SARPA – IRP 2018 SARPA – Executive Chairperson Gaopalelwe Santswere Portfolio Committee on Energy IRP Hearings Parliament Cape Town 17th October 2018 Are your classroom colors different than what you see in this template? That’s OK! Click on Design -> Variants (the down arrow) -> Pick the color scheme that works for you! Feel free to change any “You will…” and “I will…” statements to ensure they align with your classroom procedures and rules!
Who is SARPA NPO – Established in 1997 To serve the objectives and profession of radiation protection, not only in South Africa, but also in the broader Southern African region. Main objective - To promote and further the science and application of radiation protection, and the professional interests of persons engaged in radiation protection. SARPA is member of IRPA.
IRP 2018 – What SA needs Call for an energy infrastructure that is robust and extensive to meet industrial, commercial, and house hold needs. Reduce Carbon Emission Cost effective, Reliable, Robust and safe electricity supply Waste management Better regulations (local and International) High capacity factor
IRP 2018 – SA land challenges Land Issue Wind will produce 2W of electricity per km2 of land Photovoltaics – 22W /km2 land Nuclear – 1000 W/km2 land Example, land size needed for same power output 15 Modern Nuclear Reactors – 15km2 Solar Panels – 682 km2 Wind Farms – 7500 km2
IRP 2018 – Safety Issues Koeberg – been operating for over 30 years, no safety concerns and WANO periodic reviews always excellent. Best performing Eskom Power station – Cant skip maintenance Cheap electricity produced at Koeberg Highly Skilled employees (Employed over 1000 personnel) Safety culture in place – NNR and IAEA regulations. SA immune to catastrophes (Tsunami and Earthquakes) Waste management and volumes are less – we have NRWDI. No catastrophic accidents ever registered at Koeberg.
IRP 2018 – Nuclear Accidents Three Mile island, Chernobyl and Fukushima – not expected with Modern plants. SA is immune to catastrophes (Tsunamis and Earthquakes) Highly regulated by NNR and IAEA Regulations on Waste are very strict – no room for mistakes Spent Fuel – still safe on plant and cant fill a size of tennis court. Emergency Preparedness – in place and drills are done to prepare Dosimetry services available for Public members in case of Accidents
IRP 2018 – Why Nuclear in the IRP 2018 To give the SA what they need – which is: Investors (Big industries like motor manufacturing, Textiles etc…) Job Creation Infrastructure and Localisation Base load Power. Reduce Carbon Emission. Reliable, Efficient, Low Cost Electricity Low operating costs Safe and Clean Electricity 60 years life with extension – its 50% extra life than other technologies.
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