcripts (3) Degree completion (4) College Level Examination Program (CLEP) and Defense Activity for Non-traditional Education Support (DANTES) courses (5) Technical certifications (6) Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT)

Promotion Point Worksheet (1 of 6) Section A – Military Training SHOW SLIDE #21 - Promotion Point Worksheet – Section A – Military Training NOTE: This PPW example is from the HRC Junior Enlisted Promotions Training Package. NOTE: At this time you can have students log onto eMILPO and produce a promotion point worksheet to follow along. This capability is not accessible for civilians. General Information. (1) Item 1. Name: Verify last name, first name, middle initial by using the Soldier’s ERB. (2) Item 2. SSN: Enter Soldier’s Last Four of SSN. (3) Item 3. DOR: Enter Soldier’s Date of Rank (YYYYMMDD). (4) Item 4. BASD: Enter Soldier’s Basic Active Service Date (BASD) (YYYYMMDD). (5) Item 5. Points Effective Date. Enter Effective Date (YYYYMMDD). (6) Item 6. Organization: Enter organization recommending Soldier for promotion (7) Item 7. PMOS: Enter promotion recommended MOS. Must be Soldier’s PMOS or career progression MOS. (8) Item 8. Status (Reason). Recommended grade: Enter promotion recommended grade. NOTE: Ensure students remember there are two different tables - one for SGT and one for SSG. SECTION A. MILITARY TRAINING. (AR 600-8-19, para 3-16) (1) ITEM 1. ARMY PHYSICAL FITNESS TEST (180 points maximum - SGT; 145 points maximum – SSG). Enter the latest APFT date and score as required.   Physical fitness test (push-ups, sit-ups, and 2-mile run) must be performed according to applicable Army training regulations and field manuals. To qualify for promotion points, a Soldier must attain a minimum score of 60 points on each event. Soldiers must use the last record APFT score administered, even if it is lower than a previous score that is within the 12-month period. Promotion points for Soldiers with waived events are outlined below: (a) Permanent profiles. (1) Soldiers with permanent physical profiles for the push-up and/or sit-up events will be granted 60 points for each event waived while using the actual score for each event actually performed. These Soldiers must qualify on the 2-mile run or approved alternate aerobic event according to FM 7–22. (2) Soldiers taking and passing an alternate event for the 2-mile run receive a score for that event equal to the average of the scores for the other two events. (3) Soldiers with permanent profiles resulting from combat-related operations who are unable to take an aerobic or alternate APFT event due to a permanent physical profile will use their last record APFT score until the Soldier is medically cleared to take the record APFT. If the Soldier’s last score was a failing score, that Soldier will be granted a minimum qualifying score of 60 points for each APFT event (the effective date of the score will be the date the CDR recommends the Soldier for promotion). (b) Temporary profiles. (1) Soldiers with a temporary profile that prohibits taking one or more events of the record APFT will continue to use their current record APFT score as a determinate for promotion points provided it is not more than 1-year old. (2) If the Soldier was afforded an opportunity to take the APFT and failed, or through his or her own negligence (as determined by the unit CDR) failed to take the test, the Soldier will be removed from the recommended list. (3) Soldiers with a temporary physical profile resulting from combat-related operations, pregnancy, or when enrolled into the Army Pregnancy Postpartum Physical Training Program whom are prohibited from taking one or more events of the record APFT will use their current (last) record APFT score provided it is not more than 2 years old at the time of the promotion point computation. (c) APFT charts are identified at table 3–9 for promotion to SGT and table 3–10 for promotion to SSG. (2) ITEM 2. WEAPON QUALIFICATION (160 points maximum - SGT; 110 points maximum – SSG). Enter the latest weapon qualification date, score card used, and the total number of hits. (b) The most recent qualification will be used. However, if the Soldier fails to qualify through his or her own fault, no valid score will exist. Qualification scores will be provided by the CDR for input to the database. If individual weapon qualification cannot be provided by the CDR and verifying information is not available, zero promotion points will be awarded. (a) Weapons qualification will comprise the most recent qualification score (but no older than 24 months) with the Soldier’s assigned weapon. (c) A Soldier’s individually assigned weapon should normally be the M16A2/M4 rifle; however, it may be another individually assigned weapon when duty or modification table of organization and equipment (MTOE) requires (for example, 9-millimeter pistol for military police). CDRs must ensure only the primary assigned weapon is entered for promotion points. Refer to DA Pam 350–38 for additional guidance. (d) Weapons qualification charts are provided in table 3–7 for promotion to SGT and table 3–8 for promotion to SSG. Soldiers assigned to an organization without weapons can use their latest qualification as an exception to the 24-month limit. However, once assigned to an organization with weapons, the Soldier will have 12 months to qualify with assigned weapon or will lose their most recent score. (e) Soldiers with physical profiles resulting from combat-related operations, pregnancy or who have a postpartum profile who are unable to qualify with a weapon due to a physical limitation will use their last weapon qualification score until the Soldier is medically cleared to fire for qualification. If the Soldier’s last qualifying score was a failing score, that Soldier (regardless of primary weapon assigned) will be granted a minimum qualifying score of 23 hits on the M16 scale, DA Form 5790–R (the effective date of the score will be the date the CDR recommends the Soldier for promotion).

