Account Assurance Services
This is what we protect you from the consequences of Cyber Crime
Account Assurance Services We provide software & training Gives you absolute protection But if the software and training fail We backup our guarantee with restitution – payment of your loss that protects you
Education Information: Information: We kept you abreast of the latest in security. Report Report industry best practices Provide Provide industry experts to answer your questions regarding protection measures. We We will keep you informed. Protection Install Install anti-malware and anti-virus software. Limit Limit access to files and data. Require Require strong passwords. Change Change passwords every 90 days. Restitution No No Plan, no protection! If education and protection fail and you have a loss.. Account Account Assurance Services makes good that loss. Up Up to $100,000 per account for as many as 5 accounts.
Education Information: We kept you abreast of the latest in security. Information: We kept you abreast of the latest in security. Report industry best practices Report industry best practices Provide industry experts to answer your questions regarding protection measures. Provide industry experts to answer your questions regarding protection measures. We will keep you informed. We will keep you informed. Protection Install anti-malware and anti-virus software. Install anti-malware and anti-virus software. Limit access to files and data. Limit access to files and data. Require strong passwords. Require strong passwords. Change passwords every 90 days. Change passwords every 90 days. Restitution No Plan, no protection! No Plan, no protection! If education and protection fail and you have a loss.. If education and protection fail and you have a loss.. Account Assurance Services makes good that loss. Account Assurance Services makes good that loss. Up to $100,000 per account for as many as 5 accounts. Up to $100,000 per account for as many as 5 accounts.
The only way you can get 100% coverage – starting with education, protection, and when all else fails, compensation.