Nursery Yr.1 I can recite number sequences within a range of 0-10 forwards I can participate in reciting 0-10 backwards. I can identify number words and numerals in the environment
I can order numerals 0-5 I can use order language (before,after, between and show my understanding I can use one to one correspondence to count a objects I can use numbers in other ways e.g position- first. last
I can say a number after a given I can count on and back I can say a number after a given number. I can state at a glance how many are in a small collection without counting. I can recognise differences and similarities between groups of objects
I can partition a group of objects (2-5) into 2 parts. I can show my understanding of mathematical language e.g how many more / less / altogether? I can discuss mathematical symbols in the environment I can recognise signs and charts in my immediate environment
I can solve small numbers problems by adding and taking away I can share a group of objects and say how many each person has I can discuss the value of each coin. I know what money is and what it is used for
I can use language of time e.g today, tomorrow, bedtime etc. I can discuss what happens in the environment as seasons change I know that some events occur more or less often e.g rain, nursery days etc. I have experiences language to describe the passage of time e.g. quicker to take car than walk
I can investigate how long something will take I can describe size and amount using informal language e.g. big, tiny, little, fat, thin etc. I can use appropriate language to describe opposites e.g long / short, empty / full I can discuss length, weight and capacity e.g long, short, heavy, light etc.
I can continue obvious patterns I can describe size and amount using informal language e.g. big, tiny, little, fat, thin etc. I can recognise and discuss simple patterns e.g. colour, size etc. I can similarities and difference between shapes e.g. size, colour texture
I can recognise similarities between shapes and familiar objects I can copy simple shapes and objects I can give directions from one landmark to another e.g. go to the corner I can recognise and discuss reflections
I can collect data by counting things I can create a 3D display to order and compare data I can sort objects according to one criterion I can match objects with similar properties and discuss similarities and differences
I can recognise signs and charts in my immediate environment I can use words like bigger, smaller and same as to describe differences I can make collections of equal size I can discuss number problems e.g. how many plates for snack?