OUTLINE OF THE PRESENTATION Enabling Legislation Alignment with DAC Goals Status of Governance Performance Overview Performance Trends Income and Expenditure Trends Three Year Statement of Financial Position Analysis of Cash and Cash Equivalents Audit Outcomes Challenges and Interventions
ENABLING LEGISLATION National Film and Video Foundation Act 73 of 1997 as amended by the Cultural Laws Amendment Act 36 of 2001. NFVF is a Schedule 3A Public Entity in terms of the PFMA. Mandate Section 3 of the NFVF Act sets out the mandate as follows: To promote and develop the film and video industry To provide and encourage the provision of, opportunities for persons, especially from disadvantaged communities, to get involved in the film and video industry To encourage the development and distribution of local film and video products To support the nurturing and development of and access to the film and video industry To address historical imbalances in the infrastructure and distribution of skills and resources in the film and video industry
ALIGNMENT WITH DAC GOALS DAC outcome oriented goal DAC Strategic objective Entity strategic objectives and how it links to DAC objective Key outputs/deliverables per objective for 2017/18 Goal 2: nation building through effective social cohesion programme implementation – leading nation building and societal transformation through effective social cohesion programmes and a focus on multilingualism To intensify the contribution to and co-ordination of Outcome 14 towards transforming of SA into a multilingual, non-racial, prosperous and non-sexist society An increase in the volume of South African films produced particularly by PDI’s 66 Development projects funded 38 production projects funded 5 Slates: Women Youth Fiction Documentary Animation
ALIGNMENT WITH DAC GOALS DAC outcome oriented goal DAC Strategic objective Entity strategic objectives and how it links to DAC objective Key outputs/deliverables per objective for 2017/18 Goal 3: a productive, diverse and inclusive ACH Sector – protecting, preserving, promoting and developing arts, culture and heritage, and advancing the socio-economic inclusivity and contribution of the Sector To promote and develop Cultural and Creative Industries Audience Development for SA Films and Content 7 Festival Grants awarded to National Festivals
ALIGNMENT WITH DAC GOALS DAC outcome oriented goal DAC Strategic objective Entity strategic objectives and how it links to DAC objective Key outputs/deliverables per objective for 2017/18 Goal 3: a productive, diverse and inclusive ACH Sector – protecting, preserving, promoting and developing arts, culture and heritage, and advancing the socio-economic inclusivity and contribution of the Sector Opening markets and access and maintaining a positive image and good relations, arts, culture, heritage and language locally, continentally, regionally and internationally Local activations and promotional events 12 Festival Activations Fund 80 Filmmakers to attend Markets and Film Festivals
ALIGNMENT WITH DAC GOALS DAC outcome oriented goal DAC Strategic objective Entity strategic objectives and how it links to DAC objective Key outputs/deliverables per objective for 2017/18 Goal 3: a productive, diverse and inclusive ACH Sector – protecting, preserving, promoting and developing arts, culture and heritage, and advancing the socio-economic inclusivity and contribution of the Sector Opening markets and access and maintaining a positive image and good relations arts, culture, heritage and language locally, continentally, regionally and internationally International activations and promotional events Attend and activate at 7 International Festivals and 4 Strategic Markets to promote SA Film Content
ALIGNMENT WITH DAC GOALS DAC outcome oriented goal DAC Strategic objective Entity strategic objectives and how it links to DAC objective Key outputs/deliverables per objective for 2017/18 Goal 3: a productive, diverse and inclusive ACH Sector – protecting, preserving, promoting and developing arts, culture and heritage, and advancing the socio-economic inclusivity and contribution of the Sector Opening markets and access, and maintaining a positive image and good relations arts, culture, heritage and language locally, continentally, regionally and internationally Certification of National Films 3 Co-production activations
ALIGNMENT WITH DAC GOALS DAC outcome oriented goal DAC Strategic objective Entity strategic objectives and how it links to DAC objective Key outputs/deliverables per objective for 2017/18 Goal 4: sound governance, modernised systems and processes, and a sustainable ACH Sector – sound governance and the modernising of the ACH Sector to ensure the effective utilisation and leveraging of ACH resources for the benefit of all South Africans. To implement sound governance to enable delivery of the DAC mandate Corporate Services Performance Management System Human Resources Development Labour and Compliance Payroll administration