Promotion Point Worksheet (2 of 6) Section B – Awards and Decorations SHOW SLIDE #22- Promotion Point Worksheet – Section B – Awards and Decorations NOTE: Refer students to AR 600-8-19, para 3-17, and Tables 3-11 through 3-13. SECTION B. AWARDS AND DECORATIONS ITEM 1. AWARDS, DECORATIONS, BADGES, AND CERTIFICATES OF ACHIEVEMENT. This section list all awards, decorations, and achievements individually the Soldier has earned and has been input into eMILPO and reflects on Soldiers ERB. To add entries to eMILPO for awards and decorations they must include award number and order number (example: AAM 2OLC, 97-023). DA Form 638 or the award certificate may be used as a source document provided it contains the ending period, the order number, and the order date. All achievements must include date awarded (example: Certificate of Achievement, YYYYMMDD: Soldier of the quarter, YYYYMMDD). Maximum: 125 for Promotion to SGT and 165 for Promotion to SSG (AR 600-8-19, para 3-17a). NOTE: Ask Soldiers to research the point value for the following awards: (1) Good Conduct Medal (GCM): The GCM is worth 10 promotion points. (2) Army Commendation Medal (ARCOM): The ARCOM is worth 20 promotion points. (3) Army Achievement Medal (AAM): The AAM is worth 10 promotion points. (4) Combat Action Badge (CAB): The CAB is worth 30 promotion points NOTE: Refer students to para 3-17d - DA Form 2442 (Certificates of Achievement). (5) Certificate of Achievement (COA): This is awarded by CDRs and/or deputy CDRs serving in positions authorized the rank of LTC or higher or any general officer (or equivalent civilian counterpart (general schedule (GS)–13 or above)). CSMs at the BDE level may award certificates of achievement. Five (5) points each award (maximum 20 points). ITEM 2. AIRBORNE ADVANTAGE. NOTE: ADVANCE TO NEXT SLIDE TO DISCUSS AIRBORNE ADVANTAGE. Certificates of Achievement (COA) (DA Form 2442). May be awarded by CDRs / Deputy CDRs serving in LTC or higher or any General Officer. CSMs at BDE level may award a COA – 5 promotion points per award (max 20 points).

Promotion Point Worksheet (3 of 6) Section B – Awards and Decorations Airborne Advantage In addition to points awarded for attainment of the Airborne Qualification Badge, Soldiers possessing airborne qualifications and assigned to an authorized airborne position (Special Qualification Identifier (SQI) P, S, U, or V in the duty MOS) associated with that position receive an additional number of promotion points. SQI P = Parachutist S = Special Operations Support U = 75th Ranger Regiment Leader V = Ranger-Parachutist SHOW SLIDE #23 - Promotion Point Worksheet – Section B – Awards and Decorations – Airborne Advantage ITEM 2. AIRBORNE ADVANTAGE (30-point maximum). In addition to points awarded for attainment of the airborne qualification badge, Soldiers possessing airborne qualifications and assigned to an authorized airborne position (special qualification identifier (SQI) of P, S, U, or V in the duty MOS) associated with that position receive an additional number of promotion points, without regard to the maximum point rules (AR 600-8-19, Table 3–13). Authorized Airborne Positions (SQI). P = Parachutist S = Special Operations Support U = 75th Ranger Regiment Leader V = Ranger-Parachutist SCENARIO ADDITIONAL POINTS Parachutist serving in TOE/TDA position 20 Senior Parachutist serving in TOE/TDA position 25 Master Parachutist serving in TOE/TDA position 30   SCENARIO ADDITIONAL POINTS Parachutist serving in TOE/TDA position 20 Senior Parachutist serving in TOE/TDA position 25 Master Parachutist serving in TOE/TDA position 30

Promotion Point Worksheet (4 of 6) Section C – Military Education SHOW SLIDE #24 - Promotion Point Worksheet – Section C – Military Education   ITEM 1. MILITARY EDUCATION (Academic and / or Leadership Achievements) NOTE: Refer students to AR 600-8-19, para 3-18. Maximum points: 200 for promotion to SGT; and 220 for promotion to SSG. (1) Structured Self-Development courses. Soldiers competing for selection to SGT/SSG will not receive promotion points for completion of SSD 1 or 2 (SSD 1/SSD 2 completion is a requirement in order to be recommended to SGT/SSG). (2) Basic Leader Course. Soldiers competing for selection to SGT do not receive promotion points for completion of BLC (BLC completion is a requirement to fully qualify for promotion to SGT). For Soldiers in possession of a DA Form 1059 (Service School Academic Evaluation Report), and no course graduate entry in ATRRS, eMILPO, and/or EDAS, a copy of the DA Form 1059 must be sent to the Commander, U.S. Army Human Resources Command, 1600 Spearhead Division Avenue, Fort Knox, KY 40122–5407 for validation, inclusion into ATRRS, and update of appropriate military education level and military education status in the Total Army Personnel Database (TAPDB) or applicable system. Graduation of BLC must be made a matter of record no later than the 8th calendar day of each board month (refer to fig 3–3) in order to fully qualify the Soldier for promotion pin-on to SGT. In recognition of academic excellence, graduates of BLC: (a) Receive 20 promotion points when recognized as having achieved commandant’s list status (verified on DA Form 1059) when competing for promotion to SGT. (b) Receive 40 promotion points when recognized as having achieved Distinguished Honor Graduate status or as the Distinguished Leadership Graduate (verified on DA Form 1059) when competing for promotion to SGT. (3) Advance Leaders Course. Soldiers competing for selection to SSG do not receive promotion points for completion of ALC (ALC completion is a requirement to fully qualify for promotion to SSG). For Soldiers in possession of a DA Form 1059 and no course graduate entry in ATRRS, eMILPO, and/or EDAS, a copy of the DA Form 1059 must be sent to the Commander, HRC for validation and inclusion into ATRRS and update of appropriate MEL and MES codes in the TAPDB or applicable system. Graduation of ALC must be made a matter of record no later than the 8th calendar day of each board month in order to fully qualify the Soldier for promotion to SSG. In recognition of academic excellence, graduates of ALC: (a) Receive 20 promotion points when recognized as having achieved commandant‘s list status (verified on the DA Form 1059) when competing for promotion to SSG. (b) Receive 40 promotion points when recognized as having achieved Distinguished Honor Graduate status or as the Distinguished Leadership Graduate (verified on DA Form 1059) when competing for promotion to SSG. ITEM 2. RESIDENT MILITARY TRAINING (ATRRS Courses, DA Form 87 limited to Soldier Training Courses in AR 350-1, Tab Producing Courses). Maximum points: 80 for promotion to SGT; and 90 for promotion to SSG (these point ceilings are inclusive of the maximum points established above for the overall military education category). (1) Army Training Requirements and Resources System. Courses formally listed in ATRRS are authorized promotion points (exceptions follow) at the rate of four promotion points per week (defined as 40 training hours) of military training. Soldiers receive these points without regard to mandatory training requirements for award of the Soldier’s MOS. If a resident course is missing from a Soldier’s ATRRS transcript, Soldiers must contact the school that administered the course and request an update to their ATRRS records. School contact information is in the ATRRS course catalog at (2) Noncommissioned Officer Education System. Promotion points are not authorized for NCOES Courses (except as indicated in para 3–18a), all badge-producing courses (see military awards, para 3–17), BCT, AIT, new equipment training, USMAPS/U.S. Military Academy, language training, OCS, and Warrant Officer Candidate Course. No promotion points are granted for on-the-job training and on-the-job experience, including Sergeant’s Time Training. Military courses (in ATRRS) completed while serving in other Armed Forces that were required to hold qualification in or be awarded an MOS and/or rate are not authorized promotion points. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) courses are not authorized promotion points. ITEM 3. COMPUTER-BASED TRAINING (Army Correspondence Course Program (ACCP), Distance Learning (DL) and Army e-Learning courses – No Sub-Courses) (3) Ranger, Special Forces, and Sapper Qualification Courses. Soldiers will be awarded 40 promotion points for completion of these courses. All phases of the courses must be completed prior to awarding promotion points. Maximum points: 80 for promotion to SGT; and 90 for promotion to SSG. (These point ceilings are inclusive of the maximum points established above for the overall military education category). (1) Military correspondence courses and computer-based training provided through ATRRS Self-development ( or Army e-Learning ( Soldiers will be granted promotion points based on one (1) point per 5 hours of completed Army Correspondence Course Program (ACCP) training - restricted to courses completed in their entirety. Courses may take up to 12 days to populate from the date of course completion to the PPW for promotion points. Completed correspondence course hours and/or distance learning and Army e-Learning courses that were completed prior to 22 December 2010 must be updated through eMILPO (RA) or USAR systems. The Soldier must have record of full course completion and the total credit hours for the entire course will be divided by five to determine promotion points. No points will be awarded for sub-course completion. The goal is to finish, in its entirety, a formal course of instruction, at which time the Soldier will be granted promotion points. (2) Promotion points are not granted for duplicate military correspondence and military education courses (for example, Soldier attends the 1-week (40-hour) resident Combat Lifesaver Course and completes the 40-hour ACCP Combat Lifesaver Course. In this instance, the Soldier receives points based on the ACCP course completion (eight (8) promotion points for completion of a 40-hour correspondence course) and cannot receive the additional four (4) points per week under the resident course.

