Welcome 9th Grade Parents!! Deborah Madrigal
Welcome! Deborah Madrigal, Principal Deborah Madrigal
JBHS Administration Deborah Madrigal – Principal Matt Chambers – AP of Instruction and Curriculum Kenny Knoop – AP of Guidance and Special Education Robyn Anders – AP of Athletics and Activities Miriam Wazirkajoyan – AP of Discipline and Attendance Deborah Madrigal
Guidance and Special Education Kenny Knoop, Assistant Principal
Freshmen Orientation (Students Only) Last Names A – L Thursday, August 1 8AM – 3PM Last Names M – Z Friday, August 2 8AM – 3PM What should students bring the day of orientation? Enrollment paperwork (completed online and printed/signed) Backpack to carry textbooks home Money or check for Student Store Apparel (PE Clothes), etc. What will happen on orientation day? Participate in Link Crew activities with a Link Crew Leader Students receive their initial schedule of classes Meet fellow classmates and staff members Get a tour of the campus Kenny Knoop
Link Crew Link Crew leaders are mentors and student leaders who guide the freshmen to discover what it takes to be successful during the transition to high school and help facilitate freshman success. The program trains juniors and seniors to be Link Crew Leaders. Link Crew leaders will facilitate - Orientation Academic follow-ups Social follow-ups Connect with each freshman individually Work with freshman during intervention period Link Crew
JBHS Counselors Hung Truong Leigh - Rez Jennifer Sohn Lim Intervention Jessie Steinberg Er - Lee Sheila Masters A - Entz Lisa Chung Academy Jodi Levy Rice - Z *Counselors pictures left to right. Kenny Knoop https://www.burbankusd.org/domain/427
Graduation and A-G Requirements Presented by Lisa Chung Counselors
High School Grad Requirements 3 years Social Science ( World History or AP European History, US History, and Govt./Econ) 4 years English 2 years Math (must include Algebra 1) 2 years Science ( 1 year Physical Science and 1 year Biology) 1 year Fine Art 2 years Physical Education 1 year Practical Art (requirement waived if three years of foreign language are completed) 1 year Health / Careers Additional credits as needed to complete a total of 230 credits. Service learning : 10 hours Counselor - Sheila Masters
Minimum A-G Requirements Social Science (2 years) English (4 years) Mathematics including Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2 (3 years min., 4 years recommended) Lab Science (1 year Biology & 1 year Chemistry, Physics, or Earth & Space Science; 3 years recommended) Language other than English (2 years min., 3 years recommended) Visual and Performing Arts (1 year of fine art) College-prep elective (1 year) *All academic coursework must be completed with a minimum of a “C” grade *Cal State Universities require a minimum of 2.0 academic GPA *University of California require a minimum of 3.0 academic GPA Counselor - Sheila Masters
College Peer Mentors Counselor - Jennifer Sohn Lim
Medical and Engineering Academies Counselor - Jennifer Sohn Lim
Tips for Student Success! Presented by ASB President Maddie Medina Counselors
Tips for Freshman Year Ask for help! Complete 10+ Service Learning Hours. Get involved in clubs/organizations or sports. CSF Tutoring: Days & times to be announced after the first 5 weeks of school. The tutoring will be in most subject areas. Counselor - Les Cohen
Parent Portal What is it? Provide real time attendance Grades at each reporting period Can access teacher’s gradebook if teacher uses ABI To access: Password and student # were distributed at your middle school. If you did not receive this information please contact Peggy Morgan (ext. 61941). All registration materials are on the parent portal which can be accessed through the JBHS website. Counselor - Les Cohen
Discipline and Attendance Miriam Wazirkajoyan, Assistant Principal
Come to school EVERY day Report any absences within 3 days Attendance Come to school EVERY day Be on time! Report any absences within 3 days Counselor - Jodi Levy
Dress Code No clothing containing language/ images: Affiliated with gangs Drugs or alcohol (or any illegal item or activity) Hate speech, profanity, and/or pornography Clothes must be worn in a way such that genitals, buttocks, midriffs, breasts, and nipples are fully covered with opaque fabric. No hats, caps, beanies allowed INSIDE any classroom. *BUSD Dress & Grooming Board Policy BP 5132. Counselor - Jodi Levy
