Online Math Resources
Student Outcome When selecting and implementing the online resources, the student outcome should be the priority. What WV CCRS are the students expected to demonstrate? What Mathematical Habits of Mind are students showcasing? What are the expectations placed on the students?
Online Resources List There are plenty of resources, but we will explore: Open Middle Desmos (Grades 6-12) Virtual Manipulatives
Open Middle Start with a “closed beginning” where students start with the same problem. Could potentially have a “closed end” or have the same result. The “open middle” means that there are several methods of thought to which a problem can be solved. “Low Threshold, High Ceiling” type of question.
Example Use the digits 1 to 9, at most one time each, to create an equation where 𝑥 has the greatest possible value. Retrieved from Aligned to M.7.10 MHM1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. MHM3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. MHM7. Look for and make use of structure.
Open Middle Exploration and Discussion
Desmos and Virtual Manipulatives Exploration
Resource List Take a few minutes to explore the various resources. Think about the standards, the Habits of Mind, and student outcomes. What one resource do you see yourself using or encouraging others to utilize? Why?
Jessica Houck Math Coach Mingo County Schools Joseph Mastracci Coordinator WVDE Office of Special Education Jessica Houck Math Coach Mingo County Schools