SCG 19-20 May 2005 CIRCA review
The need and the objective New activities, new people creating folders, uploading documents, … Objective: review and agree a new structure and a common way to work with CIRCA, to meet current CIS work programme needs Scope: new structure and assignment of responsibilities, build on the current scheme
Key ideas on structure Builds on current structure Each folder level should contain items of similar relevance or importance Avoid duplication of documents (using hyperlinks). Divide public folders into subjects (e.g. groundwater, ecological status, priority substances, etc.) CIS Working folders should reflect work programme and their structure should be more or less the same
Proposal for root folder Current structure A - Help for CIRCA B - Water Framework Directive library C - Water Directors D - Strategic co-ordination group E - Working groups F - Pilot River Basin G - Experts Advisory Forum H - International River Basin Conventions I - Other International Conventions J - Other documents Marine Strategy WFD - Team WFD Committee - Article 21 WISE-GIS Workshop - Implementation of the WFD addressed to AC Y - Floods Action Programme Stakeholder meetings Z - Floods Action Programme library Proposed structure A – Help for CIRCA B – Water Framework Directive Library C – Water Directors D – Strategic Co-ordination Group E – WFD Committee F – Working groups and Expert Advisory Forum G – International River Basins Conventions H – WFD Team I – Other documents J – Marine strategy K – Floods Action Programme
Proposal for Public Library Current structure a - Legislative texts b - Implementation Strategy Documents c - Guidance documents d - Implementation documents of Member States e - Other documents on implementation f - Workshops g - Information material - maps, leaflets and brochures h - Presentations/transparencies i - WFD Logo j - Economic Training Products k - Documents on Flood Prevention and Protection l-Consultation priority substances-Economic impacts m-BACKGROUND INFORMATION CALL FOR TENDER PRIORITY SUBSTANCES n - Groundwater Working Group Reports o - Reporting Guidance z-WFD Newsletter Proposed structure d - Information material e - Newsletter f - Miscellaneous documents g – Workshops m - Ecological status and intercalibration n - Integrated river basin management o - Groundwater p - Reporting q - Priority substances r - Flood prevention and protection s - WFD and agriculture t - Pilot River Basins u - Economic issues v – Research
Proposal for Working Groups and EAF folders Current structure Chemical Monitoring Activity Flooding - best practices guidance New WG 2.A - Ecological Status New WG 2.A - Eutrophication Activity New WG 2.B - IRBM New WG 2.C - Groundwater New WG 2.D - Reporting Wetlands WG 2.1 Analysis of pressures and impacts WG 2.2 Heavily modified water bodies WG 2.3 Reference conditions inland surface water WG 2.4 Typology, classification of transitional, coastal waters WG 2.5 Intercalibration WG 2.6 Economic analysis WG 2.7 Monitoring WG 2.8 Tools on assessment, classification of groundwater WG 2.9 Best practices in river basin planning WG 3.1 Geographical Information Systems Working group leaders meetings a - Expert Advisory Forum Priority Substances b - Expert Advisory Forum Ground Water c - Expert Advisory Forum Reporting d - EAF deliverables 2002 Proposed structure a - WG A Ecological Status b - WG B IRBM c - WG C Groundwater d - WG D Reporting e - WG E Priority Substances f - Chemical monitoring activity g - EAF on Flood Protection h - WFD and agriculture i - Integration of other policies j - Environmental objectives z - WG under work programme 2002/03
Key ideas on responsibilities Structure of Levels 0 and 1 should be agreed and fixed: Level 0: Root Level 1: Public library Level 1: CIS Working Groups … WGL are responsible for maintaining the structure in their own folder and to upload the documents
Profiles From 30 profiles to 6: Leader: WFD Team and consultants Water Director and SCG Members: Water Directors, WFD Committee, SCG members and others appointed by WD or SCG rep. WG leader: all leaders of the various working groups and activity groups, EAF, Strategic Groups. WG member: members participating in any CIS group or activity and experts granted this access level by their respective SCG representative. Observer: experts not directly involved in the CIS process that explicitly request access due to specific interest: water management administration officials from Member States, participants in relevant research projects, etc. Case by case assessment by DG ENV.
Profiles Profile Library Directory Events Leader Edit all Water Director Access all Access SCG member WG Leader Access all and edit own folder WG member Observer Access partial
Membership 1. Applicant: Self register 2. Applicant: Apply for membership (email or web form) As observer As WG member or higher 3. Consultant: Fulfil criteria? Yes No 3. WD or SCG rep: Send email to DG ENV with new member name and email Not clear 4. Consultant: grant observer status and communicate to DG ENV 4.Consultant: send to DG ENV for assessment 4. Consultant: deny observer status 4. Consultant or DG ENV: change profile of new member (and communicate to WG Leaders in case of WG member) NOTE: ‘Consultant’ refers to CIRCA Administrator
Process Draft document for consultation: end April Consultation with WGL and other CIRCA users SCG 19-20 May WGL propose thematic sub-folders (end June) WGL clean old folders and documents Consultant will apply changes: second week of August (CIRCA will not be available)