Vegetarian Philosophy.


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Presentation transcript:

Vegetarian Philosophy

Origins of Eating Meat

So many years ago During the last Ice Age… .

For humans, survival was a difficult task. Conditions were so difficult that many species, animals and plants, disappeared. For humans, survival was a difficult task. .

The small animals which could survive became the food alternative for the prehistoric human being.

Thousands of years passed… meat became a basic staple food… Nowadays the meat industry is a colossal business. .

What really is the natural food for humans?

Animals enjoy eating raw meat.

Humans cook their food and dress up their dishes. Humans will eat fruit even when they are not hungry, because it tastes so good! Humans cook their food and dress up their dishes.

Carnivorous Characteristics Carnivores have sharp, pointed front teeth to tear flesh They don’t have flat molar teeth to grind food Carnivores have small salivary glands in the mouth Acid saliva; no enzyme ptyalin to pre-digest grains They perspire through the tongue to cool the body

HUMANS CHARACTERISTICS Human beings have flat, back molar teeth to grind food Humans lack sharp, pointed front teeth Well developed salivary glands, needed to pre-digest grains and fruits Alkaline saliva; much ptyalin to pre-digest grains

MORE DIFFERENCES through pores in the skin. Stomach acid 20 Humans perspire through pores in the skin. Stomach acid 20 times less strong than meat eaters Intestinal tract 12 times body length Carnivores have claws Strong hydrochloric acid in stomach to digest tough animal muscle, bone, etc Intestinal tract only 3 times body length, so rapidly decaying meat can pass out of body quickly

EFFECTS OF EATING MEAT Carries Nitrates, Poisons and Chemical substances 1. Increases Cholesterol level leading to: -High blood pressure -Cancer -Stroke -Liver diseases -Heart attack -Sterility -Early death -Obesity Transmits Animal diseases 2. Increases Uric Acid Problems - Mad cow, etc -Kidney diseases -Arthritis Putrefactions -Gout -Poor elimination -Rheumatism

A large percentage of the North American population suffers from these diseases. USA Population: 270,000,000 + High blood Pressure Heart Diseases Cholesterol

Japan Health Report of cardiovascular diseases each year 5.5 per 100,000 of Japanese will die of cardiovascular diseases each year About 120 per 100,000 of Japanese die each year of cancer 6.9 million people in Japan suffer from diabetes

Thailand Health Report 58 per 100,000 of Thai population will die of cardiovascular diseases each year About 100 per 100,000 of Thai population will die each year of cancer 1,140 per 100,000 of Thais suffer from diabetes

Advantages of a Vegetarian Diet Vegetables have substances that cure incidences of cancer Vegetarians can easily be far healthier than meat eaters Vegetarians can easily be more physically fit than meat eaters Vegetarians tend to be more peaceful and calm Vegetarian diet is propitious for mental and spiritual development

“When the whole property of this universe has been inherited by all creatures, how can there be any justification for a system in which someone receives a flow of huge excess, while others die for lack of a handful of grains?” -P.R. Sarkar “The earth has enough for everyone’s need, but not enough for everyone’s greed.” - Mahatma Gandhi

“It is my view that the vegetarian manner of living, by its purely physical effect on human temperament, would most beneficially influence the lot of mankind.“ Albert Einstein

Is There Any Connection Between Meat Eating Habits and World Starvation? 80-90% of all grain grown in America is used to feed meat animals. If we gave our grain supply to the poor and malnourished, instead of cattle, we could easily feed nearly all of the chronically underfed people in the world. Reducing meat production by just 10% would release enough grain to feed 60 million people. If we ate half as much meat, we could release enough food to feed the entire ‘developing word’.

Some famous vegetarians Einstein Newton Carl Lewis Paul McCartney Martina Navratilova Saint Francis Leonardo da Vinci Kim Basinger