Promotion Point Worksheet (5 of 6) Section D – Civilian Education Transcripts. Soldiers with multiple transcripts must take their transcripts to the local Education Center for evaluation and determination of the total number of non-duplicated post-secondary credits for submission to the unit as the source document. SHOW SLIDE #25 - Promotion Point Worksheet – Section D – Civilian Education NOTE: Refer students to AR 600-8-19, para 3-19. SECTION D. CIVILIAN EDUCATION Maximum Points: 135 for Promotion to SGT and 160 for Promotion to SSG. (1) Civilian education (valid for promotion points). The total number of credits an accredited institution grants towards a degree will be the basis for granting promotion points. Promotion points are authorized for civilian education conducted at institutions recognized nationally, or regionally accredited, by the U.S. Department of Education. Recognized educational institutions are those institutions listed on the U.S. Department of Education Web site at Transcripts will be used to award promotion points for colleges or universities. Soldiers currently enrolled in a college or university are required to provide a single transcript from their current college and/or university consolidating all past civilian education. Soldiers that have multiple transcripts who are not currently enrolled in a college and/or university may take these transcripts and grade slips to the local education center for assistance. The local education center will provide only an assessment of the total number of non-duplicated post-secondary credits for submission to the unit as the source document to update eMILPO and/or personnel records with the total number of credit hours. Continuing education units are not authorized promotion points. The total semester hours earned must be updated in eMILPO and/or personnel records and reflected on the Soldier’s ERB or DA Form 2–1 which will be the source in determining promotion points. Soldiers will receive two (2) promotion points for each semester hour completed. All quarter, contact, and/or clock hours will be converted to semester hours. For conversion of semester hours see Department of Defense Instruction (DODI) 1322.25. When a college is not listed in eMILPO (RA), requests to have the college added must be emailed to HRC, with a copy of the Soldier‘s transcript and verification of the college accreditation. Accreditation can be verified at (2) Foreign Transcripts. Soldiers with college credits from foreign colleges or universities (except those countries listed in AR 601–210) must have those credits evaluated by any organization who is a member of the National Association for Credential Evaluation Services ( The Defense Activity for Non-traditional Education Support (DANTES) website has a listing of transcript evaluation services. The foreign transcript evaluation is required to establish the commensurate U.S. level of education and institutional legitimacy. (3) Degree completion. Twenty (20) promotion points will be granted to any Soldier who completes a degree while on active duty. If recommended for promotion to SSG, the Soldier must have completed the degree while in the rank of SGT to receive these points. If recommended for SGT, the degree must have been awarded after enlistment in the Army, USAR, or ARNG prior to being promoted to the rank of SGT. (4) College Level Examination Program and Defense Activity for Non-traditional Education Support courses. For Soldiers who have not completed any post-secondary courses and chose to test-out through these programs or who have not had the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) and/or DANTES credit recommendations consolidated on one college transcript, may receive two (2) promotion point per credit hour for CLEP general and subject examinations, DANTES Subject Standardized Tests, and American College Test proficiency examinations. Points will not be awarded for credit recommendations that duplicate already earned credit in that subject area or discipline. Education center personnel may assist with the review or assessment of credit awards for possible credit duplication. Foreign language CLEP examinations will be awarded promotion points based on the Soldier’s total score. The score is then converted to semester hours of credit based on the conversion table listed in the “Explanation of Asterisks” section of the CLEP and/or DANTES report. (5) Technical certifications. Ten (10) promotion points are granted for each TRADOC-approved technical, industry, and/or professional certification earned, not to exceed award for five certifications or 50 promotion points. Recertification will not result in duplicate award of promotion points. A technical certification matrix is available at: (6) Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT). Twenty-five (25) promotion points are granted to Soldiers who achieve a minimum limited working proficiency rating of 1/1 (listening/reading or speaking) on the DLPT. Promotion points remain valid provided the DLPT proficiency standards do not exceed one year (year/month) as of the point compilation month. 3. DLPT must be recertified annual. 4. Degree Completion. To receive 20 points: SPC/CPL - degree must be completed after enlistment. SGT – degree must be completed after current promotion to SGT. Technical Certifications are MOS-specific and receive 10 promotion points each with a maximum of 5 certifications per Soldier. A Technical Certification Matrix is available online at:

