PowerPoint PERUSAL All presentations will be available in the “ What’s New” section of the Local Offer on Thursday morning.
Current Projects Prep4Adulthood ADHD/ASC Pathway Short Breaks Review Youth Offer Review CAMHS to AMHS Parenting Pathway Co-production Parental engagement
EHCP Co-ordinator update Primary Secondary Post 16 Out of Borough Holly Austin 666 4014 Dawn Taylor 666 4318 Steve Adderley 666 4339 Amy Martin 666 4253 Julia Lewis 666 4353 Vicky Cosgrove 666 4791 Peter Stanley 666 4233 Laura Purser 666 4270 Allison Carruthers 666 4202 Nicky Hearne 666 4271 EHCP Co-ordinator update
103 members in our Wirral SENCO Forum
Over to you. Big thank you to Fiona, Jennie is (hopefully) up next…… Over to you! Big thank you to Fiona, Jennie is (hopefully) up next…….. Share your successes, help us help you!
Short Breaks Review 2019 WHAT IS IT? The Short Breaks Review is looking at the use of the current short breaks on offer at Wirral, understanding the needs of parent/carers in regards to the frequency and times and listening to young people’s opinions of what they want to see available in the future. WHEN? The consultation has been running since 13th May and runs until 19th July 2019. HOW YOU CAN YOU GET INVOLVED? Fill in the professionals questionnaire. HOW CAN YOU HELP? Circulate the questionnaire to parent/carers in your school for the young people you support, encourage them to fill it in. The more responses we get the more we can champion this cause throughout the authority. These are the links for the questionnaires: PARENT/CARER – PROFESSIONALS -
Training opportunities Kirstie Goulding, Independent Speech & Language Therapist In the process of putting dates together for future courses. Hoping to gauge the level of interest. 2- hour introductory workshop on Selective Mutism for professionals (likely to be 9th or 11th July 3 - 5pm) - £20 per person Verbal ASD ELKLAN Course (3.5 days) - starting September 2019, 1 day per month across the Autumn Term - £395 per person, £50 discount for schools that sign up two staff.
Shiny Stone
Like, follow and share away…. Facebook thelocalofferwirral Twitter @lowirral
You know where I am if you need me… 0151 666 4488 07879848468
Please complete an evaluation form Hopefully you can see from the speakers you’ve heard from today that I’ve listened to your feedback from the March Exchanges. Keep the feedback coming, it’s the best chance I have to support you in the areas in need of improving. Let’s collectively do what we can to enable you to do your incredibly responsible job to the very best of your ability.
Autumn term SEND Exchanges You choose: Tuesday 19th November from 1-3.30pm or Wednesday 20th November from 9-11.30am Council Chamber, Birkenhead Town Hall Autumn term SEND Exchanges
2020 dates for your diaries Tuesday March 17th from 1pm to 3.30pm OR SPRING TERM SUMMER TERM Tuesday March 17th from 1pm to 3.30pm OR Wednesday 18th March from 9am to 11.30am Council Chamber Birkenhead Town Hall Tuesday 23rd June from 1pm to 3.30 pm OR Wednesday 24th June from 9am to 11.30am Council Chamber Birkenhead Town Hall
Drum roll………..