ALIGNMENT WITH DAC GOALS DAC outcome oriented goal DAC Strategic objective Entity strategic objectives and how it links to DAC objective Key outputs/deliverables per objective for 2017/18 Goal 4: sound governance, modernised systems and processes, and a sustainable ACH Sector – sound governance and the modernising of the ACH Sector to ensure the effective utilisation and leveraging of ACH resources for the benefit of all South Africans. To ensure compliance and sound Governance To drive sound financial management and controls across Sector Entity Management Quarterly reporting to Council, DAC and Treasury Unqualified audit report Risk register Internal Audit function
ALIGNMENT WITH DAC GOALS DAC outcome oriented goal DAC Strategic objective Entity strategic objectives and how it links to DAC objective Key outputs/deliverables per objective for 2017/18 Goal 5: a professional and capacitated ACH Sector – building the skills and capacity of the Sector to ensure its ongoing development and responsiveness. To increase and sustain number of ACH practitioners and pool of human resource capacity required by Sector Internship Programme Place 25 interns per annum
ALIGNMENT WITH DAC GOALS DAC outcome oriented goal DAC Strategic objective Entity strategic objectives and how it links to DAC objective Key outputs/deliverables per objective for 2017/18 Goal 5: a professional and capacitated ACH Sector – building the skills and capacity of the Sector to ensure its ongoing development and responsiveness. To increase and sustain number of ACH practitioners and pool of human resource capacity required by Sector Skills Development 66 bursaries 3 Training initiatives funded 1 Sediba Programmes
ALIGNMENT WITH DAC GOALS DAC outcome oriented goal DAC Strategic objective Entity strategic objectives and how it links to DAC objective Key outputs/deliverables per objective for 2017/18 Goal 5: a professional and capacitated ACH Sector – building the skills and capacity of the Sector to ensure its ongoing development and responsiveness. To build human resource capability and promote culture of high performance Skills Development 10 Students to participate in Mentorship programmes 2 Schools programmes
STATUS OF GOVERNANCE NFVF 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Number of Council members 13 Number of Council meetings 9 7 8 Number of Council committee meetings Attendance rate of Council meetings 90% 99% 98% Number of Audit Committee meetings 4 Number of Management meetings 12 6 Number of Staff meetings 3
PERFORMANCE TRENDS 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 97% 98% 3% 2% Achieved 92% Not achieved 8% 3% 2% REASON FOR NON ACHIEVEMENT 2017/18 3 Policy manuals were due to be approved by the Council at the end of 2017/18. This was not achieved. The entity embarked on an Organisation Design process and resolved to complete the process first before approval of policy manuals. This target will be prioritized in the 2018/19 financial year.
THREE YEAR INCOME AND EXPENDITURE TRENDS NFVF 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 R’000 Income 149 832 158 098 145 987 Government Grant 144 444 122 907 129 052 Other Income 5 388 35 191 16 935 Expenditure 148 082 162 437 152 332 Surplus / (Deficit) 1 750 (4 339) (6 345)
THREE YEAR STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION DEPARTMENT OF ARTS AND CULTURE 9/12/2019 THREE YEAR STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION NFVF 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 R’000 Current Assets 86 834 74 962 70 723 Non-Current Assets 6 401 8 126 9 198 Total Assets 93 235 83 088 79 921 Current Liabilities 35 590 46 190 44 438 Non-Current Liabilities 51 421 35 012 39 943 Total Liabilities 87 011 81 202 84 381 Net Asset Value (NAV) 6 224 1 886 (4 460)
ANALYSIS OF CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS NFVF 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 R’000 Cash and Cash Equivalents 80 143 59 617 63 996 Add: Trade and other receivables 5 780 15 345 6 582 Less: Current Liabilities 35 590 46 190 44 438 Less: Commitments 587 3 441 4 662 Net Working Capital/Surplus Funds 49 746 25 331 21 478
AUDIT OUTCOMES NFVF 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Audit Outcome Unqualified with no findings Unqualified with findings
DETAILS OF IRREGULAR EXPENDITURE PRESCRIPT REGULATING ACTIVITY AMOUNT ACTION TAKEN Renovations; Marketing Contract; Tax clearance certificates and Budget overspending Non-compliance with SCM prescripts SCM Prescripts R9 591 296 Disciplinary process underway The irregular expenditure amount is made up of the opening balance from the previous financial year amounting to R2 484 015 (not condoned) and the expenditure identified during the year amounting to R7 107 281 Disciplinary processes are underway for expenditure incurred relating to Marketing Contract.