Promotion Point Worksheet (6 of 6) Section E – Total Points SHOW SLIDE #26 - Promotion Point Worksheet – Section E – Total Points SECTION E. TOTAL POINTS. Section E - Total Points provides an overview of each section, maximum promotion points allowed, and total points per section for the Soldier. This allows you to quickly assess areas of strength and areas that may need improvement. Verify the information contained in the Total sections of the PPW is complete and accurate. Only whole numbers will be used in awarding promotion points for all sections (drop fractions). Section E - Total Points provides an overview of each section, maximum promotion points allowed, and total points per section for the Soldier. This allows you to quickly assess areas of strength and areas that may need improvement.

Check On Learning Q: What are the four different categories on the Promotion Point Worksheet that Soldiers may be awarded points? A: 1) Military Training 2) Awards and Decorations 3) Military Education; 4) Civilian Education AR 600-8-19, paragraph 3-16 thru 3-19 Q: What two promotion point items are included in Military Training? A: 1) Weapons Qualification 2) Army Physical Fitness Test AR 600-8-19, paragraph 3-16 Q: What type of access do individual Soldiers have to their Promotion Point Worksheet? A: Individual Soldiers have READ ONLY access. They can view and print their Promotion Point Worksheet but cannot make any changes. AR 600-8-19, paragraph 3-1e Show SLIDE #27 – Check on Learning Q: What are the four different categories on the promotion point worksheet that soldiers may be awarded points? A: 1) Military training 2) Awards and Decorations 3) Military Education 4) Civilian Education AR 600-8-19, paragraph 3-16 thru 3-19 Q: What two promotion point items are included in Military Training? A: 1) Weapons qualification 2) Army Physical Fitness Test AR 600-8-19, paragraph 3-16 Q: What type of access do changes. soldiers have to their promotion point worksheet? A: Individual Soldiers have read only access. They can view and print their Promotion Point Worksheet but cannot make any changes. AR 600-8-19, paragraph 3-1e

0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 What am I? I am a 10 letter word. Letters 3428 spell out an object that shines at night. Letters 90415 spell out a physical activity. Letters 5160 spell out a fun excursion. Letters 0215 spell out a computer connection or 5160 may begin here. What am I? SHOW SLIDE #28 - What am I? I am a 10 letter word. Letters 3428 spell out an object that shines at night. (Moon) Letters 90415 spell out a physical activity. (Sport) Letters 5160 spell out a fun excursion. (Trip) Letters 0215 spell out a computer connection or 5160 may begin here. (Port) What am I? (Promotions) NOTE: This activity can be completed individually, as a small group, or as a class utilizing a dry erase board, butcher block paper or note paper. Give the students 15 minutes to solve the problem solve the puzzle. Ask them how they came to the solution and how this may apply to promotions.

eMILPO AHRS WEB SHOW SLIDE #29 - eMILPO AHRS WEB Learning Step / Activity TLO – LSA 4. Update a Soldier's Promotion Data using eMILPO Method of Instruction: DAP – Drill and Practice; DM-Demonstration Mode of Delivery: Resident Instruction Instr Type (I:S Ratio;Qty) Qualified Instructor (1:28) Time of Instruction: 1hr. 10 mins Media Type PowerPoint Presentation Security Classification: This course/lesson will present information that has a Security Classification of: U- Unclassified NOTE TO INSTRUCTOR: Have the students log on to eMILPO and accept the DOD Statement.

eMILPO Main Menu SHOW SLIDE #30: - eMILPO Main Menu NOTE TO INSTRUCTOR: Have the students open the lesson plan supplement and go to figures 12 -14 “eMILPO School Codes”. Inform the students that they must use the listing to update any schools that the Soldier has completed. eMILPO identifies the code and fills in the appropriate title of the school. NOTE TO INSTRUCTOR: Inform the students that they will be conducting two (2) hands-on exercises using eMILPO to update Soldier’s records in preparation for a promotion board. Explain that this exercise is in accordance with AR 600-8-19 (RAR), Table 3-5, step 6, step 11, and para 3-11e. The data must be updated in eMILPO once they have verified the information. Additionally, they must print an Enlisted Records Brief (ERB) once they have completed the transactions and turn it in with the promotion packet. NOTE TO INSTRUCTOR: Have the students open Student Handout 1 (Lesson Plan Supplements) in student folder on blackboard for SGT Conner, Kokino L., 9_ _-26-92_ _. Assist and walk the students through the process of updating the Soldier’s records using the eMILPO training database. NOTE TO INSTRUCTOR: Remind the students that they must have the appropriate source documents before they can enter an update in eMILPO (e.g. SGT Conner’s Airborne Certificate). NOTE TO INSTRUCTOR: Read Scenario I:   SCENARIO I: SGT Conner is recommended to appear before next month’s promotion board. You (the HR Specialist) scheduled the Soldier to come to your office today to update his records. SGT Conner came in with her “Airborne” certificate source document proving that that military education may be added to her ERB. She also requests that she receive a copy of her ERB once the qualification has been added. From the eMILPO Main Menu have the students click on the plus (+) sign next to “Education” and a window will open with three choices (Civilian Education, Military Education and ACCP/DL/eLearning). Have the students click on “Military Education”.

eMILPO Military Education – Soldier Selection SHOW SLIDE #31 - eMILPO Military Education – Soldier Selection Have the students type in SGT Conner’s SSN (9_ _-26-92_ _) click “ADD” then “Search” and place a (check) in the “Select/Deselect” box and click “OK” to get to the next screen “Military Education – Listing”.

