The project Growing up together 15 th September 2018 – 30th May 2019 MINISTERUL EDUCAŢIEI NAȚIONALE.I DEPARTAMENTUL PENTRU PREGĂTIREA PERSONALULUI DIDACTIC . The project Growing up together 15 th September 2018 – 30th May 2019
Necessary 21st century key competences developed within the project Linguistic competences in the mother tongue Learning competences Civic, interpersonal, social and intercultural competences Competences regarding cultural expression
Objectives: The functioning of the WISH club for: 1.The guidance of the younger colleagues in descovering the multicultural city we live in ; 2.Creating a cultural event ,that determined us to reflect upon common social aspects, beyond our different cultural identities.
Who are we? Class X A, vocational profile, specialization primary – kindergarten teachers – 28 girls who want to discover how we can make our little colleagues from the school learn the fact that living together means building bonds between the values of your culture and those from other cultures
Activities through which objective 1 is achieved The guidance of the younger colleagues in discovering the interculturality of the city we live in Preparing together informative materials for our colleagues about the streets and the neighbourhoods of the city, about the main objectives that reflect different cultures and religions ( September, Octoberber 2018) The guided tour of the city (November 2018) Visits to churches, museums, art galleries (December 2018, January 2019) Viewing performances at the Merlin Theatre ( December 2018, January, February 2019) Period: 15 th September 2018 – 15th February 2019
Activities through which objective 2 is achieved - the visibil cultural product of the project Creating a cultural event that determined us to reflect upon common social problems, beyond our different cultural identities * Gender discrimination in different societies * Human rights and their flagrant violation * Education and culture – main factors for building up a better world
Creating the event (January 2019). The Project Creating the event (January 2019) The Project *Stars: the books and the night * Discussions regarding the activities which will motivate reading and the debates about the ideas from the books Conceperea evenimentului (ianuarie 2019) Proiectul *Stele: cărțile și noaptea*
Selection of the participants (January2019) class X A from Colegiul Național Pedagogic ”Carmen Sylva” from Timișoara (teachers Elena Jebelean, Corina Crișan, Sorin Codaț) class X A from Liceul Pedagogic ”Regele Ferdinand” from Sighetu Marmației (teacher Odarca Bout) The two classes from the primary school that collaborated for achieving objective 1
Preparing the event (February, March, April 2019) 1.Reading and discussing the books Feminist(ă), feminists, by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie –Black Button Books Publishing House , 2016 Sold at 13, by Patricia McCormick, Art Publishing House, 2018 2.Highlighting the favourite ideas/excerpts and marking them with ”stars” 3.Fill in at the end of the book
Advertising the event –attracting the public (May 2019) – After our advertising campaign Radio Timișoara recorded the debate from 16 May and broadcast it within ”Cultura la doi pași”; The poet Șerban Foarță,in the second part of the cultural event, read from his reedited volume at Brumar Publishing House , A castle in Spain for Ania ; At the event participated a great number of students, teachers, parents, journalists, and important people from the city.
The ongoing of the cultural event (16 May 2019) *Debate starting from the ideas found in the books.
* Reading and interpreting some favourite excertps
*Counting the stars
*Discussions with the poet Șerban Foarță about his volume , inspired by famous paintings
* The intervention of the younger collaborators from the preparatory class
*Interventions from the collaborators from the public
*Autographs and photos
* The second type of stars
*Echoes Organizing a photo exhibition which reflects the event Broadcasting the recording from Radio Timișoara (May 2019) Diary pieces of writing about the event– making them public on the school’s site , on Facebook (May 2019), including them in the volume Timișoara narrates... (8), which will be released in October 2019, when celebrating the school’s centenary . From these diary pieces of writing, we invite you to listen to some excerpts. Thank you for your attention !