Perinatal Outreach Education PROJECT Dr. Shauna Popson West Virginia Wesleyan College
Educational Activities Substance Abuse Presentations by Stephanie Nicodemus, CNM, Dr. Mike Stitely, and Dr. Stefan Maxwell Wheeling, Weirton, Thomas Memorial, Raleigh County Medical Association Stephanie presented at the 2010 Spring Continuing Education Conference for Social Workers Conference on Maternal and Infant Mental Health at Sharp Hospital, Weston—Dr. Maxwell Web-ex webinar to be posted this summer with CEUs and CMEs
Answering the Questions of Perinatal Illicit Substance Exposure Presented by Sandra Young, DNP, RNC Where: Wheeling Hospital, Conference Room – C When: April 26, Tuesday Time: 11:30 AM until 12:45 PM (Light lunch provided) Where: Reynolds Medical Center Community Room Time: 7 AM until 8:15 AM (breakfast provided) Objectives: At the conclusion of this educational offering, the participant will be able to: 1. Identify times when further actions should be taken to assess for substance use during pregnancy. 2. Describe methods of identification of substance exposure. 3. Identify signs and symptoms of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome. 4. Discuss resources for treatment when substance exposure has been identified.
Dr. Shailini Singh Grand Rounds at WVU--OB GYN “A Novel Approach in the Management of Pregnancy Associated with Metabolic Syndrome and Decreasing Perinatal Morbidity due to Preeclampsia and Prematurity”
POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE: Review and Simulation Experience Dr. Jay Bringman Dr. Michael Stitely Describe common causes, risk factors, and signs & symptoms of postpartum hemorrhage Describe conservative management of uterine atony and abnormal placentation Review strategies of blood product replacement Describe the management of advanced ectopic pregnancy and abnormal placental attachment Participants will practice direct uterine pressure. MDs will practice damage control surgical techniques
Presenters in action!
Networking….. Posters that details our mission and your work… Breastfeeding Symposium—June 2010 Maternal and Infant Mental Health Conference--July 2010 Growing Healthy Children Conference—August 2010 WV Perinatal Summit—November 2010 Newborn Day—April 2011 Women’s Conference—May 2011 Multidisciplinary and Multi-agency focus.. WV Go Sane-Foundation for Rape Information Services Jim Matney with WVSBIRT Clinical Project Director Bureau for Behavioral Health and Health Facilities and Janine Breyel and her committee Shenandoah University—affiliation with WV Wesleyan to establish a midwifery program and nurse practitioner in psychiatric nursing WV Breastfeeding Alliance—working with Cinny Kittle on Road Show Working with Ann Dacey on Hospital Assessments Piloted a Community Baby Shower in Upshur County with nursing students
Nurse Manager Survey I. Priority of Topics Identified Needs: Advanced Fetal Monitoring (8) AWHONN Standards of Care (10) Postpartum Hemorrhage (8) Preeclampsia (7) Tool Kit for Neonatal Resuscitation (5) STABLE (1 day course) (5) Conducted April and May 2011 on Survey Monkey
Second Areas of Interest: Limiting Late Pre-term Deliveries Diabetes in Pregnancy Postpartum Depression, mood and Anxiety Disorders High Touch Nursing Care During Labor and Delivery Moderate to Low Interest in: Use of Progesterone to reduce PTL Breastfeeding for Health Care Providers Skin-to-Skin After Birth Domestic Violence Screening
II. EducationAl Format
II. Educational Format
II. Educational Format
III. Educational Resources
NuRsINg GraNd Rounds??
Future Plans for 2011-2012 Better diagnosis of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome thereby preventing uncontrolled withdrawal. Better identification of women who are abusing illicit substances through skilled interviews so that prenatal treatment can occur and baby is born without NAS. Improvement in fetal monitoring skills to prevent fetal hypoxia. Timely and appropriate intervention during the emergency of postpartum hemorrhage that will prevent anemia, DIC, and emergency hysterectomies, or loss of life. Targeted training for community-based nurses to stabilize and care for premature, or ill neonates until transport arrives. Improve adherence to AWHONN’s Standards among the delivering hospitals. Care and treatment of the preeclamptic mother to prevent morbidity and mortality.