eMILPO Military Education – Listing SHOW SLIDE #32 - eMILPO Military Education – Listing Explain the sections on this screen and inform the students that they can (update) the Soldier’s Military Correspondence Course Credit Hours also known as the (ACCP) by typing in the number of hours the Soldier has completed (as long as they have the ACCP History print out as the source document). NOTE TO INSTRUCTOR: Explain that the “Military Education Level” updates the level of military professional development training attained by an individual. NOTE TO INSTRUCTOR: Explain that the Military Education Status is the level of an individual's military professional development training. NOTE TO INSTRUCTOR: In the “Military Education Course Data” in the “Action” block, inform the students that they can use this area to “Update or Remove” a course that the Soldier has. The “Status” block is normally blank regarding a current course that they are taking. For all others, it will have “Graduated” as their status. The “Course Name” is the title of the course. “Completion Date” is the date that the Soldier completed the course. NOTE TO INSTRUCTOR: Have the students place a “check” next to “Add Military Education Data” and click “Submit” to get to the next screen “Military Education – Soldier Data”.

eMILPO Military Education – Soldier Data SHOW SLIDE #33 - eMILPO Military Education – Soldier Data Have the students look up the code for (Airborne) in the (School Codes) supplement. Have the students’ type the code (CKA) in the “Course Code”, select “GRADUATED” in the “Course Status” drop down arrow, and type (20021115) in the “Completion Date”. Finally, have the student’s type in the number (3) in the “Course Length” and then click “Save”.  

eMILPO Military Education – Listing SHOW SLIDE #33 - eMILPO Military Education – Listing Shows that the transaction has processed. Click “Next” to return to the “Main Menu”.  

eMILPO Main Menu SHOW SLIDE #34 - eMILPO Main Menu Note to the Instructor: Inform the students they will be pulling an Enlisted Records Brief on SGT Conner to show that the “Airborne” training has been processed. Have the students click on the “Reports” tab and then click on “Enlisted Record Brief” (ERB)

eMILPO Enlisted Record Brief Report (ERB) SHOW SLIDE #35 - eMILPO Reports – Enlisted Record Brief Selection Have the student’s type in SGT Conner’s SSN (9_ _-26-92_ _), and click “OK”. Instruct the students to “Open” the ERB so they can view that the “Airborne” course is added.  

eMILPO Enlisted Record Brief SHOW SLIDE #36- eMILPO Enlisted Records Brief (ERB) SGT Conner. Once they have verified the information, have the students close the ERB and return to the “eMILPO Main Menu”.  

eMILPO Main Menu SHOW SLIDE #37 - eMILPO Main Menu NOTE TO INSTRUCTOR: Have the students stay here and wait for further guidance. NOTE TO INSTRUCTOR: From the eMILPO Main Menu, have the students click on the “Individual Awards”. NOTE TO INSTRUCTOR: Have the students open the hands on exercise on the blackboard for SPC Emerson, Heath A., 9_ _-26-61_ _. Assist and walk the students through the process of updating the SPC Emerson’s records using the eMILPO training database. Read scenario II: SCENARIO II: SPC Emerson is recommended to appear before next month’s promotion board. You (the HR Specialist) scheduled the Soldier to come to your office today to update his records. SPC Emerson came in with his award certificate for an Army Achievement Medal (AAM). The Soldier received the award as an Impact Award in recognition for doing well on the Battalion Command Inspection and he needs to update his Enlisted Records Brief in preparation for next month’s board. He also requests that he receive a copy of his ERB once the award is added.  

eMILPO Individual Awards – Soldier Selection SHOW SLIDE #38 - eMILPO Individual Awards – Soldier Selection NOTE TO INSTRUCTOR: Have the students open Student Handout 1 (Lesson Plan Supplements) in student folder on blackboard SPC Emerson’s SSN (9_ _-26-61_ _), click “ADD” then “Search” and place a (check) in the “Select/Deselect” box and click “OK” to get to the next screen “Individual Awards – Listing”.

eMILPO Individual Awards – Listing SHOW SLIDE #40 - eMILPO Individual Awards – Listing NOTE TO INSTRUCTOR: Have the students place a “check” in the “Add Individual Award” box and click “Submit”.  

eMILPO Individual Awards – Soldier Data SHOW SLIDE #40 - eMILPO Individual Awards – Soldier Data In the “Award Category” picklist arrow, have the students select “MILTARY DECORATION”, in the “Award Type” picklist arrow, have the students select “US ARMY ACHIEVEMENT MEDAL” on the “Award Effective Date” have the students put “TODAYS DATE”. Have the students click “Save”.  

eMILPO Individual Awards – Listing SHOW SLIDE #41 - eMILPO Individual Awards – Listing Shows that the transaction has processed. Click “Next” to return to the “Main Menu”.  

eMILPO Main Menu SHOW SLIDE #42: eMILPO Main Menu Note to the Instructor: Inform the students that they will be pulling an Enlisted Records Brief on SPC Emerson, to show that the “Army Achievement Medal” has been added.

eMILPO Enlisted Record Brief Report (ERB) SHOW SLIDE #43 - Reports – Enlisted Record Brief Selection Have the students click on the “Reports” tab and then click on the “Enlisted Record Brief (ERB). Have the student’s type in SPC Emerson’s SSN (9_ _-26-61_ _), click “OK”. Instruct the students to “Open” the ERB so they can view that the award has been added.

eMILPO Enlisted Record Brief SHOW SLIDE #44 - Enlisted Record Brief Selection Once the students have verified the information, instruct the students to close the “ERB” and return to the “eMILPO Main Menu”.

eMILPO Main Menu SHOW SLIDE #45 - eMILPO – Main Menu Have the students stay here and wait for further guidance. NOTE: All steps that have been discussed at this point have all been completed prior to the execution of the promotion board, which we will be discussing next.  

