Roanoke Valley Amateur Radio Club Welcome Roanoke Valley Amateur Radio Club
Amateur Radio License Exam Preparation Course Technician Sponsored by the Roanoke Valley Amateur Radio Club
What to expect from this course? Prepare to take the Element 2 written exam Discuss topics covered by the Element 2 question pool Talk about basic amateur radio operation Class resources
YOU What do YOU expect from this class? How can I help you with this class? Why are you here?
Class Outline T1 - 6 questions - FCC Rules, descriptions, and definitions for the Amateur Radio Service, operator and station license responsibilities. T2 - 3 questions - Operating Procedures. T3 - 3 questions - Radio wave characteristics: properties of radio waves; propagation modes. T4 - 2 exam questions - Amateur radio practices and station set up. T5 - 4 exam questions - Electrical principles: math for electronics; electronic principles; Ohm’s Law. T6 - 4 exam questions - Electrical components; circuit diagrams; component functions. T7 - 4 exam questions - Station equipment: common transmitter and receiver problems; antenna measurements; troubleshooting; basic repair and testing. T8 - 4 exam questions - Modulation modes: amateur satellite operation; operating activities; non-voice and digital communications. T9 - 2 exam questions - Antennas and feed lines. T0 - 3 exam questions - Electrical safety: AC and DC power circuits; antenna installation; RF hazards.
Class Outline – Day 1 Distribute class resources and Introduction T1 – 6 questions – Electrical components; circuit diagrams; component functions. T6 – 4 questions – Electrical components; circuit diagrams; component functions. T5 – 4 questions – Electrical principles: math for electronics; electronic principles; Ohm’s Law. T3 – 3 questions – Radio wave characteristics: properties of radio waves; propagation modes.
Class Outline – Day 2 T2 – 3 questions – Operating Procedures. T4 – 2 questions – Amateur radio practices and station set up. T7 – 4 questions – Station equipment: common transmitter and receiver problems; antenna measurements; troubleshooting; basic repair and testing. T8 – 4 questions – Modulation modes: amateur satellite operation; operating activities; non-voice and digital communications.
Class Outline – Day 3 T9 – 2 questions – Antennas and feed lines. T0 – 3 questions – Electrical safety: AC and DC power circuits; antenna installation; RF hazards. Practice tests and follow up discussion
How will this class be taught? Teach to pass the exam vs learning in depth Repeating and memorization Emergency communicator vs hobby 424 questions for a 35 question exam Very few formulas to learn Many repeated types of questions
Will this class teach me everything? The learning experience undergone by active hams only begins with the examination process. The ham's extent of knowledge is not frozen in time only by what he knew during the exam. It continues to grow and grow as he gains more experience. -Fred Laun, K3ZO
Will this class teach me everything? The material is in the book...just like Reading Rainbow promised. Pick up the book, read it, ask other hams questions on the things you don’t understand. You are responsible for your own education.
But what about the material? Get one of the books on the material and theory. Read and study that on your own and bring your questions to class where we will discuss them.
But what about the Material No Nonsense ! Technician Class By KB6NU Dan Romanchik FREE PDF version
Element 2 Examination 35 multiple choice questions 27 correct answers needed to pass 424 questions in the pool All questions are in the Cliffs Notes Each question's answer choices are randomized Tests are different each session
How to study to pass the exam Read the assignments Questions do not build on one another How the class will be conducted Slide presentations Q&A at the end of each section Correct Answers will be given Questions from class Keep to class subject matter Remember class time limits
Amateur Radio Handheld Transceiver Base Transceiver Portable Low power Battery power Mobile Transceiver Vehicle mounted Medium power Powered by vehicle Base Transceiver Fixed station High power 120 volt power Repeater Retransmits input on a different frequency Elevated location 120 volt power with emergency backup
A repeater is a device used to retransmit amateur radio signals. Offset + 600 kHz Input Freq 146.385 MHz Output Freq 146.985 MHz 60 miles
Practice Test Resources ARRL Review by subelement QRZ Gives correct answers as you go eHam Like taking the real test AA9PW Gives the most info—shows where you need to study
How To Study Watch the presentation and study the questions After reviewing the presentation, take the practice test for that sub-category If you score >85%, move on to the next sub-element If you score <85%, review the presentation again and take another practice test
ARRL Create an exam review Follow the instructions exactly Review for Exam General Review for Exam Review by Subelement Select Groups from individual Subelements Select All Check your percentage correct on the right side once finished Goal is to consistently score higher than 85%
ARRL Use the practice tests offered for this class Register for an account Practice tests can be found under Resources Take practice tests until consistently making 85% or better is a resource you will probably use a lot as a ham After reviewing the presentation, take the practice test for that sub-category Practice test by subelement, groups of subelements, or a full exam If you score >85%, move on to the next sub-element If you score <85%, review the presentation again and take another practice test Use after finishing five subelements It gives you the most information It gives you the % of each subelement Take the test three times Write down the results of each test and average Restudy any subelement you score less than 85%
Let's get started!