CHALLENGES AND INTERVENTIONS FINDINGS FROM THE REPORT PROGRESS ON THE INVESTIGATION REPORT NFVF staff raised their concerns with the department on numerous allegations of mismanagement, corruption and conflict of interest by Council members. DAC instituted a forensic investigation due to the veracity of allegations submitted by concerned NFVF staff. The investigation was completed in March 2018 and was presented to Council for implementation of recommendations. The following were the findings of the report: Finding 1: Former NFVF CEO, CFO and Deputy Chairperson brought family members to the 2017 SAFTAs at the expense of the NFVF. Progress: Letters of demand were sent to all three individuals. The NFVF has received R70 140 from the former CFO as payment. A settlement agreement is in the process of being concluded with the former CEO for R75 876. Summons to the value of R39 042 have been issued to the former Deputy Chairperson. 22
CHALLENGES AND INTERVENTIONS FINDINGS FROM THE REPORT PROGRESS ON THE INVESTIGATION REPORT NFVF staff raised their concerns with the department on numerous allegations of mismanagement, corruption and conflict of interest by Council members. Finding 2: Approval of overspending on office renovations to the value of R726 267 by some former NFVF Management, which resulted in unauthorised expenditure per the Public Finance Management Act (the PFMA), not adhering to process by the former CEO by splitting of work, in order to avoid a competitive bidding process. This resulted in non-compliance to the National Treasury Practice Note 8 and NFVF’s Supply Chain Management Policy. Progress: All the implicated individuals have resigned and/or opted for voluntary retrenchment from the NFVF. The expenditure has been reported as irregular in the 2017 and 2018 Annual Financial Statements. New management is putting improved measures to ensure that strict adherence to policies is embedded in the organisation, along with controls to detect when such transgressions occur for early corrective action. 23
CHALLENGES AND INTERVENTIONS FINDINGS FROM THE REPORT PROGRESS ON THE INVESTIGATION REPORT NFVF staff raised their concerns with the department on numerous allegations of mismanagement, corruption and conflict of interest by Council members. Finding 3: The former CEO was found to have contravened the NFVF HR Policy in the appointment of her PA. The Former CEO has resigned. The PA position was advertised, interviews were held and the current PA was appointed. No action has been taken against the PA as there was no wrongdoing found by the report on her part. 24
CHALLENGES AND INTERVENTIONS FINDINGS FROM THE REPORT PROGRESS ON THE INVESTIGATION REPORT NFVF staff raised their concerns with the department on numerous allegations of mismanagement, corruption and conflict of interest by Council members. Finding 4: Council members were found to have travelled internationally without the Minister’s approval. Furthermore, international travel relating to Council and other NFVF officials was found to be over budget by R2 299 455. Three specific findings were made regarding Mr Molefe, Mr Masudubele and Ms Mashiane who are current Council members. Progress: The report did not make any recommendations relating to its findings regarding these Council members. International travel by Council members has not been undertaken without the Minister’s approval since these findings came to light. The Chairperson informed DAC of the travel of Mr Masudubele, conflict of interest and double booking at Cannes Film Festival and the London trip which had nothing to do with NFVF core business. The Council Member has since resigned and the Council has to pursue this matter. 25
CHALLENGES AND INTERVENTIONS DAC INTERVENTION PROGRESS An anonymous correspondence from concerned staff of the NFVF pleading once more for the Minister’s intervention on a number of issues A formal correspondence has been forwarded to the NFVF Council to apprise the Ministry on the allegations raised. The NFVF has committed to respond to the Ministerial correspondence as a matter of urgency. 26
CHALLENGES AND INTERVENTIONS DAC INTERVENTION PROGRESS Correspondence from 8 of the 11 Council members requesting Minister to invoke Section 6 (6) of the NFVF Act 1997 by removing three of the Council members. Minister convened a meeting with the Council on 20 September 2018 to resolve the issues between the Council members The Council has committed to working together to resolve their differences and to focus on the mandate of the NFVF as a strategic national interest. Minister tasked the Council to prepare a position paper which will inform the Ministry on how to use the film industry as a major contributor to the economy. This position paper will be presented by the Minister during the BRICS Ministers of Culture meeting which is scheduled for end of October 2018. 27