My Job © 2011 Past perfect tense is used to express action completed in the past. Le plus que parfait est utilisé pour exprimer une action achevée dans le passé. Had done Past When I arrived at cinema, the film had started. She had lived in China before she went to Thailand. When we had finished dinner, we went out.
My Job © 2011 We form the past perfect tense by using the auxilliary verb had and the -ed form of the regular verb (the past participle) irregular verb forms have to be learned. pour composer le passé simple parfait il faut utiliser lauxiliaire «had» et placer la terminaison «ed» à la fin du verbe. Certains verbes étant irréguliers, il faut les conjuguer au participe passé suivant leur conjugaison spécifique» Simple past tensePast continuous tensePast perfect tense I did my cooking.I was doing my cooking.I had done my cooking. He did his project.He was doing his project. He had done his project. They did their practice.They were doing their practice? They had done their practice.
My Job © 2011 Positive formNegative form I had worked hard.I had not worked hard.
My Job © 2011 I had seen him before. He had anticipated this happening. He had left before I came. The sun had risen.
My Job © 2011 You had not studied for the test. Ans: _____ you _____ studied for the test? He had not clean her flat when she came home. Ans: _____he _____ cleaned her flat when she came home? She had not swum across the lake. Ans: _______ she ____ swum across the lake? We had decided not to stay here. Ans: ______ we decided _____to stay here?