Electronics - Cell phones! Electronics, including cell phones, are ONLY allowed during nutrition and lunch. They must be powered off and put away at all other times or may result in Discipline office referrals/detention and even Saturday School. Headphones/Earbuds may not be used during the school day. Any visible headphones/earbuds will be confiscated and may result in an Discipline office referral. JBHS is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged electronics. Counselor - Lisa Chung
Social Media and School BE careful what you post! (Snapchat, Instagram, Spam accounts) Students who post pictures, comments or other information on social media sites, which are felt to be bullying or threatening, will receive consequences, including possible school suspension or possible legal action via the Burbank Police Department. Video or recordings used to harass or defame an individual can result in a misdemeanor via BPD. Counselor - Lisa Chung
Athletics and Activities Robyn Anders, Assistant Principal
Athletic Support Team ATHLETIC DIRECTORS Keith Knoop - keithknoop@burbankusd.org Jose Valle - josevalle@burbankusd.org ATHLETIC TRAINERS Christina Gallo Alyssa Salazar ATHLETIC SECRETARY Maria (Winnie) Cascolan Robyn Anders
GIRLS TEAM SPORTS IN SEASON SPRING SPORTS Cross Country Softball Golf Tennis Volleyball CONDITIONING Basketball Soccer Water Polo SPRING SPORTS Softball Swim Track Take zero period PE 1st semester! Counselor - Hung Truong
BOYS TEAM SPORTS IN SEASON Cross Country Football Water Polo CONDITIONING Baseball Basketball Soccer Golf Tennis Volleyball SPRING SPORTS Swim Track Take zero period PE 1st semester! Counselor - Hung Truong
Try-outs A number of try-outs will occur during the first 2 weeks of school. Please contact the coach or listen to bulletin announcements for updated information. Ms. Cascolan (ext. 61915) in the main office can also provide updated information. Information will be posted on the JBHS website as well. If your student is cut from an athletic team or chooses not to participate, they may be placed in a zero period (7am) P.E. class. Counselor - Hung Truong
Academic Excellence Presented by Deborah Madrigal Counselors
Cs or higher in all classes At least one D or F in any class Freshman Academic Excellence Time Freshmen Students – On Track Cs or higher in all classes Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Study Hall Study Hall Link Crew Freshman Students – At Risk At least one D or F in any class What will this look like? Freshmen will be in a classroom the entire year. During this time they will be focusing on their work, getting skill based instruction, and learning about and connecting to opportunities the school has to offer. They might move from study hall to tutorial if it is discovered they are struggling with a particular subject. Tutorial Tutorial Link Crew
Or ask for a pass to room 6-104 CARE CENTER 818-333-6239 To Connect, Call or Text Or ask for a pass to room 6-104
Staying in Contact with School Presented by Deborah Madrigal Counselors
Questions / Concerns during the school year Step 1: Contact the teacher/coach of the class in question: Teachers’ emails/phone extensions listed on www.burbankusd.org/jbhs Step 2: If the issue is not resolved after communication with teacher, contact your student’s counselor. Step 3: If the issue is not resolved after communication with teacher and counselor, contact an administrator. Counselor - Jennifer Sohn Lim
GET UP-TO-DATE INFORMATION! Follow us on Twitter @JBHSGuidance Receive our tweets via text Text "Follow JBHSGuidance“ to the number 40404 (message & data rates may apply) Download our school app Search “John Burroughs High School” Counselor - Jennifer Sohn Lim
School-wide updates - Deborah Madrigal Money / lunches may NOT be dropped off in the main office. If there is an error on your child’s class schedule, corrections must be made before the first day of school. NO teacher changes will be made. Deborah Madrigal
Thank you for joining us tonight! School Tours!