Conducting Promotion Boards (1 of 2) Mission Validate the potential of Soldiers recommended for promotion by the unit commander. The board recommends "Yes" (recommended) or "No" (do not recommend). Promotion boards are convened by the promotion authority and, wherever practical, conducted at battalion or similar command level. Soldiers in company/detachment-sized units geographically isolated from their organic battalion (or similar level command) may appear before a locally convened board with the approval of their higher headquarters. SHOW SLIDE #46 - Conducting Promotion Boards (1 of 2) Learning Step / Activity TLO – LSA 5. Conduct Promotion Boards and process board proceedings Method of Instruction: DSL – Discussion (Large or Small Group) Mode of Delivery: Resident Instruction Instr Type (I:S Ratio;Qty) Qualified Instructor (1:28) Time of Instruction: 2 hrs 30 mins Media Type PowerPoint Presentation Security Classification: This course/lesson will present information that has a Security Classification of: U- Unclassified The Promotion Board’s Mission is to validate the potential of Soldiers recommended for promotion by the unit commander. Promotion boards make a recommendation of Yes (recommend) or No (do not recommend) to the promotion authority for each Soldier considered. The promotion board does not have the authority to integrate – or deny integration – of Soldiers on the promotion standing list. The promotion authority makes the final decision. We will discuss more about the actual promotion board and post-board proceedings in a few minutes. Boards are normally conducted at battalion (LTC) or similar command level. Some Soldiers may be geographically separated from their higher headquarters and unable to attend their own unit’s promotion board. For example, a Soldier may be stationed at a remote location and their battalion headquarters is located on a different installation or hundreds of miles away. In this situation, arrangements are normally made (with the approval of the Soldier’s higher headquarters) to appear before a local promotion board that is in the same geographic area even though the Soldier is not assigned to that particular unit. This situation may require the HR Specialist to provide additional support to ensure the Soldiers records are updated and any promotion-related actions are properly coordinated. NOTE: Reference AR 600-8-19, para 3-27 through 3-29, Removal from Recommended List A board may be tasked, as a separate action, to consider Soldiers for removal from a recommended list. Commanders may conduct removal boards when a Soldier’s substandard performance or inefficiencies warrant. Soldiers being considered for removal are given written notification of the removal board at least 15 duty days (AC) or 30 days (USAR) prior to the date of the board. As an HR Specialist, you may be required to coordinate and support removal boards. AR 600-8-19, para 3-12

Conducting Promotion Boards (2 of 2) Frequency AC and USAR Active Guard Reserve (AGR). Boards will convene on a monthly basis unless there are no Soldiers recommended for promotion. USAR (Troop Program Unit (TPU), Army Reserve Element (ARE), and Multi-component units). Boards will convene at least quarterly unless there are no eligible Soldiers available for promotion consideration. Scheduling Battalion HR Specialist can schedule a promotion board as early as the 20th of the month preceding the board month. All Soldiers recommended for board appearance will be completed no later than the 4th day of the board month. Exceptions When the operational environment dictates, the promotion authority may seek authorization from HQDA to rely solely on the recommendation of the battalion CSM. Battalion CSM can make validating recommendations based on one-on-one interaction with the recommended Soldier(s). SHOW SLIDE #47 - Conducting Promotion Boards (2 of 2) NOTE: Reference AR 600-8-19, para 3-12. Promotion Board Frequency. (1). AC and USAR Active Guard Reserve (AGR). Boards will convene on a monthly basis except in those instances where no Soldiers are recommended for promotion. The brigade or battalion HR Specialist will schedule promotion boards early enough to support the automation update requirements outlined in the monthly promotion cycle (AR 600-8-19, Figure 3–3). USAR AGR boards will be conducted no later than the 20th day of the board month. (2). USAR (Troop Program Unit (TPU), Army Reserve Element (ARE), and Multi-component units). Boards will convene at least quarterly unless there are no eligible Soldiers available for promotion consideration. (3) Exception for Regular Army and USAR AGR. As an exception provision, when the operational environment dictates, the promotion authority may seek authorization from HQDA (Army G–1) to rely solely on the recommendation of the battalion CSM — who can make validating recommendations based on one-on-one interaction with the recommended Soldier. Request must be routed through the next higher command before submission to HQDA. The intent of this exception authority is to mitigate excessive risk on the battlefield and to ensure Soldiers are not placed in harm’s way solely to satisfy an administrative requirement. Commanders of Reserve Component Soldiers (on the battlefield) will submit requests through their home of record promotion authority through the respective Regional Support Command (RSC) for recommendation to the Army G–1, for final decision. AR 600-8-19, para 3-12

Promotion Board Composition Promotion Authority appoints, in writing, a minimum of three voting members. Senior in grade to recommended Soldiers. Will include a minority member if reasonably available. At least one member same gender as recommended Soldiers. Board president must be a CSM or SGM (unless the board consists of both officers and NCOs, then senior member is president). Question/answer format focused on: Leadership Military programs Knowledge of basic Soldiering World affairs Hands-on tasks are not authorized SHOW SLIDE #48 - Promotion Board Composition NOTE TO INSTRUCTOR: Reference AR 600-8-19, para 3-12. COMPOSITION. The promotion authority will appoint, in writing, a minimum of three voting members to serve on a promotion board. A promotion board will have a Recorder, without vote. The board president may be designated as a voting member in order to eliminate ties. (1) The board president must be a CSM or SGM unless the board membership consists of both officer and NCOs, in which case the president is the senior member. At a minimum, when present, an officer(s) must hold the rank of captain or chief warrant officer three. 1SG/MSGs (or lower ranks) are not authorized to preside as the board president. There are no exceptions to these requirements. (2) All voting members will be senior in grade to the Soldiers recommended for promotion. (3) Voting members will include a minority member if reasonably available. (4) A majority of voting members will be NCOs. (5) At least one voting member will be of the same gender as the Soldiers recommended for promotion. When this is not possible, the promotion authority will provide the reason in the appointment memorandum. (6) A board may be split into two or more panels. Each panel must consist of an odd number of unbiased (at least three) voting members and recorder, to expedite the process if the number of recommended Soldiers so warrants. When the board consists of more than one panel, the board president will not be a voting member of either panel. When an appearance is required, a Soldier will appear before only one panel. Boards will be convened and adjourned in the same geographical location. (7) Once a board convenes, the same board members will be present during the entire board proceedings. (8) The board recorder cannot be considered for promotion by the same board. (9) When consolidated boards are established, at least one voting member representing the command having promotion authority will be appointed to the board as a voting member when possible (applies to USAR (TPU, ARE, and multi-component units). PROCEEDINGS. The president will call the board to order and brief it on the following rules: (1) Each voting member has one vote (yes or no). (2) Each voting member will inform the President of his or her vote. (3) The majority ruling (yes or no) will dictate the board’s recommendation to the promotion authority. (5) The board president will inform (in writing) the promotion authority of the board’s recommendations as soon as possible following the board. The board president will review the memorandum of board proceedings for accuracy, sign the report, and forward it to the promotion authority for decision CONDUCT OF THE BOARD. (1) AC and USAR AGR. Soldiers recommended for promotion by the unit commander will generally appear in person before the board. The board, utilizing a question/answer format, will test the preparedness of the recommended Soldier to determine their potential to serve at the recommended rank. Hands-on tasks are not authorized. Questions should focus on: • Leadership • Awareness of military programs • Knowledge of basic Soldiering • World affairs. The board should consider the Soldier’s overall personal appearance, bearing, self-confidence, oral expression and conversational skills, and attitude when determining each Soldier’s potential to serve at the next level of NCO responsibility. The board president will ensure all board members are fully aware of the promotion methodology provided in paragraph 1–1 (filling authorized enlisted spaces with the best qualified Soldiers). (2) USAR (TPU, ARE, and Multi-Component Units). Soldiers do not make a physical appearance to the board. The board will review Soldier records to determine their potential to serve at the recommended rank. AR 600-8-19, para 3-12

