First Observer Tuna Data Workshop (OTDW-1) 3-7 March 2014 SPC, Noumea, New Caledonia Session 6.5 Suggested Scenarios in the TUBS Reporting System Developers: Bruno Deprez & Bryan Scott
GENERAL REPORTS > ADMIN / GENERAL You have been asked to produce a list of all aircraft and vessel sightings for your compliance section for 2012. (Use Report #1)
GENERAL REPORTS > ADMIN / GENERAL Your senior management is preparing for an access negotiation with Korea. They have asked you to produce a report of 2012 activities on-board KOREAN PURSE SEINE VESSELS showing the sea days, catch and discards for each trip reported by your observer programme. (Use Report #3)
GENERAL REPORTS > PURSE SEINE Your senior management is preparing for an access negotiation with Korea. They have asked you to produce a report of 2012 activities showing the breakdown of the total SETS by SET TYPE. (Use Report #1 YEAR=2012, FLAG= KO)
GENERAL REPORTS > PURSE SEINE You have been asked to contribute to your ANNUAL REPORT and produce a SPECIES COMPOSITION BREAKDOWN of your NATIONAL PURSE SEINE FLEET (in this case FSM fleet) based on observer data, for the year 2012. (Use Report #2 YEAR=2012, FLAG=FED , SET TYPE CATEGORY = ‘ASSOCIATED’)
GENERAL REPORTS > PURSE SEINE There has been a report of SPECIES OF SPECIAL INTEREST catch on one observer trip and you want to look at the species breakdown for that specific trip. Use Report #2 – YEAR=2012, TRIP SELECTION = observer id =”GOU” and tripno =”12-03”
GENERAL REPORTS > PURSE SEINE You have been asked to contribute to your ANNUAL REPORT and produce a LENGTH FREQUENCY graph of the SKIPJACK tuna BY SET TYPE CATEGORY for your NATIONAL PURSE SEINE FLEET (in this case FSM fleet) based on observer data, for the year 2012. (Use Report #3 – YEAR=2012, FLAG=FED, SET TYPE CATEGORY = ASSOCIATED, SPECIES = SKJ)
GENERAL REPORTS > PURSE SEINE You have been asked to contribute to your WCPFC PART 1 REPORT for the Scientific Committee meeting and produce a map of the observer effort covered by your programme in 2012. Use Report #4 – YEAR=2012, OBSERVER PROGRAMME = ‘PA’, GROUP BY 1x1 MAPINFO
GENERAL REPORTS > PURSE SEINE You have been asked to contribute to your WCPFC PART 1 REPORT for the Scientific Committee meeting and produce a map of the observer CATCH BY TUNA SPECIES covered by your programme in 2012. Use Report #5 – YEAR=2012, OBSERVER PROGRAMME = ‘PA’, GROUP BY 5x5 MAPINFO
Discussions and Q&A Suggestions and Criteria for new reports Thank you, Icanus Tuiloma At the end of the presentation, have a slide that indicates that these reports are a start and an exercise is for the participants to provide suggestions for new reports or the criteria for new reports which we can review and come back to them.