Question words
Who Qui Does not take est-ce que Takes 3 rd person sing. conjugation Here who is the subject.
Who is talking? Qui parle?
Whom Qui It can be a direct object. It can be the object of a preposition. You will use est-ce que with it. There will be another subject.
Whom do you love? Qui est-ce que tu aimes?
What Quest-ce que It is a direct object. It already contains est-ce que. There will be another subject.
What is that? Quest-ce que cest ça?
When Quand Uses est-ce que When are we studying? Quand est-ce que nous étudions?
Where Où Takes est-ce que unless it is followed by a conjugation of être. Where is the party? Où est la fête?
Why Pourquoi Uses est-ce que Why does he have big ears? Pourquoi est-ce qu il a les grandes oreilles?
How Comment Takes est-ce que unless followed by être. How is your father? Comment est ton père?
How much/ how many Combien / combien de Takes est-ce que How many children do you have? Combien denfants est-ce que tu as?