Processing Promotion Board Results S-1 prepares Promotion Board Proceedings Memorandum Board president reviews memo for accuracy, signs, and forwards to promotion authority. Board president must inform (in writing) the promotion authority of the board's recommendations as soon as possible following the board. Promotion authority makes final decision to integrate a Soldier on the promotion recommended list NLT 4th day of calendar month by memo. S-1 must activate Soldier's promotion score by integrating Soldier onto the promotion recommended list NLT 8th day of the board month. Figure 3-1. Sample format for promotion board proceedings. SHOW SLIDE #49 - Processing Promotion Board Results NOTE: Reference AR 600-8-19, para 3-13. Refer students to Figures 3-1 and 3-2 for sample format for the promotion board proceedings. Immediately (or as soon as possible) following the promotion board, the Board Recorder/S-1 prepares the Memorandum of Board Proceedings for the board president using the example format you see on the slide. The board president is required to inform (in writing) the promotion authority of the board’s recommendations as soon as possible following the board. The board president will review the Memorandum of Board Proceedings for accuracy, sign the report, and forward it to the promotion authority for decision. The promotion authority will make the final decision to integrate a Soldier onto the promotion recommended list no later than the 4th day of the calendar month. In the bottom right corner of the slide is an example of the promotion authority approval memorandum. Once the promotion authority approves the promotion board proceedings Soldiers are now considered “promotable.” The HR Specialist/S-1 and/or MPD must activate the Soldier’s promotion score (using eMILPO) by integrating the Soldier onto the HQDA Promotion List no later than the 8th day of the board month. It is critical to ensure that HQDA promotion list integration is done correctly and in a timely manner. Failure to integrate a Soldier properly could lead to a Soldier not being selected for promotion. The promotion authority reserves the right to integrate (or deny integration) to any Soldier recommended, regardless of the recommendation of the promotion board. The promotion authority will ensure the chain of command is advised of the final decision and disposition of promotion recommendations. First line leaders will counsel all Soldiers not recommended for integration, pointing out deficient areas for needed improvement to qualify for future promotion consideration.   Figure 3-2. Sample format for board approval.

Promotion Recommended List SHOW SLIDE #50 - Promotion Recommended List Learning Step / Activity TLO – LSA 5. Conduct Promotion Boards and process board proceedings Method of Instruction: DSL – Discussion (Large or Small Group) Mode of Delivery: Resident Instruction Instr Type (I:S Ratio;Qty) Qualified Instructor (1:28) Time of Instruction: 2 hrs 30 mins10 mins Media Type PowerPoint Presentation Security Classification: This course/lesson will present information that has a Security Classification of: U- Unclassified NOTE TO INSTRUCTOR: Reference AR 600-8-19, para 3-20. Integration on the Promotion Standing List. As we discussed earlier, after the promotion authority approves the promotion board proceedings, the S-1 (or MPD) integrates each Soldier onto the HQDA promotion list using eMILPO. AC and USAR AGR. HQDA establishes and maintains the promotion recommended list. Soldiers are grouped by grade and MOS, sequenced by promotion score (highest to lowest), regardless of zone of consideration. This process supports an ability to select the best-qualified Soldier for promotion to meet readiness requirements. After newly recommended Soldiers are integrated and a new promotion standing list is available, the HR Specialist should review the updated recommended list, resolve any discrepancies, and provide units with a copy of the recommended list (with blacken out SSNs) for public placement on the unit bulletin boards in accordance with local policy or SOP. jl jh ma jm ak

Check on Learning Crossword Challenge Across 1. How many categories are on the promotion point worksheet that Soldiers may be awarded points in? 4. The day of the month the AAA-294 should be produced prior to the board month. 5. Soldiers must be integrated onto the promotion recommended list no later than what day of the board month? 6. For Soldiers who are denied mandatory list integration, the Army will automatically re-integrate eligible Soldiers every _____ days following their previous denial. 8. Individual Soldiers have this type of access to their promotion point worksheet. SHOW SLIDE #51 - Check On Learning – Crossword Challenge NOTE: This activity can be completed individually, as a small group, or as a class. Recommend printing out copies prior to class. Give the students 15 minutes to complete the puzzle and review answers. Down 1. Promotion authority makes a decision on integrating soldiers on the promotion recommended list no later than the ___ day of month? 2. Commanders must review, initial, sign, and return the AAA-294 with recommendations by the _____ duty day of the month prior to the board month. 3. Promotion point audits are conducted to ensure the ______ of the promotion system. 4. How many days does a unit have to respond to a promotion point audit? 7. Promotion points are calculated using the Solder's personnel and training records in _____ and the Army Training Requirements and Resources System.

Check on Learning Crossword Challenge Answers SHOW SLIDE #52 -Check On Learning – Crossword Challenge Answers

Learning Objective ACTION: Process Semi-Centralized Promotions CONDITIONS: In a classroom environment, given AR 600-8-19 (Enlisted Promotions and Reductions), Unit Enlisted Promotion Report (AAA- 294), Enlisted Record Briefs (ERBs), Promotion Point Worksheet (PPW) student handouts, access to the eMILPO Training Database and awareness of Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. STANDARD: Perform the following enlisted promotion actions with a minimum of 70% accuracy: 1. Determine a Soldier's Eligibility for Promotion. 2. Process the Enlisted Promotion Report (AAA-294). 3. Review the Promotion Point Worksheet (PPW). 4. Update a Soldier's Promotion Data using eMILPO. 5. Conduct Promotion Boards and process board proceedings SHOW SLIDE #53 - Learning Objective SUMMARY: Review Learning Objective, provide final summary of lesson, poll for any final questions, and transition to administer practical exercises.   NOTE: Administer Practical Exercises (PE). There are two PEs available for this lesson. (1) PE#1 – 20 questions. Questions 1-16 are research-oriented multiple choice or true/false questions. Questions 17-20, use the Practical Exercise Supplement and eMILPO Codes. Student are required to perform hands-on promotion-related transactions using the eMILPO Training Database. Students have 1 hour and 10 minutes to complete the PE. (2) PE#2 – 10 questions. Questions 1-10 are research-oriented multiple choice or true/false questions. Students have 1 hour and 15 minutes to complete the PE.

Agenda The “SO WHAT” to the New Army Directives for SGT/SSG Promotion Recommendation Lists Time in Service (TIS)/ Time in Grade (TIG) Criteria Effective Dates and Leader Responsibilities (THAT’S YOU) with Suspense Dates HQDA Bar to Continued Service and Promotion affects Questions & Answers Today we are conducting refresher training on the emergency codes and your individual roles during each of the code responses. This training will be done as part of each WAMC and outlying clinic’s full scale emergency training exercises, conducted approximately every six months. If staff is not present during these exercise arrangements will be made prior to ensure training is received and drills conducted.

SO WHAT? EFFECTIVE MAY 2018 “PROMOTION MONTH” it is mandatory for SPC and SGT initially reaching the primary zone attend the promotion board. SPC and SGT currently on the promotion recommendation list for Command List Integrated (CLI) will automatically be integrated to the Promotion Recommendation List with all earned points. Company Commanders CAN NOT deny a Soldier from the Mandatory List Integration (MLI) as previously done with CLI on the AAA-294 Enlisted Promotions Report once they’ve met the criteria. Every staff member has the responsibility to know and explain to others the emergency codes used at WAMC and the outlying clinics. Each staff member also has the responsibility to be able to perform their individual roles during a code response. After refresher training on the emergency codes and your individual responses we will conduct a drill for each of the codes.

SO WHAT? CLI is now RESCINEDED as of March 2018 and replaced with the Mandatory List Integration (MLI). Company Commanders MUST now use the Bar to Continued Service (9K) BEFORE unsuitable Soldiers meet the MLI criteria. HQDA will initiate a Bar to Continued Service (8K) for Soldiers who fail to qualify for mandatory appearance before promotion board upon attaining the primary zone TIS/TIG eligibility due to incomplete Structured Self Development (SSD). Involuntary Separation will be initiated if Soldiers fail to meet performance achievable objectives set in the bar. Every staff member has the responsibility to know and explain to others the emergency codes used at WAMC and the outlying clinics. Each staff member also has the responsibility to be able to perform their individual roles during a code response. After refresher training on the emergency codes and your individual responses we will conduct a drill for each of the codes.

PZ/MLI Eligibility Primary Zone (MANDATORY BOARD): (1) To SGT: 35 months TIS and 11 months TIG. (2) To SSG: 71 months TIS and 17 months TIG. **PZ LIMITED TO 1 YEAR** C. MLI, all RA and USAR AGR fully eligible Soldiers in the ranks of SPC, CPL, and SGT meeting MLI eligibility criteria will be automatically integrated onto the PRL/PPRL. MLI eligibility criteria is established as follows: (1) To SGT: 47 months TIS and 23 months TIG. (2) To SSG: 83 months TIS and 23 months TIG Every staff member has the responsibility to know and explain to others the emergency codes used at WAMC and the outlying clinics. Each staff member also has the responsibility to be able to perform their individual roles during a code response. After refresher training on the emergency codes and your individual responses we will conduct a drill for each of the codes.

SUSPENSE DATES Promotion Packets for MAY 2018 Promotion Month is due to Troop BN S1 NLT 26 MARCH 2018. **Board Proceeding is 25 April 2018. Bar to Continued Service recommendations for Soldiers that are currently eligible for MLI and are not suitable candidates for promotion must be counseled and recommend bar ASAP, but NLT 06 APR 2018. Every staff member has the responsibility to know and explain to others the emergency codes used at WAMC and the outlying clinics. Each staff member also has the responsibility to be able to perform their individual roles during a code response. After refresher training on the emergency codes and your individual responses we will conduct a drill for each of the codes.

Leader Responsibilities All leaders are responsible for training and developing Soldiers for increased levels of responsibility by the time a Soldier attains promotion eligibility in the PZ. Know when your Soldiers are eligible for promotion in the PRIMARY zone and MLI list. COUNSEL! COUNSEL! COUNSEL! Every staff member has the responsibility to know and explain to others the emergency codes used at WAMC and the outlying clinics. Each staff member also has the responsibility to be able to perform their individual roles during a code response. After refresher training on the emergency codes and your individual responses we will conduct a drill for each of the codes.

HQDA BAR Effective IMMEDIATELY Soldiers who fail to meet SSD requirements will be barred from continued service. “8K” will appear on the impacted Soldier’s, Soldier Record Brief (SRB) under retention eligibility. Bar will be immediately removed once Soldier is in compliance with SSD requirements. Commander will initiate involuntary separation after four (4), three month reviews for a total 12 months. Every staff member has the responsibility to know and explain to others the emergency codes used at WAMC and the outlying clinics. Each staff member also has the responsibility to be able to perform their individual roles during a code response. After refresher training on the emergency codes and your individual responses we will conduct a drill for each of the codes.